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Where do you make your candles?

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I hope this is okay in here.

I'm in kind of a sticky situation, because my mother (who is an absolute neat freak) has discovered my new hobby...lol. Not that she's complaining because she loves candles, but she doesn't want them being made in her spotless kitchen. I don't have a spare bedroom or anything like that.

I'm thinking of turning my brand new shed (which did have my exercise equipment in it and is huge) into a craft room. It's air conditioned (for the HOT Mississippi summers) and heated for the winter time. It has plenty of opening for venting and is safe from rain, wind, wtc.. It also has several plug ins, lighting and such.

My question is where do you make your candles? The kitchen? A hobby room? Anything like what I am thinking of doing?

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If it works, it works, right? lol.

I'm a very organized person, so I already have shelves built onto one side and cabinets above those. Years of helping my dad with his construction buisness has taught me many things. I don't need no man to build me a shelf...lol. (Nothing against men...I find a good majority of them intelligent, thoughtful and hot...lol)

I have a very odd sense of humor. Just so you know. Oh and I laugh at myself. Yea, I'll be quit and hit the post button now. :D

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In my kitchen...... And it's not really a messy job if you lay down newspaper before you work, and keep your supplies neatly packed away. I have two wheeled carts in which I keep everything that I need. I just wheel them into the kitchen when I'm making candles, and wheel them out when I'm done.

It does take discipline though. Things can get out of hand very easily..........



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well the shed is so small & i have to put up with all the garden stuff in there

I wasn't trying to be snotty or anything (really sorry if it sounded like it). I'm just really organized, but my back porch is crammed with garden stuff. My shed would probably be overflowing is I hadn't put my foot down. I worked my butt off to pay for it and my sister was throwing in things left and right.

I just meant that we all have to make-do with what we have. :)

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I wasn't trying to be snotty or anything (really sorry if it sounded like it). I'm just really organized, but my back porch is crammed with garden stuff. My shed would probably be overflowing is I hadn't put my foot down. I worked my butt off to pay for it and my sister was throwing in things left and right.

I just meant that we all have to make-do with what we have. :)

the worst bit for me is that i live in England land of RAIN RAIN RAIN so if my idiot brother goes in their looking for something he lost and thinks mum has put in there he leaves the door open and its like look at all the stuff u could have wrecked

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Oh you have one of those too? LOL. My brother will look all over the house for something that's laying in plain sight. He's very specific in that if he opens something, it gets left open for something (water, coffee, etc.) to fall in and ruin.

I'm thinking my shed will be good though. It's set back far enough from the house that it's peaceful, but not so far back that if I start a fire or something it will be seen and I won't be all alone in my little self-built inferno.

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I work in my kitchen. DH is very gracious and puts up with the stuff laying around (most of which I hide in the oven when I'm not using it, lol). We have three bedrooms in our house, but they are being occupied by other things, and we don't have a shed or a yard big enough to have a shed (live in a townhome), so for me it's the kitchen.

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I started out in the kitchen, but mrs geek patiently waited for me to decide to move downstairs into the basement. It started out with lots of table space, but has filled up quite a bit. The refrigerator I use to hold scrap wax, molds, and whatever. Kinda looks unorganized but I know where everything is :rolleyes2

Also have a computer there and have it networked with my "server" PC upstairs and sharing the internet connection. I'm planning a major reorganizing effort before spring which will include new tables.




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Well, I need those wheeled carts!!!

In my kitchen...... And it's not really a messy job if you lay down newspaper before you work, and keep your supplies neatly packed away. I have two wheeled carts in which I keep everything that I need. I just wheel them into the kitchen when I'm making candles, and wheel them out when I'm done.

It does take discipline though. Things can get out of hand very easily..........

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In my kitchen...... And it's not really a messy job if you lay down newspaper before you work, and keep your supplies neatly packed away. I have two wheeled carts in which I keep everything that I need. I just wheel them into the kitchen when I'm making candles, and wheel them out when I'm done.

It does take discipline though. Things can get out of hand very easily..........

Im like MargaritaMama,,I use my kitchen and I have the SAME plastic carts!! My Basement has a dirt floor in it as my house was built in 1879 so the only place I can do candles is in the Kitchen,,I make the Family work around me!! LOL,,,,They dont mind eating in the living room,,,;)

But some day in a time far far away I would love to have my own heated shed,,;)

I am trying to make my Egypt room into my candle room BUT I have carpet in there,,so have not made up my mind there!!! Oh in case anyone wonders what my egypt room is,,,I have a lot of artifacts,,some replicas,,I sold on ebay @ one time,,,Some of my egyptian things will be added to my website to buy under "Garage sale" :yes:

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I started out in the kitchen, but mrs geek patiently waited for me to decide to move downstairs into the basement. It started out with lots of table space, but has filled up quite a bit. The refrigerator I use to hold scrap wax, molds, and whatever. Kinda looks unorganized but I know where everything is :rolleyes2

Also have a computer there and have it networked with my "server" PC upstairs and sharing the internet connection. I'm planning a major reorganizing effort before spring which will include new tables.


You're work space looks a lot like mine...Basement, tables, fridge...lol I do have some really handy shelves that the previous owners of this house had installed, it helps keep things neater.

I like the idea of having the presto pots elevated like that...that is handy! As soon as I finally get my spouts installed I'll do that.

Havent gotten the pc hooked up yet I need a wireless network adapter...lol...

It'll be soo nice when that happens, then I wont have to run up and down the stairs allthe time...not that it isnt good exercise...lol

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In my kitchen...... And it's not really a messy job if you lay down newspaper before you work, and keep your supplies neatly packed away. I have two wheeled carts in which I keep everything that I need. I just wheel them into the kitchen when I'm making candles, and wheel them out when I'm done.

It does take discipline though. Things can get out of hand very easily..........

I need some of those carts! Does the 3 drawer one hold 16 oz bottle of FO or do they have to go in the 2 drawer one (like JS pound bottle size)? Just wondering if the taller bottles fit.


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I used to have a very nice formal dinning room until I sold all the furniture and pretty stuff and bought counters and cabinets and had dh build me a candle making studio! Before that I was in the kitchen. Ugh thats a memory I would like to soon forget. LOL

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Yep I made candles in the kitchen for a few months and my DH and Daughter didnt like it because there was no room for anything else...I didnt cook for a little while and they werent going for that. So when my mom and dad came to visit they re-wired some space down in the basement so I could do my candlemaking down there. Since then the house has been a much happier place...

I would love to have a little workshop out in the back, but I'm sure the Village rules have something to say about that...:rolleyes2

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