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Squeeeee!!! I finally ordered my own kiln!


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After nearly a year of searching for previously used, well-loved kilns my (extremely wise) 11 YO daughter and I decided we need our own new one. Used ones we found needed so much work and would cost so much after all was said and done. Our concensus is a good kiln will last us our lifetimes.


it should be here in the next 2-3 weeks. So as any impatient, excited person would do, I've been shirking my business duties making things to fill it up!  Been playing with different things like sprigs on mugs, handles, and textures. Even unintended mistakes are fun to look at. 


here's a little fun with crackle to make the pot look ancient. Will be fun to choose a glaze for this that looks as old.  Next at I want to figure out a consistent tree bark crackle. 



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47 minutes ago, Candybee said:

Congrats on your new kiln purchase! Can't wait to see how you finish the pot. If you ever get around to making men's shaving mugs you may have a customer!

I DO make shaving mugs. Here is one I made for my FIL for Christmas.





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Congratulations on getting your new kiln TallTayl!! Your daughter IS smart and you were too...a new kiln will last you forever. Make sure you take a picture of the new kiln beast when it arrives. That is an awesome shave mug! That would make a great woman's shaving cup too! (I would like a lime green one :) ) Did you make the shaving cream? It looks lovely!  I see lots of beautiful clay creation pictures coming our way!

Edited by puma52
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10 minutes ago, puma52 said:

Congratulations on getting your new kiln TallTayl!! Your daughter IS smart and you were too...a new kiln will last you forever. Make sure you take a picture of the new kiln beast when it arrives. That is an awesome shave mug! That would make a great woman's shaving cup too! (I would like a lime green one :) ) Did you make the shaving cream? It looks lovely!  I see lots of beautiful clay creation pictures coming our way!

Thanks everyone :)

T and I need to name the new kiln when she arrives. All the hard working artists here are women, so we need a fitting name for the new hot mama. 


I do make the shaving soap too using a blend of lyes in a tallow base. Pondering making brush handles. Why not, right?



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Sizzling Sheila

Freida the Firebrand

Red Hot Tank Girl

Fire Goddess

or (had to look these up)

Vesta (Roman Goddess) - Guardian of the sacred Flame.

Hestia (Greek Goddess) - The domestic Goddess of the Greek Pantheon, she rules over the hearth and home.  Her name comes from the Greek word estia meaning "she that dwells or tarries."  This reflects the importance of the role that the ancient Greeks attributed to this Goddess in sacrificing her position as an Olympian to guard the fire and maintain a happy home.

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Oops, musn't forget Pele:


In the Hawaiian religion, Pele (pronounced /ˈpl/ PAY-lay or [ˈpɛlɛ] PEL-lə), the Fire Goddess, is the goddess of fire, lightning, wind and volcanoes and the creator of the Hawaiian Islands. Often referred to as "Madame Pele" or "Tūtū Pele" as a sign of respect, she is a well-known deity within Hawaiian mythology, and is notable for her contemporary presence and cultural influence as an enduring figure from ancient Hawaii.[1]Epithets of the goddess include Pele-honua-mea ("Pele of the sacred land") and Ka wahine ʻai honua ("The earth-eating woman").[2]

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Haha! I found a list of 22 more fire goddess names:

Agnayi –Hindu goddess of fire

AibheaogIrish Fire Goddess

Aodh – Celtic Fire Goddess

Arani – Hindu Goddess of Fire

Brigit or Brighid – Irish Goddess worshipped in Celtic polytheism

Caia Caecilia, also called Gaia Caecilia – Roman Goddess of Fire, the Hearth, Healing, and Women

Chantico – Aztec Goddess of fires in the family hearth and volcanoes

Freya- Norse Goddess of fire and the domestic arts

Fuchi,-Japanese Goddess of fire

Gabija – Lithuanian Goddess of fire and of the hearth

Hestia – Greek Goddess of the hearth

Ida– Hindu goddess of fire and devotion

Itzpapalotl – Aztec Goddess of Fire and Birds

Li- Chinese Goddess of the nourishing fire

Mahuika – Maori fire Goddess

Nantosuelta – Gaul Goddess of nature, the earth, fire, and fertility

Oya – African Fire, Wind and Thunderbolt Goddess of the Yoruba Tribe

Oynyena Maria – Polish ,”Fiery Mary,” a fire Goddess who assists and counsels the thunder God Piorun

Pele – Hawaiian, the Goddess of fire, lightning, dance, and volcanoes.

SekhmetEgyptian Fire or Sun Goddess

Stata Mater – Roman Goddess who protected against fires

Vesta – Roman Goddess of sacred fire, the hearth, home, and family

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
17 minutes ago, Candybee said:

Whoa! She's a beauty!! What did you christen her? That's a nice size kiln. How much will it hold?

I didn't name her yet, I had to meet her first :D

leaning toward Vesta, Hestia or Pele. Maybe Hestia Pele :D 


it it holds about 4.4 cubic feet. Big enough to push me to make things to fill. Small enough not to take f.o.r.e.v.e.r. To fill. 

She should be done with the first empty firing tomorrow afternoon. Then, I'll grab anything ready for a bisque fire to test that out. Already figured out I need a few more shelves. Most of what I make is short, so I will have loads of room to fill layers

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 the things I have for the first firing are really dry. I think they'll be ok.


Electric should be about ten To 20 bucks a firing  depending on bisque or glaze.  I'll do the math once I figure out how long everything takes.

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3 hours ago, TallTayl said:

She's here and installed! Going through her first heat cycle to burn off all the manufacturing junk now.


Wow, and there she be.....that is so pretty sitting in your place! :) That is a nice set up TallTayl! Can't wait to see what you make!

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I have a small load to start with tomorrow. Soup mugs and a few other candle holders to start with. Was playing with new ideas, so we will see how they turn out. i might try to sneak in a few pendants if they dry fast enough. 

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Woop woop! The first tiny bisque load is out. Only took 8 1/2 hours to cook and another 6 or so to cool. I need to head into the gallery to pick up my glaze materials now! The hard part is deciding on colors... 



Edited by TallTayl
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Love love love those pieces!! Not sure if I mentioned this (my memory is so bad!) but my mom had her own kiln for ceramics. I loved kiln unloading days. It was always fun to see what the bisque turned into, and then what the glaze did. 

I loved the crystal glazes, that when applied looked like pebbles/rocks but when came out looked sooo cool with the melted chips into colors. 

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23 hours ago, TallTayl said:

Woop woop! The first tiny bisque load is out. Only took 8 1/2 hours to cook and another 6 or so to cool. I need to head into the gallery to pick up my glaze materials now! The hard part is deciding on colors... 



Oh Gracious TallTayl!!!!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!! You have been playing big time with that clay while you were doing the big kiln beast arrival countdown huh??!! These pieces are fantastic!! :)  Can't WAIT to see the colors you put on them. :)

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