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Picture of possible apple orchard account

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I have a possible tremendous opportunity to land an account that could make me go at this fulltime.....There is a very huge apple house here in the town I live in where people literally flock to from Atlanta, Tennessee, NC and all over.  This business has been here for years...It's beautiful. You can also go in the fall and pick your own apples there.  They do canning of anything you could possibly think of, have their own bakery, restaurant, wine tasting house, home furnishings and accessories.  I have a friend that has a small showroom in this store where he as been for  years and he does home accessories and he suggested that I make a presentation to them for my candles as he said they need something like what I can do.  He said since he is very good friends with the owners he would 

represent me with presentation, which in this case I thought was wonderful since he already has his foot in the door and the owners respect his opinion.  I have never let anyone  represent me, but in this case I would.


So I have been working on a custom line for this apple house and have pictures here of what I have come up with so far.

I am really stumped on what lid to do.  What I am really leaning towards my selection is the red cheapy lid that Fillmores has or maybe the antique whit lid that I can only find at Candle Soylutions.   Then when I checked with Candle Soylutions, they have the antique white on sale because their costs to buy this color is going up so it looks like they are discontinuing the lid as they are on sale.  Does anyone here know where I could get this lid besides Candle Soylutions.  Right now the lids are on sale for 79cents - the normal price is $1.55.  Now that would make the candle more expensive wholesale wise to this store and that is a lot of money in my opinion.


Right now my cost to make the 16oz canning jar with a cheap lid is pretty close to 4.00 a candle.  I was going to wholesale this jar to them for 8.00 but the old timey lid is very expensive and I don't  think I could get even 9.00 wholesale for this candle!  If I did the red or the cheapy pewter color in a plain lid I could keep this jar at 4.00 cost.  I was thinking just to get my foot in the door and actually land this account, how about if I just make 3.00 profit on a candle instead of 4.00?

Edited by Trappeur
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The first picture is of the label I designed for the apple house.

It is their logo...

I found an advertisement in a tourist magazine here and copied the picture and then added a red band on the bottom of the label where I would put the fragrance names.





The following pictures show what lid choices I could go with.   The old timey I love the best but those lids are like 1.55 each and that would make the candle too expensive.  I think the red one which Filmore carries is only 30cents and that would be in my total cost of 4.00 to make a jar and besides that, I'm thinking the red would be so cute and very aprapro to a canning jar look for an apple house.  Correct me if I am wrong.















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Hi Trappeur!


Oh my gosh!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so excited for you! I hope everything turns out just perfect and you land your account!  Do you have a picture with the red lid on one of these jars? I believe that color.....either red or black or both is going to be your friend. Are you also doing the 8 oz square mason jars? If you are, could you use the red one on those and the black larger lid (like you have in these pics) on the 16 oz jars? Those larger lids on the 16 oz jars make them look so nice. Your candles are beautiful and I just LOVE your label design! Awesome job girl!!

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With that jar I like the black lid with the red and white bow or no bow at all

I would like to see a picture of the red lid on that jar but to me I think it will cheapen the look- maybe on a smaller jar but with that tall one the black Looks proud and rustic country

The label design is amazing! Looks great

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Guest OldGlory

I would suggest giving them 2 or 3 options and presenting a finished candle of each option to them, along with their wholesale price. Let them decide.

I have my fingers crossed for you!

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wow, - VERY nice, and thrilled for you too for this opportunity.  I also am a miminalist - simple elegance never fails.  I like the old timey black lid w/o bow, but perhaps the red lid being as it is not as deep would look more pleasing with bow, or twine - hard to say without seeing it. But like the others said - you can options to offer.


Also - if you want different colors of the same lid, can you just get the cheapest & spray paint them  different colors?? 


GOOD LUCK!! :)  

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They all look wonderful. I know its hard to choose a lid and Fillmore has a lot to choose. My $.02 cents is to stick with a lid you know will be in stock and avoid any that may be discontinued.


I like OG's idea of offering different lids at the presentation. Just be careful when offering a choice and make sure you know your limits. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they came back with asking for a different lid for each scent. Just saying be prepared.


This is a good opportunity and I am so happy for you! Good luck at your presentation and keep us informed.


PS I also prefer the old tyme black lid without any ribbon or tie. Classic, simple, elegant. Besides, the gingham bows are so overdone. Everyone and their aunt uses them on jar candles. JMO

Edited by Candybee
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Hi Trappeur,


I re-read your 1st post again. On the wholesale price, if it was me (this is just my opinionated opinion  :) ) selling wholesale, I would not sell this to them any cheaper than $8...maybe even $8.50. I truly believe that they could EASILY ask $17 for this candle and get it. That is a wonderful, beautifully made larger jar. People will buy a product if they feel they are getting their moneys worth.

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I love the black lid with the fabric but they really all look great. This company has lids. If you open an account and buy at least 24, I think they're .55 each. They have bronze, black and pewter. Spray painting some green for Granny Smith Apple fragrance would be cute in my opinion, but might be too much of a headache! 



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Guest OldGlory

While I love the antique white lid and the black lid, I think the red lid would make the best presentation - it will really stand out and draw attention to the candles!

I think the ties or bows are too much. I like the look for a smaller selection, where the client is going to have just a few dozen candles out. For a store that will stock 4 dozen or more, I like a sleeker, cleaner jar profile. (This is a big operation, right?)

