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New to the forums from Baltimore

Ak Wolf

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Hello all! My name is Michelle and I am new to making candles and have been experimenting with different soy waxes.  I have been doing alot of research on the forums as i have been going.  And am developing a love hate relationship with my new found hobby just trying to find the right combinations.  But this forum has been providing some interesting tips for some of the issues i have been having and am looking forward to improving my craft with some assistance of all of you of course!



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On 2/15/2019 at 2:51 PM, Ak Wolf said:

Hello all! My name is Michelle and I am new to making candles and have been experimenting with different soy waxes.  I have been doing alot of research on the forums as i have been going.  And am developing a love hate relationship with my new found hobby just trying to find the right combinations.  But this forum has been providing some interesting tips for some of the issues i have been having and am looking forward to improving my craft with some assistance of all of you of course!



Hello Wolf and welcome.   Your in the right place for sure.

I am very curious on something.   Being that you are brand new to candlemaking and are experimenting with wax blends, could you describle what you have been doing as far as blends go to make you develop a love hate relationship.  When did you first start out in making candles?    The date????? What have you been doing and why are you coming to such quick judgements being that in this wax world it is a natural given that this type of adventure is a very time consuminng thing.   How are you arriving at your conclusions?   What waxes have you tried?   What are your procedures?   Have you done testings with oils or without oils?   Any waxes that are not blends?  cure time rates?   We would better understand and maybe offer guidance if we all knew what you were dealing with since this is all brand new?   You have pictures of your findings?????   Are you not liking the looks of the tops after when poured?    What about scents?   Do they throw?



Edited by Trappeur
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I started with Palm wax maybe 6-8 months ago, havent made a ton just as a hobby for my own personal use in jars.  I recently, about a month ago, i wanted to experiment with Soy wax in tins.  SO i started with C-3 and the 464.  My love hate, is basically...i love the art of making the candles and then comes the frustrating part...my technical errors in learning these waxes. 


1. My first attempt at pouring the two waxes, I heated 1lb wax 185 added color at 180 and then added the FO at 170, stirred and then poured at 135 in 8 oz tins and tried a 6oz jar.  I did this same process for both types of waxes except different FO since i only had 1oz of each FO, and also to find a starting point.  The tops turned out smooth in the 464,, i was expecting the worst since i dont know this wax, so i was excited.  Then i looked at the C-3 and that needs some work those werent smooth, little on the rough side.  i will have to add pics tonight.

2. i let them cure for about a week and then i started to test just the tins.  I have CD and ECO wicks so i am still trying to figure out, which ones work best.  For the 464 used CD14, CD12.  The CD14 seemed to be a winner until i got to the 3rd test burn, it was flickering alot and some soot was coming from the flame within an hour.  The CD 12, i messed up and stopped it after two hours because the melt pool was maybe 2".  I now realize i should have took it to the 3 hours to see if it would get there.   For the C-3 i used ECO 14 and ECO 12, my main issue with the C-3 is it looked like a dried up orange slice after it dried from burning.  The cold throw i am finding is best in the 464.  but both are decent.  The hot throw was also better in the 464 but then again my wicks werent the right sizes, so i need to make some adjustments on that before i can really assess. 


I have CD wicks and ECO wicks.  I think for the 464 i should now try the CD10 and maybe retry the CD12?  The C-3 i may put off experimenting with for now.  i bought only 5lbs just to see if i liked it.    


I will post pics later tonight.



Edited by Ak Wolf
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