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What is this? - pic in gallery

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Can anyone tell me what these are? I know they are molds but I've never seen them before. A friend wants to sell them. (belonged to wife's ex-hubby who used to work for some candle co.) He also has 10 metal molds & 7 slabs of pre-colored paraffin.

I've never purchased used stuff before and don't know what to offer (if at all). Would appreciate any feedback. Thx


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I think they're awesome too! Ask him what he would like to sell them for and then bargin him down. If he cares nothing about candlemaking he won't care and maybe charge you a little bit or maybe even give them to you for free. Just don't act too excited about them because then he'll think he's got something very valuable and may try to charge a lot of money for them.

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Oh Mannnn I want to touch one to see what they are made from. Those are very interesting molds.


If you could reproduce those, I think I'd buy at least one. If they seal properly, looks like they would be the ultimate mold. No more of getting stretched out of shape like some rubber type materials do. No having to turn the mold inside out to get the candle out. Less chance of breaking off some parts of the detail. Easy de-molding. Maybe faster de-molding, since the wax won't have to cool all the way down to room temp, all the way through.

If you could use a wick pin, they would be perfect, if I'm seeing what I think I am.

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They are expensive to produce, $30-45 each. They are used in mass production a lot in other countries. Mainly, you contract with a rubber company to have them produced in mass (like 1000 units of a certain design). I can't remember the kind of rubber they use, but it is very resistant to degradation from fragrance oils.

If you can get them for $20 or $25, jump on it. You'll have a lot of fun with them. They work very well... the candle never gets stuck in the mold because the mold basically peels away from the candle.


Alan :smiley2:

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Yes indeed, I'd jump on those too!! They look like a quality made mold, and I bet they produce a beautiful pillar. Can't wait to see a picture of one if you end up getting them. How many does he have to sell? Maybe you should buy them all and put them on the classifieds if he has more than you can use. I'd even buy one, along with the other 100 that are drooling over them.

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Hey Alan, thanks for jumping in with the info on the molds. I searched the internet all day yesterday and never found anything like them.

The 7 slabs of wax weigh 120 lbs - will have to test since he doesn't know what it is except paraffin...but I know how to test :cheesy2:

He told me there are a couple other molds that aren't in the pic - they are 2 part, heart shaped. A couple of the molds look like they may have some rust in them so might not be usable but if they come in a package deal, oh well.

And to the rest of you --- hold your breath cause I made him an offer.:drool: :drool: :drool:


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IT'S A DONE DEAL - I pick the stuff up tomorrow. We both had a figure in mind and met in the middle - but he found another box of stuff with 10 more metal molds, a ton of wicks & other misc stuff. There are only 3 of the rubber molds The company the guy worked for was Ceres out of San Jose, CA...don't find them on the net so must be outta business.

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Hey, good deal. Meeting in the middle is usually fair. Free would have been better, but it would have been hard for me to keep the drool in my mouth as we were talking so I wouldn't have been able to wheel and deal anyway ;)

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fortunately we were negotiating via phone so he couldn't see the drool puddles on my keyboard. My initial offer was $220 - his wife wanted $300, settled on $280 and he throws in the 10 extra molds, wicks, large heavy metal pot, couple FOs, can of mold release, thermometer & wicks - they keep their presto. It started sounding like a divorce settlement :rolleyes2

This stuff was kinda offered to me almost a year ago but the wife thought she might wanna make some candles someday so wouldn't part with it. I explained to him how invovled it gets with testing, etc and elaborated on the liability issue of selling candles.

Will post pic at time of de-molding ;)

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