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Very first craft fairs in december


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Hi everyone.. after many years of candlemaking I decided to do some craft market (or fair? I'm italian don't know the exact term).

So I'm making candles, with no ideas about what people will like, or what they want.

The friend of mine who is already doing craft fairs said she never saw anyone selling candles. I simpli have no idea of what to bring.

The shows-fairs are 15-16 december and 22-23 december.

My friend said there will be one with no fees on 9 december so I decide to try that first, just to have a feeling just before the biggest one..

I'm so confused LOL!

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It is very confusing. I just had my first fair, and I just took a little of everything! Some sold, and some didn't, so now I know what to take for the next one, and changes that need made, it's all a learning experience! Just remember to have fun!

Oh so you've done your first!

I'm excited and scared at the same time.. and yes it will be cold... I can't stand cold so I don't know I can manage a day like that!! So many thoughts are making me mad!

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Take a little of everything and a ton of business cards and brochures if you have them.

What might not sell one day ( or one show ) you might sell out of next time.

When I did my first shows, I took things I swore up and down would sell........... not so much.. But the things I didn't think would move, did.

Middle of that season.. it was the total reverse!

Hauling a lot of product is a pain, but depending on how many people will be going through the market/fair/show, it might be worth it to take more than you think you'll ever need.

It's a pain to load it all back up, but it's better than running out.

I've had people come up to me wanting something they'd seen 8 or 10 people walking around with, but unfortunately I'd sold out.. and missed the sale :(

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I will try to calm down.. I have 40 pillars.. I'm doing containers.. then air freshener, maybe firestarters and clamshells.I have some christmas scents, some old good classic as vanilla and chocolate, some flowery.. but don't know what to do next. I have my new business cards ready, I have 500 of them.. well the first will be a test, then I'll have about two weeks to prepare for the next!

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oh, you'll learn something with every show! When I started I took pictures of every set up and kept notes on what sold so I was better prepared the next year. Some shows pillars fly off the shelves; at others it's just clamshells and air fresheners. Don't stress, just have fun.

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Hi Sabrina. It seems so odd you haven't done a show yet because I know you have been making gorgeous candles for years.

For craft shows during the Christmas season just make sure you bring lots of holiday scents. Don't know what sells in Italy but here in Virginia I sell lots of scents like Christmas Tree, Mistletoe, Cinnamon, Bayberry, Spicy Bakery types like Cinnamon Buns, Gingerbread, Brown Sugar & Cinnamon, Lavender sells year round, Cranberry, Pumpkin, Pomegranate, Apple Cinnamon, etc.

Have some gift type items with holiday packaging on it like bows, ribbons, tinkling bells, etc. I also bring a little holiday decor to spruce up my booth; red and gold tablecloths, holiday table runners, angels, snowman, etc.

Have fun!!

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Hi Sabrina. It seems so odd you haven't done a show yet because I know you have been making gorgeous candles for years.

For craft shows during the Christmas season just make sure you bring lots of holiday scents. Don't know what sells in Italy but here in Virginia I sell lots of scents like Christmas Tree, Mistletoe, Cinnamon, Bayberry, Spicy Bakery types like Cinnamon Buns, Gingerbread, Brown Sugar & Cinnamon, Lavender sells year round, Cranberry, Pumpkin, Pomegranate, Apple Cinnamon, etc.

Have some gift type items with holiday packaging on it like bows, ribbons, tinkling bells, etc. I also bring a little holiday decor to spruce up my booth; red and gold tablecloths, holiday table runners, angels, snowman, etc.

Have fun!!

Hi Candybee thanks for your kind words.

Shows are something I do not have the time to do, I work monday to saturday, 8 hours a day. Shows on sundays just consume the only day I have for me and my family, but this year I want to try and see what happens. It's a little sacrifice but job isn't going well so if I can make some extra money it will be ok.

What sells here in italy, who knows. My friend who will be with me at the shows with her stuff said she never saw a candle in all the shows she has done. As for scents, here people knows only vanilla, lavender, chocolate. These are the only scents in commercial candles. I'll see with my beloved scents to start some new trend!

Maybe I can pack some candle as gift, but wondering if people can still smell the scent!

Edited by cybersix
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At this time of year gift baskets or bags are great sellers. Just make some melts of the scents in the baskets/bags so people can get a smell of what they are buying without opening

up your nice gift wrapping! Melts are very big sellers here in the US, I really think we owe a lot of that to the big companies that make them. Your candles are beautiful and you

will do well. HAVE FUN!

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at this point I really don't know if I will be doing shows.. my husband had a motorcycle accident on saturday. he already had one the past may and now the second.. until christmas he cannot move, he can walk but cant' move his right arm because he broke his right collarbone and one rib. so I work 8 hours a day, now I have to think about everything else and lost my helper.. really i don't know what I will be able to do!

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I know that has to be so hard on you. You get " right THERE" .. and then something happens to delay it. It's so frustrating and maddening and makes you almost wanna throw something.

It's hard.

I've actually been so depressed about having to delay, I've gotten off the boards anywhere from 5 days to even a few months, because reading what everyone was up to, just made me more sad ( I know, I'm pathetic lol ).

Just read and study and sit there and think up of anything "new" you can do that you haven't done, and study up on it and it'll help get you through the days.

I found it better, for me at least, to read up on things yall all do, that I don't. That way, I'd be learning something totally different, and what I do, wouldn't be occupying my mind and making me more depressed.

I don't know if that would work for you, just saying it was a blessing for me to keep my mind off things!

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It's hard because we were almost out of the other bad accident he had the past may.. now here we go again, the bad thing is I already paid for two shows, I have 60 candles ready but I need to prepare more things, find clothes and lights for table, and don't know when or how!

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