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fortunately we were negotiating via phone so he couldn't see the drool puddles on my keyboard. My initial offer was $220 - his wife wanted $300, settled on $280 and he throws in the 10 extra molds, wicks, large heavy metal pot, couple FOs, can of mold release, thermometer & wicks - they keep their presto. It started sounding like a divorce settlement :rolleyes2

This stuff was kinda offered to me almost a year ago but the wife thought she might wanna make some candles someday so wouldn't part with it. I explained to him how invovled it gets with testing, etc and elaborated on the liability issue of selling candles.

Will post pic at time of de-molding ;)

LOL, make sure you clean up that keyboard. :laugh2:

Love it....wife was going to make candles. Another one of those "just melt the wax and stick a wick in it and I will become rich in just 3 months".

At any rate, I think you did good. And don't forget, maybe a little WD40 will help clean the rust from some of those molds.

Can't wait to see a picture of a pillar from those molds.

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Ok, did some searching based on the link Candlesprite7 provided. Ceres was bought out by CR Gibsons in '99 - (the gift division was losing money.) The candle division appears to be wholesale only. Found this info in a Thomas Nielsen report. Can't find a site for Ceres but did find their products at this vendor. It shows some of this type of candle but not the exact one and I can't get the pic large enough to get a good look sooo, I'll just have to make my own :P


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Haven't poured one yet - just got home with them & plugged in the presto - so very soon.

The measurements on the 3 that I got are 3 1/2 x 10, 3 1/2 x 6, and 4 1/2 x 6 1/2. They all have the same pattern on the rubber insert but AND HERE IS THE BUT....he says he has a whole 'nother box with different patterns and different sizes. He indicated one of them might be (he was using hand jestures to demo size) a 15-20 pounder!!

The box of metal molds totaled 27 - different sizes & shapes. They all look pretty good - just need to spend some quality time in the oven :)

The 7 slabs of wax each weigh 15 lbs, pre-colored and unfortunately pre-scented with a scent I can't identify but it's not bad. One is coconut for sure. I hate coconut that's how I know for sure what it is.

Presto should be done by now...........

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Ok, did some searching based on the link Candlesprite7 provided. Ceres was bought out by CR Gibsons in '99 - (the gift division was losing money.) The candle division appears to be wholesale only. Found this info in a Thomas Nielsen report. Can't find a site for Ceres but did find their products at this vendor. It shows some of this type of candle but not the exact one and I can't get the pic large enough to get a good look sooo, I'll just have to make my own :P


OMG Pam! Just thought you might like to know... I clicked on the link you gave and then clicked on candles and a Porno site popped up! lol

Love the molds though!


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Have one cooling in the mold - can't wait to see how it turns out. Boy, when I poured the first little bit of wax in, it ran straight thru, out on the work bench and onto the floor. Cleaned up & started over. Added a large bead of putty around the bottom of the base and pressed the mold down onto it and it's holding. :thumbsup: New molds are so much fun

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Haven't poured one yet - just got home with them & plugged in the presto - so very soon.

The measurements on the 3 that I got are 3 1/2 x 10, 3 1/2 x 6, and 4 1/2 x 6 1/2. They all have the same pattern on the rubber insert but AND HERE IS THE BUT....he says he has a whole 'nother box with different patterns and different sizes. He indicated one of them might be (he was using hand jestures to demo size) a 15-20 pounder!!

The box of metal molds totaled 27 - different sizes & shapes. They all look pretty good - just need to spend some quality time in the oven :)

The 7 slabs of wax each weigh 15 lbs, pre-colored and unfortunately pre-scented with a scent I can't identify but it's not bad. One is coconut for sure. I hate coconut that's how I know for sure what it is.

Presto should be done by now...........

Is he offering to sell you the other box too. Or just those 3 that you already bought.

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how's this? (thumb inserted for sizing) The sides of the metal don't touch when latched but the rubber insert does. And they DO need to cool complete before unwrapping - I demolded one too early, the middle was still hot enough that it bulged when released === back into the pot it goes!!


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