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Is it possible to avoid frosting in soy?

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Is this even possible on a consistent basis?

I really want to use some color but it is so hit or miss on the frosting. And I need to be able to do it on a more production level, so can't take time to heat this or cover that. I am even okay with using pastel shades but then there is the problem of what color to do the apple scents in. Pink just doesn't seem right. I'm using C-1 wax with 10% fragrance.



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Just my opinion..those things help but in my experience never fully eliminate. One reason I don't dye my product. There is a local soy chandler in town who I met. Lovely product, pretty colours and frankly, I was impressed at the lack of frost and told her so. She told me her secret weapon was a hair dryer!!! Before every show or farmers market she manually heats each and every container. Painstaking and not something I am dedicated enough to do! Also in my colouring days I would pour 444 and if I did this at lower temp I got way more frosting!

Edited by JI
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10% fragrance is a lot and FOs can promote frosting as well as dyes. Some soy wax blends are designed to eliminate frosting or diminish it. One comes to mind is Ecosoya's CB Advanced. Makes an absolutely beautiful creamy frost free candle..... but has terrible scent throw or none. Its so finicky I could only find a small amount of FOs that threw at all in CBA.

For dyes, I found the ones that worked best for me with little to no frosting issues are the dye chips from Rediglo. CS carries them and so do a few other suppliers.

I used to blend my soy with paraffin to eliminate frosting. With 25% or more paraffin added plus using dye chips I had about 99% frost free beautifully colored scented parasoy candles.

If you want to go 100% soy you will have to test a few soy blends before deciding on the best one for your needs. Hair dryers, heat guns, wax tempering, etc., are techniques for improving the looks of the candle but often they are just temperary and the frosting comes back... usually with a vengeance.

Frosting is a part of making soy candles and you can embrace it like wet spots on parrafin. Or, you can keep testing a buttload of additives, dyes, FO, etc, plus techniques and of course an assortment of soy waxes.

You are asking the million dollar question. Out of all the waxes I have worked with soy is the most finicky and hardest to master.

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I also have frosting on my jars. The weather here is so up and down, yesterday my candle was fine, no frosting - I had made the candle 5 days ago.

Today it's snap cold ( about 4 degree in my house - i just woke up) and 95% of my jars now have frosting.

There is 2 things I can do.

- Add glitter to the inside jar - hence removing the frosting look completely and giving it a nice glitter look.

- Use frosted jars

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I completely agree with Candybee that FO plays a big part in it- the type and the amount used

I have candles that are a year and a half old and completely frost free and some that have a little and some a lot- all using the same technique and stored the same way- in a shop that thee heat goes down to 60 at night and around 70-74 by day depending on the time of year

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