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Wax....thoughts from you!

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Used J50 but the place in Illinois I can pick up from doesn't carry the IGI 4636. So due to cost....I need to choose between IGI 4633 (J223) or IGI 4630 Harmony blend. Can I get some ideas????? on what you all think? I use Zinc wicks too. thanks so much Laura:undecided

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J223 is almost identical to J50. The major differences are: J223 may need a repour but has a better hot throw. The J50 almost never needs a repour and has excellent throw but not quite as good as the J223.

Both are manufactured by the same company. The J50 is the newer version of the old J223 wax. It answered those who asked for a non-repour wax.

If you settle on the J223 you will get the one with the better hot throw. If your jars are 8oz or under repour isn't a problem. It becomes a problem for larger and larger jars. Eg.; a 16oz jar will probably need a repour. You can fix this with additives but at the moment I am drawing a blank what helps with the shrinkage, I'm thinking petrolatum or another wax.

Both are excellent waxes.

Edited by Candybee
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I started with J-50 and moved on to J-223 pretty quickly. I've tested 4630 and it was ok but it didn't ring my chimes. The Harmony blend is supposed to be the next step in that line of waxes but seems like the same old same old to my viewpoint. Using zincs are recommended because they are a cool burning wick and they don't drink up the wax like some other wicks but they mushroom and soot like crazy. I tried mixing with soy and never came up with a formula that was like the secret millionaire formula. I'd go 4630. HTH


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I've used all those waxes and if you are losing your J50 supplier, IMHO, the J223 is going to be closer than the Harmony. I never really ever saw much difference between 4633 and 4636. J223 was supposed to hold more FO than J5O but they were both about the same. I never tried J225, it was supposed to be better but I think it was short lived.

When I tested with 4630, I found myself diluting with paraffin of about the same melt point that had no additives and I was a bit happier with it. My recollection is that the Harmony is over saturated with additives, but that's just me.

I'm sure you know that the first two digits of the IGI line are supposed to group the wax closely to one another so there should be little in variation. We are talking about all 4600 series wax here.

Edited by EricofAZ
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