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Pumpkin N Cream


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Got an order for a log of soap... I got to do another funky soap! I did one for Thanksgiving, and it sold out quickly. But I want the top from the other soap and the bottom of this soap!

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Good work Bunny!!! Oh gosh that looks yummy! Now I am hungry LOL! Forgive the newbie question but when you pour the top layer(white)is it like when making candles you have to pour it hotter to get the layers to stick?

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It's just a regular layered soap... I seperated my batch, 1/3 in a seperate bowl, 2/3 left in the pot. Pumpkin puree in the pot with the fo's, TD in the bowl with no fo (cause my blend discolors a bit). Stickblend the first til it's super thick and will hold the next layer. Brought the white to a meduim trace, then used the whisk attachement to give the soap soft peaks. If it doesn't peak it's ok, just pour it over the back of a spoon to not disturb the bottom layer. (I got kinda lazy with this one though, but didn't with the first)

KMommy, you would soap at your normal temps, the pouring temp really doesn't matter in this one like layered candles.

I've heard of people making seperate batches of soap and waiting a day between each layer, but I've also heard of some troubles of layers seperating that way too. Never tried it, I'm entirely too impatient to make soap like that!


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