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MSN Search results - Wooohooo!


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MSN search results today.

If you type in soy body butter....Im #5 AND #7 on the First page baby:yay:

If you type in soy soap...Im #4 on the First Page!!!

If you type in soy lotion...Im #3 on the First Page!!!

Woooohooo. Now if I can get the same results in google, I would be set:shocked2:

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Congrats on your high rankings in MSN!

Now if I can get the same results in google, I would be set:shocked2:
Yeah, I wish this too. I have a similar problem - you can find me in MSN but not in Google. This frustrates me because I know most people (including myself) use Google. I never use MSN when I'm looking for something.
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Good for you! I love it when hard work pays off, I'm so impressed. I have also found that Google is so very difficult to optimize for. I get SEO newsletters from a few different sources, and everyone agrees that Google makes no sense and is incredibly difficult to target for rank.

I hope you see much increased traffic to your site because of your success!

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I was shocked that my very amateur site comes up #4 on Google if you search for handmade soaps and the name of my town. #7 on Google search for lotion and the name of my town.

Unfortunately, I don't think too many people are going to search for Handmade soap from my little town of 5,000:p


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Unfortunately, I don't think too many people are going to search for Handmade soap from my little town of 5,000


Someone who knows who you are but can't remember the exact name of your store will do such a search. And they may not necessarily be from your little town. I'm not highly ranked but try to look on the bright side while working on becoming more easily found.

Jeana - I would say Yahoo is in between Google and MSN. I can find myself on Yahoo but don't get many hits from there, probably because most potential visitors use a different search engine.

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It takes a while so you just have to be patient. I can't figure out Google's search method either, because I can type in one phrase in MSN and be on the 1st page, yet type in the same phrase in Google and can't seem to be found at all. Additionally, Google doesn't seem to index as often as MSN does, meaning any changes you make will take longer to be reflected.

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