I would also be ready with about 15 fragrance options that you have tested in your wax, and suggest during the presentation that they stock a minimum of 8 fragrances, 6 per fragrance. 

I don't know if you've tried the Baked Apple Pie from Aztec, but it is crazy good in soy wax.

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Hey Trappeur,

  Not to be a buzzkill, just pointing out in your post above:

"I found an advertisement in a tourist magazine here and copied the picture and then added a red band on the bottom of the label where I would put the fragrance names."


Make sure there are no copyrights/trademarks to that pic so that you do not get the Apple House or yourself in a pickle.   But this sounds like an amazing opportunity. 

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You know I like the red lid too. Could you show us a pic with the red lid on the candle? I'll bet it looks cute. I also agree with OG that it would really make the candle stand out from the crowd.


Re the picture-- you do need to be careful using pictures that have a copyright. Does the apple orchard account have a logo you can incorporate into your label? I find my wholesale accounts that want a label designed for them love having their logo or shop photo on the label. Also try to use the same fonts so it matches the shop.

Edited by Candybee
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Thankyou everyone for all your input as I do value everyone's opinion. It seems like all was leading toward the black lid as I did too. And I do myself prefer the more cleaner look without the tie. And like Candybee said everyone and their aunt ties the ties around the necks of the jars. I realized that and just have been racking my brain to make mine different than others and can't seem to come up with something????? And every detail you add to the jar just adds more to the cost which is something I have to factor inActually this store I can't believe they don't have a canning jar line because the store is nothing but canning jars and expensive oils, wines, etc. Their stuff is not cheap and people flock here. They actually have buses loaded with people that come up from Atlanta strictly to come to this Merceirs Apple house. In the fall I have never seen anything like it, but one day I stopped to buy some of their home made apple pies and the people were lined up in rows and rows just to get into the building..

Back to the lids, Sojourner I have sprayed lids before for a couple of stores and even though I put a protective spray sealer on them, they still chipped and became ratty looking afterwards. I was trying to save money by doing that but the dang time you put into spraying them, buying the spray paint, and the sealer, to me it was more of a hassle. I did a job one time and had dozens and dozens of lids lined up on the railing outside one day and I was spraying them for a couple of hours, then wait for them to dry, and in the meantime yelling at all the cats to stop jumping on the railing stepping inbetwen them...omg...it was more of a hassle doing this and inhaling the fumes...I would rather just buy em. But that was a good thought though!

Puma, as far as offering the 8oz square mason? The way I figure it, by the time I figure out the cost of that small jar made up, it's the same as the large 16oz here. So my thinking is you get double the amount of wax in the 16oz jar for the same price as a small one, so it would be kind of not good for me to offer that jar, though it would be awfully cute though because I do love those small jars...

I tend to agree with Old Glory about going with the red and for the exact reason...."presentation"......that has always been me to a T when I had my shop or making a presentation to a prospective buyer, presentation, presentation. I'm such a fanatic about it, it's disgusting! lol, The red would pop and being that this is a tremendous apple house, it just seems so fitting. But the only red I could find are those cheezy red ones from Fillmore. I wished the old timey lids came in that color, but they don't, because those old timey lids are just gorgeous and I love them......I'd hate to have to spray them with the trouble I had with them....maybe I should doodle some more with them...I don't know.....But then the cheap red ones above I'm imagining them on the jar with the good looking label and maybe that's all I really need???? Maybe I'm being too critical. I might have a gold lid in my stash (the cheap cheezy gold) that you see everywhere? Well, I'm going to spray it red just to see what it looks like on the jar and put up a picture and see what everyone thinks. It might just work....ya just never know? Helllppp.....

Now as far as the label goes, I guess I didn't make myself clear in the beginning of the post. That label is "their" label that they have on everything. I decreased it in size for a label but(I added the red band below for the fragrance name.)And thankyou everyone for pointing out copyright....oh, I know only too well not to ever do that...I told the person who is bringing the samples in for me what I did....It is "strictly" "only" for presentation of what I would like to do with my candles using their label..In the event I don't land this account, this label is a done deal and I will throw the samples away. I would never copy or do anything dishonest... All the labels that everyone has seen that I posted pictures of here on Craftserver, I have designed them all myself but this Merciers label I cannot take any credit for...Who ever did that label, did a fantastic job...it's very different and catchy.

Well, this week, the presentation with be done at the apple house. Wish me good luck. I probably won't land it...but at least I tried....I'm going to go and paint that lid red now and put up a picture after.


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Guest OldGlory

I like the cheesy red lids from Fillmore. That's the one I was talking about earlier. One man's cheesy is another man's WOW.

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I like the cheesy red lids from Fillmore. That's the one I was talking about earlier. One man's cheesy is another man's WOW.

I like the cheesy red lids from Fillmore. That's the one I was talking about earlier. One man's cheesy is another man's WOW.

lol, lol

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Just on FYI about spray painting, especially metal items:  you MUST use a primer - it makes the paint adhere.  No amount of sealer is going to keep any new paint on - will not keep it from chipping.  Some paints now have a primer in them, which makes things much easier, but many don't.  I do a lot of DIY stuff using all kinds of the different textured & metal-finish spray paints.  Its a good way to change up a look of something and/or bring new life or a new style to existing items.  I just got the 'hammered copper' Rustoleum w/ primer to do a large piece of metal art. 

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