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crystalizing Votive

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I can't comment on the votive because it is now removed but I will tell you this:

You need to do some serious spell checking. I am not telling you this to offend you. I am telling you this to help you. I would not order from your website for one reason, that being the way you represent yourself here. You appear to lack intelligence. I would overlook your speeling errors if they were in just one of your posts, but the errors are in most of them.

Speeling errors?? Intentional I hope.;)

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WOW, you have 7 sales reps? 280 scents? Being so new at this.... how DO you do it all? One thing, the copy and paste on your scent descriptions from supplier sites is a little lame IMHO. You should rename or reword them... like 7-up pound cake... only one place carries that scent and your description is a copy and paste from that site. Do you even carry all those scents or just order them when a customer sends you a order for product? Bruce

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I cant imagine you testing every single one of those in each style that you carry . That is crazy. I think everyone else is right.

Look- we arent here to down you, but we are here to help each other and what everyone is seeing is making it not look good.


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no i have 280 and here is a pic i have no clue why so much hate towards me but thsi will be my last post on this board Dont be so jelous and hatefull i swear lifes to short to be so hateful opps better spell check
If you shrug it off as simply hatefulness, you are fooling yourself.

Not everyone here is selling candles. Some are here purely for fun and learning and interacting with other people who share the hobby. For that reason, the standards of the gallery don't need to be super high.

But it changes the picture when you are selling to the public, especially if you use the gallery to promote or underscore that. Then you may get told more forthrightly what you need to hear. You should consider it.

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no i have 280 and here is a pic i have no clue why so much hate towards me

Maybe its because you cheapen the whole industry of home made candles when you can have 280 scents in such a short time (no way you can test that many scents in such a short time). Your shelf looks more like 80 varieties anyway. You have nothing for anyone here to be jealous of. You are the type of person that makes MY job hard by cranking out products that clearly are not the best they can be. You are the type of person that will cause insurance for candle makers to go up and up and up. Life IS too short, just test your products so you don't shorten the life of one of your customers...

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"Don't argue with a fool, An Onlooker may not notice the difference"

Ya know, it looks like some of you on this board may want to take notice of this tag line! I am not picking sides here but I will say that from a lurker since I joined the candletech board way back in March of 2004 I have noticed a group of people decide that they don't like a certain new member and everytime that member posts something (even though that member may be in the wrong) those 'older' members attack the thread and make the new member feel very unwelcomed here. It is very childish and for such a group to post over and over how they wish the board was like it was when they first joined, this is NOT the way to get it there!!

I understand that you want to make a point to her but all you are doing is calling her out and making yourself look like a bully. This is not the first time that people have attacked her thread like a pack of hungry wild animals, whether it is flat out telling her she is going to kill a customer to making sarcastic remarks about a receipe that she may have shared.

I am not posting this to be rude to anybody, just posting something that I have observed. Bash me all you want but looks as though if this keeps going on.....then I have found were the bash board has relocated.

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But, the good thing is that this is the only thing that riles me up, unlike some of the others... no off topic post venting about this and that from me. Sept for those darn Burger King commercials.... I hate that guy. ;) When you do this for a living and plan on it being your future, you truly see things in a different light. When you step out of the world of playing with candles and into the world of selling candles you better be ready to play with the big boys and girls because what you do can effect us too. Bruce

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........ I have noticed a group of people decide that they don't like a certain new member and everytime that member posts something (even though that member may be in the wrong) those 'older' members attack the thread and make the new member feel very unwelcomed here. It is very childish and for such a group to post over and over how they wish the board was like it was when they first joined, this is NOT the way to get it there!!

........ Bash me all you want but looks as though if this keeps going on.....then I have found were the bash board has relocated.

I think you missed the point Willowbrook - It's not that the older members on this board are out to attack newbies, or make them feel unwelcome. Many on this board are long time candlemakers with years of experience and testing under their belts. They know what is involved in making good quality, and safe candles. Many newbies come to this board with requests of where to buy supplies, how to make the candles they have seen in the gallery, what wax, wicks etc, in order that they may use someone else's expertise to turn around and sell their candles, without testing. Almost every week there is someone new asking for help because they are starting a candle business!!!! You will find that most candlemakers are "protective" of their formulas, and will not part with what has taken them many hours of testing.

Another problem is the quality of homecrafted candles. Almost every month you see, or hear of a story where someone has had a mishap with a candle, and a lot of time it has to do with poor burning, and not enough testing on the sellers part. You have to assume that your customer will not always follow the "rules" and will burn the candle in a way that is not desirable. Testing can help eliminate some of the dangers. ie blowouts, flareups...... Bad homecrafted candles give all candlemakers a bad name, and attaches a stigma to the craft as a whole.......

Please note, this is just my opinion, but I'm sure that many will agree with me.

Peace! 3061052i.gif

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i totally agree with Margaritamama! i am a FIRM believer in testing, testing, testing! i never sell a product that i wouldnt buy myself! i have been making candles off and on for 15 years, and been selling for less than a year. so im a newbie in a way. i spend countless hours a day doing research and experimenting. not to mention the amount of money im sure we all spend testing something new until we get it right! i also send friends and family candles regularly to make sure im not becoming stale or immune to my candles. just thought id give my two cents!

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"...If you wish to scent your child's room without lighting a candle, this would be the next best thing to use along with an electric tart warmer."

Found this on your website. I don't understand how a container of hot wax in a child's room can be safe.

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I understand the testing part, I have been making candles for years now and I don't want her to sell products that she hasn't tested. I believe that people are missing my point. Yes, tell her that she is wrong but do not belittle her. I said she was in the wrong, however I also pointed out (and it seemed like it was missed) that attacking her is no way of showing her the right way of doing things, of course I did not say those exact words, maybe I should have made myself a little more clear. Yes it gives people with a business, myself included, a very bad name but how is she going to learn any better when she is attacked everytime she turns around?

If she has made the choice not to return to the board were some people are attacking her every post, do you think that she is just going to take down her website and quit selling her candles that are likely to be a fire hazzard? No, she will quit coming here, quit getting advise and learning the correct way to do things and keep on selling without researching or learning. To me that is much more dangerous!!

Again, this is just my opinion and I don't mean to step on toes, just trying to shed a different light on things..

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Maybe it shouldn't mushroom every time but I wouldn't sweat it. This thread has been viewed almost 2000 times. It's made a point to a wider audience that it wouldn't have made if the priority were just to coddle one person who might not "get it" anyway. I suspect she isn't going anywhere.

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I understand the testing part, I have been making candles for years now and I don't want her to sell products that she hasn't tested. I believe that people are missing my point. Yes, tell her that she is wrong but do not belittle her. I said she was in the wrong, however I also pointed out (and it seemed like it was missed) that attacking her is no way of showing her the right way of doing things, of course I did not say those exact words, maybe I should have made myself a little more clear. Yes it gives people with a business, myself included, a very bad name but how is she going to learn any better when she is attacked everytime she turns around?

If she has made the choice not to return to the board were some people are attacking her every post, do you think that she is just going to take down her website and quit selling her candles that are likely to be a fire hazzard? No, she will quit coming here, quit getting advise and learning the correct way to do things and keep on selling without researching or learning. To me that is much more dangerous!!

Again, this is just my opinion and I don't mean to step on toes, just trying to shed a different light on things..

You do have a point. However I fear it would make no difference. Granted this is JMHO, but she doesn't want to learn. She hasn't asked any questions in the general section, before or after the first long thread with the container wax pillar. Even in that thread, she only asked questions to things that were pointed out to her. If she would just ask, there are many of us that would be more than happy to answer any questions and help her.

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