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who do you buy your fragrance oils from?

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hello all,

just wondering if anyone has used wellington fo's and if you liked them. they will ship overseas but due to the high shipping costs, i want to select a new supplier carefully.

if you do not use wellington, can you maybe list which companies you get your fo's from? then i can narrow the field by checking to see which ones will ship to germany.

very frustrating that essential oils are actually cheaper for me to get here but i am just not happy with the limited fragrances. :undecided


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no, i have quite a bit of essential oils but have decided to try more fragrance oils. there are some really nice sounding scents available that i just won't get with essential oils.

there are some suppliers in the uk but having to buy in gbp vs. € it gets expensive for me. it might end up cheaper to buy in us dollars even with the higher shipping costs. :) just a thought worth checking into. :)

Edited by NorCalGirl417
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Several, but the main, "regular" ones are Peak's, CandleScience, and Cajun's. :smiley2:

I don't think these ship outside of US, I think I have contacted them before and I'm sure they don't but I might be wrong :)

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I don't think these ship outside of US, I think I have contacted them before and I'm sure they don't but I might be wrong :)

i know that cajuns won't ship outside the states but thanks for the other suggestions. :) nice to know that there is a cheaper option for fragrance oil (buying from the us that is)

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Ok I'm in uk and for me it's cheaper to buy from the US.

I have not tried wellingtons but I do use community candle supply (these are my fav ones), candle cocoon, daystar, backwoods, candle source and moonworks.

Out of these particular suppliers I can vouch for Backwoods and Moonworks Collection. Haven't had a bad oil in any of my orders and they tend to work great in soy, paraffin, palm waxes. Now that I am doing CP soaps I am learning how well oils work for soap. Again, so far the oils I have tried from Moonworks are outstanding and very sophisticated and complex. Haven't tried Backwoods in CP yet so don't know but they are terrific in wax.

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Ravens what do you order from Cajuns?

The only one I've tried from there is the Sandalwood. It was amazing.

Christmas Memories. They claim it's been their best seller for over 10 years, and it sure is my best seller; haven't found one that comes close to it; great scent.

Other top notch FOs I get from Cajun are: Blackberry Sage (other ones I tried were AH/RE); Coco-mango, Vanilla Bourbon, Baby powder, Winter garden, Cherry blossom, Pineapple (a good, straight-up pinapple). These are the ones off the top of my head, but as I mentioned to someone just recently, I could kick my butt for not trying Cajun sooner; their FOs are superb. However, one that did nothing for me was Iced Raspberry, and I do not like their version of Mulberry (it's called Mulberry Madness).

Oh, if you like florals, their Gardenia is very good and their Pink Carnation will run you out of the house; very strong (and I like them "pass-out-strong", lol), very "true".... the perfect funeral home scent :laugh2: But so many customers love it; gotta give them what they want, right? :wink2:

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Christmas Memories. They claim it's been their best seller for over 10 years, and it sure is my best seller; haven't found one that comes close to it; great scent.

Other top notch FOs I get from Cajun are: Blackberry Sage (other ones I tried were AH/RE); Coco-mango, Vanilla Bourbon, Baby powder, Winter garden, Cherry blossom, Pineapple (a good, straight-up pinapple). These are the ones off the top of my head, but as I mentioned to someone just recently, I could kick my butt for not trying Cajun sooner; their FOs are superb. However, one that did nothing for me was Iced Raspberry, and I do not like their version of Mulberry (it's called Mulberry Madness).

Oh, if you like florals, their Gardenia is very good and their Pink Carnation will run you out of the house; very strong (and I like them "pass-out-strong", lol), very "true".... the perfect funeral home scent :laugh2: But so many customers love it; gotta give them what they want, right? :wink2:

I love Mulberry Madness. :D

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HorsescentS, isn't it interesting how one scent is loved by one person and not by another? I have a relatively small group of customers who go nuts over a scent that has a lot of "leather" in it, and I cannot stand it.... moan and groan every time I pour it, lol.

Though I am not crazy about the majority of BCN/BCS FOs, their Mulberry, in my opinion, is the best. I tried the Mulberry sold by Peak, CandleScience, Cajun, Lone Star and AH/RE; but BC's Mulberry is the only one that "cuts it" with all my mulberry fan customers. Got many of them to sample the Mulberry from other suppliers and it's always been, "No, I like the other one better". Oh, well...

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HorsescentS, isn't it interesting how one scent is loved by one person and not by another? I have a relatively small group of customers who go nuts over a scent that has a lot of "leather" in it, and I cannot stand it.... moan and groan every time I pour it, lol.

Though I am not crazy about the majority of BCN/BCS FOs, their Mulberry, in my opinion, is the best. I tried the Mulberry sold by Peak, CandleScience, Cajun, Lone Star and AH/RE; but BC's Mulberry is the only one that "cuts it" with all my mulberry fan customers. Got many of them to sample the Mulberry from other suppliers and it's always been, "No, I like the other one better". Oh, well...

Wow! I'll definitely try BCS Mulberry, then.

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