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blending fragrance oils


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I'm new to the forum and really enjoying all the threads!  I'm wondering how you "test" blend two fragrance oils?  I read somewhere that you can get a sense of the blend by putting a drop or two of each FO on a cotton ball, but wondering how others do it.

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Fragrance blotters or even tips work well- put your blend on either of those and wrap in tinfoil and let set awhile  Then you can get a feel for needing to  adjust it at all adding more of one or another to get the Smell your looking for 

Edited by moonshine
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I have tiny glass salt cellars that I put my mix in, usually just a drop or two of each fragrance I want to mix.  I mix it up and let it sit for about 30 mins open and then I come by and sniff, dip in the tip of paper towel or qtip and sniff again, let it sit for a bit and sniff again from the qtip.   I keep removing myself to clear my nose in between sniffs.  Most times, I'm not really sure until that very last time, other times I'm in love with the first sniff.  I do not like sniffing fo OOB, I do it but you really don't get the true scent doing that and sometimes it feels like your burning your nose hairs!

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On 4/29/2018 at 6:53 PM, mzpickles said:

I use q-tips and small candle jars that I've used for testers. I also try to make sure they get a small amount of heat, either on the back of the stove or in the sun so the oils volatilize.

I do something similar........I dip a q-tip in both FOs and put in a jar or baggie.  come back several hours later, open the container and sniff,,,,,,,,,,I've added one part vanilla and one part patch (one q-tip for each scent) if I find that the sniff-test is too strong on the Patch, then I dip another q-tip in the vanilla and add that q-tip to the baggie making the ratio 2 to1(2 parts Vanilla and one part Patch)........let that set for a while and then give another sniff test....if it's what you like then your FO % is two to one (2 parts vanilla with 1 part patch)

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