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What's going on with this container candle?

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Hey guys,

First time poster here, long time reader. I've been making soy candles for about 6 months now. Recently I've come across an issue which I'm not sure how to describe. I posted some pics below, but it looks like the wax and container is doing something funky, I'm thinking maybe the wax is separating from the sides of the glass? 

I've been letting this cure in my apt and this just happened on the 6th day, it was totally normal prior. I'm thinking maybe it's because it's FREEZING in my apartment at night and unfortunately, most LA apartments don't come with central heat/air. It gets down to maybe low 40's at night. I put it in a cupboard, but maybe I'm just outta luck until the spring.

Anyway, if there's anyone out there who can confirm it's due to my cold apt, or if this has happened to you and it's something different completely, let me know!

Here's some info for this tester:

GB 444, heated to 185, added FO, poured at 120, heated container in oven for a bit to warm it up, poured really slow. 

*the top is smooth




Edited by Lauren M
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Its a mystery. I pour into warmed containers and cool in an insulated box. The candles cool off slowly and shrinkage is minimized. If the candles would only cool from the inside out but they begin to form that outer bond first. I open the box up on the next day and see that some have no wet spots and some have a few wet spots and some have terrible wet spots. The candles on the outer ring cool off faster than the ones in the middle but the real issue seems to be heavy bakery fragrances with lots of vanillin. Creme Brulee' is the worst. Now over time, some begin to show wet spots and others never do. I mean never. Its a mystery to me why this happens and I've never found a solution to the problem. Changes in temperature are going to cause the wax to eventually pull away from the container wall in even the best of candles. Trust me, nobody but you notices wet spots. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

If it bothers you, you could try warming the containers before pouring and wrapping the containers within warm towels as they cool. And if that doesn't help, why not use colored containers that mask the appearance of the wet spots?  Candle Science has solid colors that still have a simple look...and you wouldn't be able to see the wet spots through the glass.

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By the way, it's actually a really cute look with your writing on the side...if you used white containers, and a dark lavender pen...I think the "melting and pouring info." written on the white glass could be super cool! I could see that on the selves of a store on Venice Beach...just saying'...it's a totally unique look.

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Soy wax is so hard to pour without wet spots. I've only poured on candle that was 100% soy and that never got wet spots. Unfortunately I didn't take any notes so I don't know how I did it. Even if you do figure out how to pour a soy candle without wet spots, as soon as you start burning it they will start to appear. They are just inevitable with this wax.

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