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Does no one have good customer service anymore? LONG RANT!


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I am very disappointed (aside from Peak's and Just Scent) I feel like no company I deal with has good customer service anymore! In the beginning of December I ordered about 20 samples to test from a large company that is known for their perfume/cologne dupes. So a week goes by, and I don't get an invoice to pay for them and I found that odd, so I sent an email to the girl who received the order. I got no response, sent another email. Then I called her a week before Christmas and she said that she'd get me the invoice the Tuesday after Christmas...well, that day came and went- STILL no invoice...and I really needed the oils to test for the new line I was working on. So I called and left messages for her THREE more times and sent more emails- NOTHING. I finally emailed the president of the company AND called him and he tells me that they were very busy towards the end of the year and didn't have time to get samples out because that wasn't a priority. First of all, I order a LOT of FO...maybe not as much as some larger companies, but still! And even if they didn't have the time to send them out, they could have at the VERY LEAST called me or emailed me to let me know there would be a delay because they were swamped. What should I do? I don't know if I even want to deal with this company now after waiting over a MONTH just for an invoice! And these aren't cheap samples- they weren't being sent out for free. They were a bit on the pricey side, and I just wanted to pay for them! My husband thinks they should give me half my samples for free since I've been waiting so darn long for them...grrr...just makes me so happy for companies like Peak's and Just Scent!

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You must have spoke with Jaymes. :wink2:

I placed an order with them 2 weeks before Christmas and I didn't get it

as quickly as I usually do either. Needless to say I was pissed! I needed this stuff for orders, and the clock was ticking.

Don't count on getting anything free from them, never happen. I have spent literally thousands with that company and never got as much as a free 1 oz sample of air. Freebies are not their speciality. Plus the customer service is going down the drain quickly. You might want to contact Kepa by email next time, she is usually on top of things.

I can totally understand your rant! But I have never waited for an invoice.

I usually just place my order and charge it, plus they accept Paypal. Why were u waiting for an invoice?

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I'm not sure if it was the same company or not, but you can't order samples on their site. You have to special order them...which I thought I did!! And I never ever got an invoice..I think it's ridiculous! I ordered from a couple of other companies during that time and their oils were at my house within a few days! I just think it's horrible customer service. I'm a pretty small company, and I do everything myself, and I get my orders out within 2 days TOPS...plus I always include a free sample...I just wonder sometimes how companies can get as far as they've gotten with such crappy CS! And this is a company that says they pride themselves on their customer relations! HA!

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Forget about 'em. There are too many companies out there you can do business with to waste your time with them.

I had a situation with Snowdrift Farms--I'm still trying to get my free "goody bag" of samples from them. They had an offer in November and December, that if you spent $65 you would get a free goody bag that contained 5 samples of various products to try.

Well, my order for the things I needed came to $46, so I added additional products I could use to get to the amount needed for them to give me the goody bag.

I got the items I paid for, but never received the goody bag, and that really irritates me. I called them in December, and I was assured they would send it out right away. I called again in January and left a message, and never received a return call, so I sent an email and they still have not offered the courtesy of a reply. I called again, and got their answering machine again, but I didn't waste my breath with a message this time.

This was my first time ordering with them, and I'm sure it will be my last. I don't believe in giving my money to companies who fail to communicate with their customers and do not honor thier obligations.

How stupid can companies be to not provide customers with samples--especially ones you have to pay for! What better way is there to get people to buy your products than for them to try it for themselves?

The only thing we can do is to share information with others when we have received poor customer service to prevent others the same aggravation.

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That's horrible, too! I won't order from companies that other people on this board have had trouble with. I read a LONG time ago that RA took a while to send out their samples, but I never thought it would be THIS bad!!! I'm just hoping I get the invoice sometime this week, or I'm gonna call and completely curse out the owner. I'm very nice and understanding most of the time, but this is ridiculous. I understand that I'm not an "established customer" yet, but I would have been!!! Urghhh...live and learn..I'll just stick with the suppliers I know have good customer service from now on! Too bad Peak's doesn't have designer dupes!

