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Guest Japes

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I'm with Dat. I almost wrote the same thing yesterday but held off. Nobody's opinion matters except yours, and it's too early to know what you're going to want in a wax. Get a kit from a good supplier and make a candle.

Regarding WYW, it's like any other good scent line except that it's more uniformly expensive than most lines made specifically for candles. It's priced more like B&B scents, and there are even good B&B lines that are cheaper on the average.

Does that mean it's not worth it? Not at all. If you get serious about making candles you'll be searching high and low for just the right FOs and it will always be worth it when you find one that you like and can use in the right quantity. Some of those could be WYW scents. You can only try and see.

It's also impossible to make sweeping generalizations about the strength of any scent line. That's more for marketing purposes. The nature of the beast is that the amount of throw depends on the fragrance. It's not possible to make them all the same strength. The chemistry of it is more complicated than that.

I'm fond of another line that is recommended at 3% to 5%, but I have to test each scent to figure out how much to use. There are a few (not many) that I can use at 3% and some that aren't strong enough for my purposes at 6%.

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Guest Japes

Everyone has been wonderful, except really, for Dat. Dat, last I checked, this is a message board to help others. Clearly you have to use trial and error, however, a helping hand one way or another never killed anyone and your response of "just go make the candle and leave everyone alone" is not really called for, or appreciated for that matter.

To everyone else, you are WONDERFUL and have given me quite a few points from which to start.

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Guest Japes

TopOfMurrayHill. What is that other line that you are fond of?

By the way, everyone who agrees with Dat. If it were as simple as "go make it and shut up" as Dat has said in not so many words, I wouldn't have even learned about the candle kit that I just bought, that was recommended on here. This is a msg board. If I can't ask opinions on oils and waxes, what good is the board?

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Easy Japes. I don't think that Dat meant it the way you took it. But just trying to let you know that trial and error is the only way that YOUR candles are going to be the best they can be. This board is full of awesome people full of all kinds of info but what works for one doesn't work for all. Try your kit make LOTS of notes and if something doesn't work they way you thought it should this IS the place to get help.

Welcome to the Board!!!

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TopOfMurrayHill. What is that other line that you are fond of?

By the way, everyone who agrees with Dat. If it were as simple as "go make it and shut up" as Dat has said in not so many words, I wouldn't have even learned about the candle kit that I just bought, that was recommended on here. This is a msg board. If I can't ask opinions on oils and waxes, what good is the board?

Honestly, I don't think that is what Dat was trying to say. Certainly not the 'shut up' part. Honest.:grin2:

I think what he/she was saying (sorry Dat, don't know if you're a chick or a dude) is that what works for others sometimes, for reasons only the Candle Gods know, won't work for you. For instance, there is one scent company that everyone raves over that just doesn't work for me. Don't know why. I know that their scents are high quality and they work for others. Just. Not. Me.

Dat's saying just jump in with both feet. WYW scents are great for me, but you might find that you don't like them at all. Just a matter of trial and error.:grin2:

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Hi Japes! Welcome to the board! Although I am pretty new to the board and candlemaking, I did alot of research on candlemaking and the components before ordering anything. It sounds like you want to make a great candle but are a little hazy on how to do it. I've never bought a kit, so I can't personally vouch for them. However, they do seem like a wonderful way to have all or most of the things to make a candle.

Anyhow, waxes have different characteristics. It might help to read the manufacturer's and/or distributer's description. Also, price, local availability, or shipping to your area, msg. board comments on the wax, and don't forget to do a background check since it'll be working for you... just kidding! :grin2:

Wicks, research and sampler packs! Mmmm samplers, ooops! Wicks, not Whitman's!

FO, same. This seems to take the most time and money, IMO.

So basically, lots of R&D. Take the time and make it your own, and have fun!

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Take some time to visit supplier sites and read through their wax characteristics. There are a few paraffin blends out there. See what appeals to you most. J-50 is a popular easy to use wax. Ugggh then there is the wicking process, guess Ill save that for another post lol!

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Everyone has been wonderful, except really, for Dat. Dat, last I checked, this is a message board to help others. Clearly you have to use trial and error, however, a helping hand one way or another never killed anyone and your response of "just go make the candle and leave everyone alone" is not really called for, or appreciated for that matter.

To everyone else, you are WONDERFUL and have given me quite a few points from which to start.

