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Testing with Eco Wicks

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Howdy everybody,


I'm testing new wicks - usually use CSN, but trying ECO now.  First test batch is with CS Lavender (6% FO load), GB 444 wax, 4 oz. quilted jelly jars . 


My question is: do you think this candle is over-wicked?  This one is an ECO 8 (trimmed to precisely 1/4") and is three hours into its first test burn.  To me, it almost seems like it could be a bit large.... but the flame is pretty steady with good hot throw.  Curious to see what you more seasoned chandlers think.



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Looks big to me also- 4 ounce jar is pretty small and Eco burns pretty hot in soy in my experience so you may need to go down even 2 sizes - are you looking for different wicks because the CSN didn't work? 

And are those lavender buds In your wax?  Keep an eye on that if so especially at the end of the burn ?


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@moonshine The CSN wicks worked okay for me, although in certain FOs they were tough to wick - one size would be too large, but the next size down would be too small.  It's also a visual thing; I like the way ECOs look (more natural/rustic with the brown striping), rather than the perfect white CSN wicks.

Those are lavender buds; I sprinkled them on the top as the wax cooled.  I will have to pay attention to them as the burn goes on, thanks for the tip.  


Edit: I should add that I don't like the fact I can only get CSN wicks at Candle Science :/  It's nice to have a few other options.

Edited by ehatch1
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  • 3 weeks later...

Ya'll, I am so sad.  After a ridiculous amount of testing the ECOs, I may be giving up on them.  I have gone from the smallest of sizes to larger ones and I get ZERO hot throw, from any of them!  Even my strongest fragrances.  They also give off soot like nobody's business, regardless of size.  Sigh.  So disappointing.  :cry2:


HOWEVER, I had some CD wicks (10 & 12 - unfortunately a bit too large for my jars) that i tested in my vanilla.  Since that's my easiest/strongest fragrance I am using it as a starting point for all wick testing.  Even though they are too big, the scent throw was unreal.  Even better than my CSN wicks.  Needless to say, I have ordered CD 6, 7, & 8s to test later this week and I'm excited about that.  But gosh darn, I thought I had things nailed down and I definitely do not.  Here we go again...

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12 minutes ago, ehatch1 said:

Ya'll, I am so sad.  After a ridiculous amount of testing the ECOs, I may be giving up on them.  I have gone from the smallest of sizes to larger ones and I get ZERO hot throw, from any of them!  Even my strongest fragrances.  They also give off soot like nobody's business, regardless of size.  Sigh.  So disappointing.  :cry2:


HOWEVER, I had some CD wicks (10 & 12 - unfortunately a bit too large for my jars) that i tested in my vanilla.  Since that's my easiest/strongest fragrance I am using it as a starting point for all wick testing.  Even though they are too big, the scent throw was unreal.  Even better than my CSN wicks.  Needless to say, I have ordered CD 6, 7, & 8s to test later this week and I'm excited about that.  But gosh darn, I thought I had things nailed down and I definitely do not.  Here we go again...

lol, oh my gosh Hatch, I feel your pain as I'm going through that right now too...so we plug along......


Have your candles cured some?



Edited by Trappeur
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5 hours ago, ehatch1 said:

Ya'll, I am so sad.  After a ridiculous amount of testing the ECOs, I may be giving up on them.  I have gone from the smallest of sizes to larger ones and I get ZERO hot throw, from any of them!  Even my strongest fragrances.  They also give off soot like nobody's business, regardless of size.  Sigh.  So disappointing.  :cry2:


HOWEVER, I had some CD wicks (10 & 12 - unfortunately a bit too large for my jars) that i tested in my vanilla.  Since that's my easiest/strongest fragrance I am using it as a starting point for all wick testing.  Even though they are too big, the scent throw was unreal.  Even better than my CSN wicks.  Needless to say, I have ordered CD 6, 7, & 8s to test later this week and I'm excited about that.  But gosh darn, I thought I had things nailed down and I definitely do not.  Here we go again...

Did you have any issues with wax hang up on the jars ? I did, Im thinking Im doing something wrong since Im not hearing everyone has this problem.

Which jars/ diameter do you use, I forgot ? This is encouraging to hear about the CD wicks - I shall try again. Please repost after your findings :) 

Forgot to ask, does the lavender interfere with how the candle burns, it looks so rustic + pretty !

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@Moonstar- With the ECOs, yes, they tend to lean to one side, so the candles burn unevenly and one side of the jar does get too hot.  Yet another issue with those wicks.  I have heard the CDs tend to lean as well, so when I poured my latest batch I twisted them before sliding them into my wick bars.  So far it has seemed to work; I got a pretty centered melt pool. 


I didn't have any problems burning my candles with the lavender buds (they were even wicked too big and nothing caught fire), but I am hesitant to sell them that way, since I don't have insurance.  So, for now I am leaving the buds out, just in case.  Perhaps that look is better left for soaps.  They did look pretty, though.

Edited by ehatch1
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10 hours ago, TallTayl said:

I find eco to work best with really hard to wick scents, like spices, frank&myrrh, etc. in my wax blend. Other than that, the CD series tend to do the trick just fine for me, too. 

Well, this is really good to know as I have never been able to wick WSP  Crackling firewood.  I am going to try some in this scent.  Thanks for posting this Tall Tayle.



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On 2/23/2017 at 4:31 AM, Trappeur said:

Well, this is really good to know as I have never been able to wick WSP  Crackling firewood.  I am going to try some in this scent.  Thanks for posting this Tall Tayle.



I have some WSP crackling firewood I'm going to test with an ECO as well - it's cured 10 days as of today so maybe tonight is the night! 


I had similar issues as mentioned above with ECO wicks - burning quite hot, but ending up with a lot of hangup on the sides even when they were completely burned down. I am now testing with CD wicks and getting better results - but I will be trying the ECO in WSP CF :)

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