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testers for sniffing?

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I'm debating whether or not to put out some type of smelly of each scent so that it keeps people from opening the clamshells and candles.  Typically it's not a huge

problem but lately it seems they are breaking melts making a total mess on the carpet and one lady picked up the status jar by the lid and broke my glass shelf when the candle fell  (not the brightest crayon in the box). 


For those of you that do testers/smellies?


Does it help to have tester types to smell?  Or possibly a small conainer of each scent?

Do you find that they still open the product even though you have testers?

What type of container do you use to put the smelly in?


I know with lotion I carried, I always had a tester bottle out and they would still open the new bottles.  I quit carrying it as it was too costly to lose 2-3 out of every 6 bottles.

I'm doing away with selling essential oils because they can't keep themselves from cracking open the seal and then I feel like I shouldn't sell it.  Of course b&b is something

different, I will still sell the melts & candles that get opened as long as they don't get ruined.



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There was a discussion on here about mixing solar salt and oils to package and sell. I was considering using that idea in small jars or votive holders for testers. Never got around to it this year. Probably could be put in some kind of unbreakable container although the oils might eat through plastic.


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I think testers do help. With candles, people seem to want to open the jars to be certain the actual candle they plan to buy smells like the tester.

For things i don't want opened, i started putting them behind a barrier. For instance lip balm.... People would open every single one looking for the perfect top. So i stuck out just a display of sniffers. Sales increased (and theft decreased) when they realized "their" purchase was protected. Didn't take long to "serve" them their order.

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Thanks for the replies, some good ideas that give me a starting poing.   I've got to figure something that won't take a lot of room since it's a permanent store display not for shows.   How I wish I could put my

essential oils behind a barrier but in a 9000 sq ft antique mall that is 90% rented space it's tough to do.  I fit my stuff in little nooks and crannies where we can't lock them up.   The essential oils sit right on the

front counter and people still crack them open before you can get out the "NOOOOOO"!

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The shop I worked with kept the empty bottles from used essential oils in a small basket. Customers still get to smell them. Course, some of those disappeared once in awhile. :( If it were me, I would have a small plastic display box; either open at the back, or put upside down on the bottles, or locked. Can't sell the opened ones which is a big loss.


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The shop I worked with kept the empty bottles from used essential oils in a small basket. Customers still get to smell them. Course, some of those disappeared once in awhile. :( If it were me, I would have a small plastic display box; either open at the back, or put upside down on the bottles, or locked. Can't sell the opened ones which is a big loss.


I pretty much decided not to sell eo's any more.  I have those on hand discounted.  I left the open ones out marked testers even though I already had testers in those.  People kill me, they will crack open just as many

as they want and not think a thing about it, if they do buy it's rarely the one they opened.  Pretty sad because I personally enjoy eo's and like to talk to people that are unsure about using them.  Some day when I own a

smaller venue I will revisit selling them.  Really looking for ways to have melt/candle sniffies that don't take up a whole lot of room.  My husband found these shallow shevles for the slatwall display that I could put right above each row of

my hanging melts, I could put a small jar with the wax/scent right above the clamshell and boldly mark the front TESTER or SMELL ME FIRST.   It may just work?  I may even have some sample size jars left from B&B days.

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In my shop I had a small 3 tiered like ladder I had made especially for my testers.  I had the little tins as testers with the name on the front of the tin, not the lid because when people opened them up they would wind up with the wrong lids on the tins.  Now too, I had my big candle display sitting right at the front counter and there was always someone at the front desk to oversee the shop and when we saw someone taking the lid off the candle, we stopped them right in their tracks and very courteously told the customer to please use the tester.  I really didn't have much of a problem, but when kids stood at the display smelling the candles I did have a few problems where they would like to stick their finger and run it across the top of the wax....don't know why, but that would irk me....but all in all, not too many problems.  I also had a typed up piece of info I put into a pretty frame saying something nice to the effect, to please NOT OPEN candles, but use testers.


How about putting a piece of clear scotch tape to keeping the lids tightly closed on the melts?



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Thanks Trappeur, once I have the testers out I may just do that and seal those melts.  Only because they make a mess if they crack on opening as I overfill them.  My other option is to stop overfilling them but I'm sure my

regular customers will feel they are being ripped off!  As far as the status jars go, it's the first time someone broke my shelf picking up a heavy candle by the lid and I can't stop stupid so I take my chances.

My husband ordered me a bunch of 4" deep clear acrylic shelves and also a few that have a card slot on the front.  He said put the card slot one in the

center of each row with my sign.  He's pretty good at display as he worked retail display in his early years.  Can't wait to try this new endeavor!  Wish I'd have kept all my smellers from when I did shows but they prob

wouldn't even smell anymore.  Tins is a great idea, they can't break them if they drop and they open fairly easily.  I think something thats about 2 oz would be perfect.

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