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i hear ya. i don't know who you're talking about (but i would like to ;) )

my last fun experience was with the company that took over selling my best selling fall fo. i placed an order, got it, everything is fine. then i get an email saying my credit card is overlimit... they charged me twice. shit happens i guess. i tell them, they seem like they are on top of it, say a receipt for the credit to my card will be mailed to me and everything is taken care of. i get the slip and it does say credit for the correct amount. a couple weeks later, no credit in my account. so i go digging for receipts to call them and sort this out. when i pull out the credit slip and look a little closer, it has the last 4 digits of a card, but not my card. someone else got my credit.

so of course i let them know about this. after going back and forth, giving them ALL the information that i possibly can (transaction numbers included) they say they are stumped, their bank is stumped, they don't know what happened. well, at this point it's clear they screwed up, so i just want my money back. they want to talk to me on the phone to confirm everything. so i give them the times to call me (i work 3rds so it's a little limited), and give them permission to talk to my boyfriend about it.

when do they call? when im sleeping. and when they get my boyfriend, they leave a message for me to call that day. i get up too late to get ahold of them.

anyways, i ended up reporting it to my credit card company and they got my refund (and my overlimit charge and interest :)). i have 3# of that fo left, and after that i guess i just find a replacement. which does suck because a LOT of people specifically request it. but it's just not worth it.

i say don't buy from them again. these places should be competing for our business not expecting us to wait in line for their products.

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Personally, I would tell them to kiss off! I wouldn't consider them reliable. What happens if you like a couple of the samples and decide to but a couple pounds for a special order? It's still not a large order. Would they just brush it aside too, if they have more important, larger orders to fill? Forget that shit!

Samples may not be a priority, but a purchase is a purchase. If they were free samples, that could be more understandable. Samples lead to more orders. Small orders usually lead to larger ones.

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I'll just stick with the suppliers I know have good customer service from now on! Too bad Peak's doesn't have designer dupes!
Yeah, I'm not much of a risk taker myself, always sticking with the same few suppliers, even though it means my selection of waxes and FO's is limited. Perhaps we could write to Peak and suggest they carry designer dupes. If enough of us write in, maybe they'll consider it.
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I love Peak's and I really wish they carried every single scent I carry- it would make my life a LOT easier...but they don't :( And I know they always have some FO's in the works, LOL...but for me to call them and tell them I'd like them to start carrying 20 designer scents...I think they'd laugh at me and hang up...lol. I guess I'll just stick with S.O.S. for my dupes. They're expensive, but they shipped my samples incredibly quick and almost all of their scents are dead on- or as close as they can get. Royal Aromatics was cheaper. Plus, they're located only about 20 minutes from my mom's house, so she would have been willing to pick up my oils for me and ship them to me. But, if they don't have the courtesy to email or call me back, forget 'em. I know a lot of you have had good experiences with them, but if any of you are thinknig about trying some oils- don't hold your breath!!! :)

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The small handful of suppliers that I get good CS for are definitely keepers. I've gotten some bad CS from one particular supplier that has some really nice oils I like but on principal (I am stubborn), I have not re-ordered from.

Generally speaking, I think as companies get bigger and bigger and the personal touch is lost there might be (or I hope there will be) a swing back to smaller businesses and people looking for friendly CS again. Some companies are just too much of a pain to deal with.

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I had a special request for a perfume dupe from a friend who paid for a pound of FO without even sampling it from RA. I had a bad experience from the get go with this company and refused to ever order anything from them again. The bad karma even trickled down to delivering the dang thing. It took forever for them to send me the oil, the charge to my bank account had posted before it was even shipped. It took like 3 weeks to get to me after it was paid for and it was off season...I emailed them to see where it was and got no response. UPS delivered it to the wrong house that wasn't even close to my house, just so happened that a family member was friends with that family and was house sitting while they were on vacation and found the box addressed to me on their porch. Everything was negative about my experience with them so I refused to even think about ordering from them again.

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Hi all

I just wanted to say thank you for the feedback on supplier service. I realise it is sometimes difficult and people are sometimes hesitant to name companies, but to put it in perspective for you guys (girls...) there are some of us in other countries who order from the US and the only thing we have to go by is recommendations (good or bad). Because our shipping doubles our cost, just one mistake with a supplier ends up costing a heck of a lot. So mainly, I just wanted to say thanks for the feedback - it has alot of value.:smiley2:


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Oh, I know how other people's experiences can affect my desire to order from a company. I will NOT order from a company unless I hear good reviews about their oils (or the company in general) on this board or scent review. I value all of your opinions, and if someone has a bad experience, I feel like the company has screwed over a friend of mine and I will not order from them. I'll sometimes try a company whose oils didn't get great reviews, but I will never try them if I've heard they have bad customer service or there was a problem. I don't expect you all to stop ordering from them if you have a good relationship with them, but just want to let you know, if you're looking for samples in a hurry, don't go with them. And I really wish that personal touch could stay with big companies (as it does with Peak's and Just Scent.) But unfortunately, that is a rarity. If only smaller, more customer oriented companies had really great oils! :-D Thanks for letting me rant, everyone!!!

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