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Two thumbs up for Candlewic!

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I love Candlewic's Ultimate/Bold scents--they are quickly becoming my number one supplier.  I emailed them late Tuesday night, expressing how inconvenient it was that they didn't accept Pay Pal. I was just in a mood, out of work, sick with pneumonia--sick of winter! I wasn't really expecting much of a response--I mean--it is, what it is, right? Early Wednesday morning, I had an email telling me they do accept Pay Pal, just email them my order and they will send me a Pay Pal request right away. I emailed my order to them and I had a Pay Pal request within 5 minutes! That was Wednesday. Today is Thursday and I got a UPS shipping status that my order will be here tomorrow!! Now if that isn't quality customer service, I am not sure what is?!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm actually a little bummed with Candlewic. I'm just getting started with candle making and placed my first orders with both Peak and Candlewic to start my testing and comparing. Peak had my order packed up, shipped, and delivered before Candlewic even processed my order.


This wouldn't really bother me, as I understand that Candlewic is farther from me than Peak. However, when I received my order yesterday from Candlewic, I opened the box to find that one of the fragrance oils had leaked, spilling all inside the bag it was packaged in as well as leaking out onto the two slabs of wax I ordered. So now each slab of wax has a corner soaked with fragrance oil, lol. As a newbie, I don't know how this will affect the wax...so I'm guessing I will just have to cut those corners off and toss them?


I have contacted Candlewic about it only because the label of the oil that leaked was destroyed because of the leak and now I can't read the directions, so I have asked that they supply me with a copy of the directions of that particular fragrance so I can use the bit of oil that remained in the bottle.


Lol...I guess the upside is that when I opened the box, it smelled really pretty!

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If this happened to me, I would ask that they replace what was destroyed -  both the wax & the fo.  Actually, I would DEMAND it.  If I'm paying hard earned money for something and it comes to me damaged, that is not ok - its unacceptable.  If they tell you its UPS's fault, then THEY (Candlewic) files a claim to UPS to pay for the loss.  You should not be the one to be out of money AND product for someone else's mistake.  Either Candlewic did not properly package the items, or UPS damaged the package in transit.  But it sounds like Candlewic did not package that fo properly if it leaked/cracked.

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I agree those items should have been replaced by Candlewic. Did you explain all of what had happened? and did they not offer to replace them when they found out?


If your wax comes in a slab can't you cut off the piece(s) that got the oil on them and rinse them off? If so you can salvage the wax. But you should definitely get that FO replaced.

Edited by Candybee
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I once had a case of wax and a box of supplies coming from Peaks.  I'm counting down until the UPS guy arrives.  He comes...with just one box, the other was "damaged" in transit.  The supplies made it no problem, but the wax box was the one damaged.  So now I have to get on the phone to find out where the box is and how I can get it to me etc.


I go through Peak's customer service, she puts me on with the UPS people who tell me that the box was very damaged and will be sent back and a replacement sent to me.  I told them NO-NO-NO....even if the items inside of the box are ALL BROKEN it doesn't matter...it's wax slabs and will just mean that I don't have to open the box and whack them with a hammer.  I heard crickets from the other end for a good 30 seconds (...some people don't get my humor...)  She finally says to me...very slowly.... "So, even if the items inside the box are broken, you still want it delivered and will accept the delivery?"  YES!!  Wow...getting through to some people....


So the next day the UPS comes back with my dented and semi crushed box...but mostly intact....  There is a big form with handwriting on the side of it that said...."Customer has stated they will fully accept package even if the contents are broken..."  I had a good laugh over it....Yes, two slabs on the top were broken, but that was all, I still had to take a hammer to the case. 

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Lol, Chefmom. The slabs I got from Candlewic were a bit broken up. My son pointed this out to me, and I said it's actually a good thing that they are a little broken up. He just said, "Oooookkaayyy," and walked away.


Thanks, Sojourner and Candybee. I contacted them through their website on their "report a problem" link, which is filling out a form for your complaint. I haven't heard back yet, but that could be because it's the weekend. The package didn't arrive until late Friday evening, so I figured I'll give them until Monday to respond to the form and then I'll call their 800 number.


I will try just rinsing the wax off, Candybee. I wasn't sure if the fo will soak into the wax even when not being heated or if it's the heat that makes it bond to the wax, so I thought that area might be a loss. But I'll give rinsing off a go and see what happens. I guess I figured a busted fo bottle every now and then is par for the course in this hobby, lol.

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I once had a case of wax and a box of supplies coming from Peaks.  I'm counting down until the UPS guy arrives.  He comes...with just one box, the other was "damaged" in transit.  The supplies made it no problem, but the wax box was the one damaged.  So now I have to get on the phone to find out where the box is and how I can get it to me etc.


I go through Peak's customer service, she puts me on with the UPS people who tell me that the box was very damaged and will be sent back and a replacement sent to me.  I told them NO-NO-NO....even if the items inside of the box are ALL BROKEN it doesn't matter...it's wax slabs and will just mean that I don't have to open the box and whack them with a hammer.  I heard crickets from the other end for a good 30 seconds (...some people don't get my humor...)  She finally says to me...very slowly.... "So, even if the items inside the box are broken, you still want it delivered and will accept the delivery?"  YES!!  Wow...getting through to some people....


So the next day the UPS comes back with my dented and semi crushed box...but mostly intact....  There is a big form with handwriting on the side of it that said...."Customer has stated they will fully accept package even if the contents are broken..."  I had a good laugh over it....Yes, two slabs on the top were broken, but that was all, I still had to take a hammer to the case. 

Well, at least they TRIED to be helpful - even though the most helpful was just giving you broken wax. LOL 

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If rinsing it off doesn't work, perhaps you can use the wax that got soaked to make a candle with the fo that leaked?????  Or, if you heat the wax to about 200 for a few minutes, the fo may "burn" off????? 

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