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Is weather affecting the burn?

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I posted this to another thread, but wasn't sure if it would be buried, sorry if repeating.


Hi there, I have question to add to this topic. I started candle making this past spring, and after much testing, found that the HTP 93 wick was the perfect wick for C3 and the jar I'm using. I live in New Jersey, and am just entering into colder, dryer weather. I made 60 candles this past week to get ready for a show, and when I tested a couple of my candles, suddenly, after months of the 93's working perfectly, they're now not giving me a full burn pool. UGH!!!!! I am so frustrated. I can't imagine that I need to wick for weather... help. I am starting to question the wax. It's almost like the flame isn't as big now AND the wax is not burning out to the edges. When I wicked up one in the summer, it was too big. I'm so upset. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. 


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For how long did you burn this candle when you first lit it? 

What's the diameter of your container?


I don't know for sure if this information is completely accurate, but I'll share it anyway.

The source stated that this guideline was for soy wax ...

HTP - 93     Container up to 2-3/4" in diameter

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I did the 4 hour test, and it burned almost to the edges. The jar is just at 2 3/4. I could go up one, but I remember this past summer that it seemed a little too big when I went up to the next size. I always err on the side of caution, and never want to worry that a flame is too big. The 93 worked well when it was warm out, but now that the weather has gotten cooler, seems like it could use the larger wick. 

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Well, the one I am testing right now has only cured for 2 days. It seems to be burning better than the one I showed earlier in the thread. It's been burning for about 4 hours (attached pics). The other, pictured in the post above sat much longer, probably a couple of months, and I've been testing it off and on. Am I beating my head agains the wall expecting the same results every time? When do we just say, this is the best we can do...?? 




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