Where do you read this? Dude or dudette ... do not know which you are ... Dat's advice is probably the best you've been given ... i.e. get your feet wet so you know which way to go, what to improve on, what to change, what worked for you, what didn't ... KWIM?

You keep asking for answers to questions that everyone has already told you there's no clear cut answer for, so just jump in and try. Somehow I missed that Dat told you to shut up and whatever else the rest of the wording was you conjured out of her saying.

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Everyone has been wonderful, except really, for Dat. Dat, last I checked, this is a message board to help others. Clearly you have to use trial and error, however, a helping hand one way or another never killed anyone and your response of "just go make the candle and leave everyone alone" is not really called for, or appreciated for that matter.

To everyone else, you are WONDERFUL and have given me quite a few points from which to start.

The truth is, that most of your questions could be answered by doing a little reading. Trust me, you aren't the first nor will you be the last person to come to the board and ask these same questions, therefore, there are literally hundreds upon hundreds of threads that will help you with that starting point you want. Nobody here told you to "leave everyone alone" but I guarantee that there are a whole bunch of folks who would appreciate it if you were willing to research your questions a bit rather than expecting question after question after question to be answered so that we can help you do what we have already done. "Just jump in and do it" is the best advice you will get here. And as to another of your comments.. YES if you would have done some research you would have found many threads suggesting that you buy a kit.. too many to count. I see that there are some folks that are willing to sit here and spoon feed you the answers you are wanting, so I am sure that this will fall upon "deaf ears" so to speak, but for your own good, I really would hope that you will take the time to use the search function on this board and see what our trials and errors have yielded.

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Guest Japes

Wow, PrairieJean, thanks for the advice, mom. Do I need to go to my room now?

My goodness, if you have no desire to help, just don't post to the thread. Why is that so tough to understand?

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Wow, PrairieJean, thanks for the advice, mom. Do I need to go to my room now?

My goodness, if you have no desire to help, just don't post to the thread. Why is that so tough to understand?

Why must we stir up unneccessary trouble. Sound advice has been passed along to you. Take it or leave it...that is your choice.

BTW..who is PrairieJean? :laugh2:

Why do alot of folks wear the feelings on their sleeve...Geesh.

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Wow, PrairieJean, thanks for the advice, mom. Do I need to go to my room now?

My goodness, if you have no desire to help, just don't post to the thread. Why is that so tough to understand?

Well that was uncalled for....rather rude IMO.

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It was rather rude. PrairieAnnie's advice was very sound. Once you start making candles you'll determine what's best for you. There is no exact formulation. Different wicks, waxes and scents work differently for different folks.

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Guest Japes

My point is a simple one. What I'm asking for is YOUR OPINION. This is not a science, it's an art, so, it goes without saying that I'm only asking for your opinion, as opposed to fact, so I don't see the need to clarify that what works for you, might not work for me.

I'm not sure why this is so difficult to understand, or why my simple request to stay out of the thread, if you don't have something of a useful nature to input, is not being heeded. It's simple, give me your opinions (not fact, and not MY opinions...YOUR OPINIONS), or please, simply don't post in my thread.

I'm asking for starting points, advice, help, and opinions. That's all. It goes without saying that those are only starting points, and that I will need to test for myself.

Again, I will kindly ask that you simply not post, if my questions bother you, or you have nothing better than "Please test for yourself" (paraphrased) to say.

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Guest Japes

What are you, eleven years old? Wow. Some of these responses (certainly not all of them) are bordering on the absurd.

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Though I am reluctant to answer your questions,I find it is going to be hard for you to get the information you seek because your attitude is just simply awful. I will try to answer your questions the best I can. To be honest you are looking for a lot of vague information(though don't get me wrong I do understand why)

1. Soy Wax- you can try Golden Brands 415 (though depending on who you choose for a supplier they may call it something different) What part of the country are you in? That might help narrow down an exact name for you.

2. As for paraffin I don't use it so I am not sure, but have heard rave reviews about Greenleafs 70/30 blend which is soy and paraffin

3. I use several suppliers can't really say that one is better then the other, but I get my supplies from either Southern Scentsations or Bitter Creek North. I am hoping to decide on fragrances to order from Peak since I have also heard rave reviews about their accuracy.

