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Candles and how they are described

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So I see candles advertised as triple scented and double scented, etc. This bugs me, I know that the wax can only hold so much fragrance oil. Does this bug you?


Edited by Karen M
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Yes, it does. I am only a hobbyist so far, but if I ever sell down the line, I absolutely refuse to use gimmick style marketing ! 


As as someone who enjoys buying candles and tarts from etailers, I usually tend to shy away from sellers who use those tactics. 


I feel like, if you have a quality product with quality scents / blends, why resort to such things ?

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It bothers me only because it's purposely misleading the consumer. Used to be manufactures and suppliers would only recommend using .5oz scent per pound of wax, so it's an old tactic that when people would use either 1oz pp or 1.5oz pp they could say double or triple scented. Well, we now know the standards and waxes have changed but people still use this outdated term to advertise their candles. 

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40 minutes ago, WaxingPoetic said:

I absolutely agree, I feel like it's deceptive and gimmicky

It is, and I see it a lot. I have even heard them tell people at shows that their candles are stronger because they use extra fragrance. GRRRR!!!

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Yes, well I'm not allowed outside because I can't keep my mouth from inviting trouble in some of the instances out there. I would probably be inclined to ask ... if this is triple scented does that mean it's more likely to cause a fire? 

Just like I wasn't able to keep quiet at a show when someone was selling all natural bubble gum in soy candles ... really? did you chew gum and spit into the wax?

What my suggestion is to those who are bothered about the misleading of the public is that you have the opportunity to actually educate that public and it would be preferred if you did so. 

I could see triple scented being three different scents that one would hope would go together.

I would love to see fair rules of advertising, but people try to get too crafty with their sales pitches and thus ... here we are ... peeved about triple scented, all natural etc. Someone must have thought the public was too ignorant and would believe anything so to sell them anything they used big, descriptive words and slightly bent the truth ... then to keep selling to them for the new and improved version ... they bent the truth a little more until the people in the market believed what was said. 

All of this too leads to why it's important to know your product and to be honest sales people. 

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15 minutes ago, Scented said:

Yes, well I'm not allowed outside because I can't keep my mouth from inviting trouble in some of the instances out there. I would probably be inclined to ask ... if this is triple scented does that mean it's more likely to cause a fire? 

Just like I wasn't able to keep quiet at a show when someone was selling all natural bubble gum in soy candles ... really? did you chew gum and spit into the wax?

What my suggestion is to those who are bothered about the misleading of the public is that you have the opportunity to actually educate that public and it would be preferred if you did so. 

I could see triple scented being three different scents that one would hope would go together.

I would love to see fair rules of advertising, but people try to get too crafty with their sales pitches and thus ... here we are ... peeved about triple scented, all natural etc. Someone must have thought the public was too ignorant and would believe anything so to sell them anything they used big, descriptive words and slightly bent the truth ... then to keep selling to them for the new and improved version ... they bent the truth a little more until the people in the market believed what was said. 

All of this too leads to why it's important to know your product and to be honest sales people. 

All natural bubble gum ??? Lmao wow....I mean, how ?? Just...wow. I'm actually speechless 

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Keep in mind that fragrance concentration used by places like Yankee are no where near what we get on the retail end. Single, double, triple DO have a meaning.


Some of the custom fragrances I get directly from the lab are 2-3-5+ times more concentrated than what popular retailers offer. 2% of one of those will burn your nose hairs whereas the comparable by name scent from popular sellers might require 10% or more. The more concentrated fragrances burn better, IMO. 


I don't get all wrapped around the axle about marketing terms. If a little sign stating triple scented garners a few hundred extra $ in sales at a market who am I to turn it down? The mortgage won't pay itself ??‍♀️. Companies have spent billions learning the marketing words that buyers respond to. Why recreate a new wheel? My customers don't want to be "educated". They want to feel good about their purchases. When people feel good about buying, they spend more and more often. That makes me very happy. ?

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I can't tell you how many candlemakers I have met over the years who actually put 2-3 ounces or more FO per lb wax. So yeah, there are some people that when they say triple scented they really mean triple scented.*shudder*


Usually I never see them again and I can understand why. If you want to stay in this biz you don't want to waste FO.

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46 minutes ago, TallTayl said:

My customers don't want to be "educated". They want to feel good about their purchases. When people feel good about buying, they spend more and more often. That makes me very happy. ?

Ours do. There is enough conflicting information in the market. If a customer asks us a question about triple scented, if paraffin will cause cancer, if we have bubble gum EO ... we take the opportunity to "educate" ... it isn't creating a "new" wheel ... it's putting the wheel into better balance.  

We've had the good fortune to be placed next to chandlers who do point at us and say we sell poisonous candles that will cause cancer. We've seen those companies pack up and leave shows early too. There isn't just marketing ploys out there. There are downright lies too. That, we also don't consider to be a "new" wheel, but good business  on our end to help the customer "feel good" about what they are buying. 

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A customer asking is different from one being lectured to, KWIM? If a customer asks, I will answer to the best of my ability, but I won't force feed info they are not asking for. That is a quick way to chase someone out of the shop. 

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I am getting more and more questions about additives in my soap and candles. Maybe its my area but I am getting more sophisticated customers that ask specific questions... often times its about questionable claims another soaper or chandler made. Makes me feel good they come to me to ask.

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17 minutes ago, Candybee said:

I am getting more and more questions about additives in my soap and candles. Maybe its my area but I am getting more sophisticated customers that ask specific questions... often times its about questionable claims another soaper or chandler made. Makes me feel good they come to me to ask.

Yes, that is a good thing. I don't sell anymore, just make stuff for myself. But I always loved an educated customer.

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33 minutes ago, Candybee said:

I am getting more and more questions about additives in my soap and candles. Maybe its my area but I am getting more sophisticated customers that ask specific questions... often times its about questionable claims another soaper or chandler made. Makes me feel good they come to me to ask.

I like when they do that to me too, but I have to be careful, because sometimes I think they are looking for me to agree with them that another vendor/maker is "bad" and I refuse to bad mouth another maker even when everyone KNOWS their stuff is garbage. 

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Exactly. I decided a long time ago that it makes a seller look unprofessional to trash mouth another. So I just give my customers the facts and let them decide. Bad mouthing another seller is not an option for me either. I won't go down that road!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ill throw in my thoughts here from experience...


Some buyers like being educated and if they ask questions I share. Most do not and they just want something that smells good and burns well.


Regarding "gimmicky" marketing. When they are bold face lies, it bothers me. Otherwise, I dont care. Candle makers may love what they do, but most of us are also running a business and trying to make profit and keep our business going. A LARGE part of doing that is advertising and marketing. Its not that your lying or being gimmicky... its that you are trying to market and advertise to your potential buyers. That is just life and how business works. As long as you aren't lying, I could care less about the words or phrases you use. I dont say "triple scented" myself, but dont care if some do. I tell people what they care about.... "clean burning, long lasting, great scent throw, and AFFORDABLE".


The rest.... I share if they ask. 


Another classic example of this "gimmicky" marketing is these jewel candles, etc. Drives me kinda nuts I gotta say. But, if I am being honest... its me just being jealous that I didn't do it first. Ha!   I am sure they have a blast and they are successful so power to them. I just try to stop being negative about what else is out there and find a way to stand out myself and worry about my own products and business. You will drive yourself mad worrying about everyone else. And this is coming from someone who tends to drive themselves mad worrying about everyone else. ;)


Edited by wthomas57
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