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Goddess....Is on SouthernGardens..Prebuy


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8-Gran-Ones, there is now a note on their website about the company being a family-owned and operated business and it makes it difficult when a family member is ill. She did list another phone number to use rather than the usual business phone number. However, there is no mention of the status of the pre-buy fragrance oils. Maybe you could try calling the number to get a status. Might be better if just one person calls rather than everyone.

Since it is too late to do reversals the best we can hope for is to get the product.


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Seems a bit strange that a number that always worked...no longer works. I hope that is not a bad sign.

I do and can understand a family illness affecting business...but taking 5 minutes to post a notice on the website as to the situation and the status of any pre-buys or pending orders would have been acceptable to me. Obviously I can't reverse charges either...I just will try to wait patiently for the oils and pray we get them.

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I emailed Kathy this evening..here is my letter in blue..

Hi again, Kathy..

I have had several ladies contact me, about the Pre-buy on Goddess...

I did post the information you gave me last week, on the Craft Server.

But they are wanting to know, if, when you ordered, & when you expect Goddess to ship, to the prebuy participants?

They are just getting worried, as it has been over 2 months with no posting of updates on the website.

I know a few have said they tried to call the # on the website, and the number is no longer working.

If you can help me out with some answers, I sure would appreciate it.

Being I am one of the ladies that kind of got this started, they are looking to me for answers.

Thanks again,


Kathy's Response in Red...

I have posted my cell number on the site. It is taking longer because they had to do some testing on the fragrance and I'm looking for it to be here within the next few weeks. The prebuy did not end until the end of March and then they had to do the testing on it to make sure it was up to the new qualifications because it had not been ordered in so long. I just got my cell number posted today because we have had some family illness. Please assure them that it's in process and I will do everything in my power to get it out as fast as I can. I apologize for the inconvenience. This is not like me at all. It seems like if it could go wrong around here it has lol. Thank you very much for all your help.

So in my opinion...i am going to believe and trust her...Things can happen..that we have no control over..

You ladies can do what you feel is best for you...

Edited by 8-GRAN-ONES
added more..
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Thank you Ruth...I appreciate it. Please don't feel like I am in any way leaning on you for suggesting the pre-buy either. I'm glad you took the time to inquire for the rest of us (you and smelly both did) and I appreciate being able to get it and smell this talked about oil.

I can understand the situation Kathy is in....it is tough to have a small family business and when illness strikes a family member...it can really be hard to get it all done. From what I understand from her previous email to you she had to go out of town for a sick mother...totally understandable to me. Some situations are beyond control.

I will wait patiently :)

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I found a full bottle of Goddess it is at least 4 years old do you think it is still good to soap?? off to smell it.

I've got a sample bottle from Old Mill so you know its several years old. It still smells freaking delish! If possible it smells even richer I think.

Hope the shipments you guys are getting smell the same.

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