4. As for accessories again I am not sure what part of the country you are in, my suggestion would be to check out some craft fairs and see what other chandlers in your area are carrying, in all actuality you could carry burners, wick snuffers, wick clippers, etc and they may just sit there and collect dust.

5. Not sure what you mean for pouring the oil, if it is what temp do you add your scent that would depend on the scent, heavier oils need to be added at slightly higher temps in order to bind then lighter oils. I add my oils between 170-175 depending on the oil. If it is what temp to pour the wax at then that would depend on the wax you use. I use GB 415 I pour at about 100, but some waxes can be poured at higher temps. Sorry I don't have any information on those for you.

As for the type and size of wick that honestly will depend on what you choose to start with whether it be soy or paraffin, what fragrance you are going to use, any dye(if you choose to use) and last but not least what jar you intend to use and what its measurements are. This is something I don't think you can get an opinion on with out your candle makeup, if you understand where I am going with this. I think once you decide on your starting point with the rest then someone will be able to give you their opinion on what wick might work for your combination. An 8 oz jj with heavy FO and dye will take a larger wick then one that is uncolored and unscented.

I have learned that to get responses to your questions you need to be specific, chandlers are very protective of their "recipes" these ladies and gentleman have worked very hard to obtain the knowledge that they have and do not mind sharing what they have obtained as long as they are sure that you have done your homework so to speak. They are not going to just give someone their trade secrets, trial and error is what sets each of us apart, because they are right, what works for someone in Arizona is not necessarily going to work for me here in MI since the climate is so different.

An honest quote that has gotten people far in life and I think everyone should live by is that you can attract more bees with honey than vinegar. Though you may have felt that your post was innocent others may feel that you wanted them to walk you through step by step, no person uses the same formula or ingredients to make their candle. I would suggest a good place to go to get some information is the candle cauldron. They have a vast amount of information, it may not work for you, but it will be a starting point.

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I post in any thread that I want, you cant stop any of us from doing that. My OPINION is based on 29 years of candle making. Why should I give it to you if your dont respest my 29 years in the art/craft? If you saw a candle maker at a local show and walked up to them and gave them your list of questions do you really think they would give you their supplier list? Do you really think that ANY person making a living from this craft would give you a supplier list before you even read up on and decide what kind of candle you want to start with? You are SOOOO far out of line. Im pretty sure that you are screwed on this board for getting any information from the full timers who really know the what, how and where of candle making based on your lack of listening and your replies in this post. If I wanted to learn about another craft ie: glass blowing or pottery throwing ect I would never go to one of their boards and do what you have done here. You should walk in slow and not blast questions at them all at once. Most members here read posts for weeks before they even make their first post or ask their first question. If you want to learn you dont piss off people that know the answers to your questions. You dont make a list and EXPECT answers. You STUDY the answers that are already here! You sound just like my kids, they expect the answers without doing the work to find the answers.... aint gona happen. You have it so easy now days with the internet right at your fingertips. Yes this is a message board, maybe you should read it sometime you might learn something, i have.

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Dat answered with the best intentions.

Dat is right.

Dat is dat.

He he he he he he....Japes...you have just entered the wonderful world of wax and "wax warriors"...I know that you are new to this and anxious to make great candles....well, I have been doing this for over 11 years and trust me, I am still trying to make the perfect candle. Oh...I can make a candle...that's not an issue, but trying to improve my product will always be part of my life. I think where you will find the most help is if you actually make a candle. Period. Then burn it and take notes. Then post a picture of it in the gallery and tell people what you did and how you feel about it. Then everyone here will know just how serious you are and can see for their own eyes that you made a candle. If it looks good, has a nice melt pool, doesn't smoke....smells great...but you will only know that once you have jumped in. (not literally, don't jump into the wax or you will be sorry...I keep aloe plants all over my studio).....No one can tell you exactly to do. The more you get into this the more you find out how much you don't know. Every wax is different....even if they appear to be the same....there are so many to choose from and each will produce a different result...slightly or dramatic. Someone once told me that it's all in the way you hold your tongue when pouring. In other words, what works for one person may not work for you. Candlemaking is really art and science. You have to learn both. After 11 years of doing this I have to say that when I try something new I can hardly wait to get out of bed the next day and run over to the studio and un mold my new creation. I am not tired of this or of learning new things to do with wax. Good luck to you...I hope other new candle makers are reading this too....I spend hours and hours reading posts in the archives. I actually enjoy it. Donita

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