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Everything posted by justajesuschick

  1. I liked the Pumpkin Souffle. I am not a fan of really buttery, creamy condensed milk smells and this one had that to me. It was my DIL's very favorite.
  2. Okay. Got the confirmation email, hit reply and sent back my selections. Is that correct? Was I to put them in PayPal instructions instead? I ordered: Cake Batter Candy Fluff Cherry Lemonade Cinnamon Pumpkin Bread Circus Concession Cookie Kitchen Home Sweet Home Lemon Icebox Pie Vanilla Ice Cream Welcome Home
  3. Was yours $8 shipping on the $10 sampler? Some scents I'd like to try but I do not know. Leah, your results sound encouraging!
  4. I only make for myself. I do not like Florals, Patch, Musk nor Pink Sugars. I like Bakery, Spice, Fruits and Laundry. I plan to order: Cotton Candy Cake Bake Coffee Cake and Spice Pumpkin Creme Brulee Spiced Apples and Peaches The Great Pumpkin Cinnamon Roll w/Vanilla Icing ...and Maple ~OR~ Maple Cinnamon Twist?? Did I pick any of your favs? Any you might have me sub instead of some I have chosen? It is pretty easy to see what I prefer! Thank you!!
  5. I have a list going (and added a couple of these!) but when I went to place my little order, oils were like $25 and shipping was $11. I decided to wait until I need more. That is how it goes being a non-tax I.D. individual buying just for herself! Now you are making me go check out CS's new oils!!
  6. I am about to give up. Have just bought and tried two. Both went in the trash. I mean they are not even close. More medicinal smelling yet I see tons of makers with tons of Cotton Candy blends. I used to buy loads of them, myself. Any guidance for me before I toss in the Cotton candy towel? Thanks! eta: Cannot do Pink Sugar. Messes with hubby's allergies. I am after a spun sugar, sort of sugar-y strawberry scent. I regularly bought it from a couple of makers so I know it exists!
  7. Making just for myself, I have 3, 10 gallon Rubbermaid bins. One holds wax, one holds FO's and one holds labels, cello bags, ties and my folder of receipts. I just use Ziploc containers to hold my FO bottles (because none of my bottles are bigger than 4 ounces) but assume that there are better ways. Would you mind sharing how you store or organize your FO's? Thanks!
  8. My issue being a person who just makes for myself is shipping on just FO's. I just started an order for 9-10, 1-2 ounce FO's. The order came to $20 and the shipping was $11.
  9. haha! SEE! It was probably ksranch who helped me with my question.
  10. I have that one but have not used it yet. Wow, does it ever smell yummy. I keep opening the bottle just to sniff. Waiting on my new wax blend to arrive to use it. I asked a similar question about another company's Birthday Cake. The oil just seemed to sit in the bottom and I stirred and stirred. I inquired here and was told that with heavier oils (many vanillas) that I needed to raise the heat to incorporate better. I just decided to bump my temp up about 5 degrees in general and it seems to be fine. Another error is that I was using too much oil pp of wax. I'll be watching this for answers from more experienced makers in hopes of learning more myself!
  11. I just keep looking at Presto pots. I make just a few batches of wax a week. Still deciding. I long ago got rid of non-stick cookware. I hated the teflon material flaking off. Just was reading a ton of reviews and a lot of people mention the non-stick flaking off. I did not find much here about that in my searching. I saw a stainless version and wondered if anyone had that one. Thanks!
  12. Thanks! Online all I was finding were 1 ounce shot glasses. I never usually am adding more than 2 ounces of FO at a time since I do not have a business but since we have covered that I am clumsy, this size will be easier for me to pour into and offer me plenty of room. Thanks again!
  13. Well, look what I found! I worked through lunch but needed a break. I remembered that there is a kitchen store across the street (well, fancy shops/hotels/restaurants semi-attached to our corporation). I took a quick stroll over and was going to get a small little juice glass and then I saw this little guy. It is still very small (just 3.25" tall) but I can measure 4 ounces at a time. Certainly will still weigh it on my scale. Because it is glass I can hopefully rinse, soap or wipe it out between use. It is the little things (literally) that can make me smile.
  14. I also use oils at this ratio. I tried an ounce per pound and my melts were super weak for my taste. I have not yet found a Pumpkin Pie that I love. Those I have tried have smelled fine, just not like Pumpkin Pie to me.
  15. I plan to test/melt what I made yesterday in just a couple of days. I will be certain to let you know my outcome. I tested one round which was between 4625/4630 and 4794 and another round that was between 4625/4630 and 4630/4794. One combo was Cinnamon Buns and the other was Nana's Kitchen.
  16. I really appreciate this thread! I just started making melts in early June. Summer was a bad time for me to start, huh? Hubby has A/C on and every ceiling fan in the house cranked. My stuff will likely be much better this Fall and Winter! Thanks, ladies for sharing your knowledge and experience!
  17. Oh ye of fancy candle making and experience! Since I just make for myself, I use a stainless Calphalon saucepan with a double boiler. It is easy if I need just 1 ounce or 2 ounces of oil. I just dump in the bottle. I have a scale. I pour out the amount of FO I need from a larger bottle into a cup that is sitting on the scale. Did I mention that I am not coordinated? I have a hard enough time getting the oil in a little cup in the right amount! I suppose that I could trust myself to weigh the hot wax in the pour pan. I can picture me dumping half a bottle in...haha!
  18. I do not make scent cups so I do not need lids. I just found some "medicine" cups on ebay that are super cheap and in my area. Wonder if those would work? Thinking of asking them for a pick up to save shipping. Today I got all my oils measured out and them stacked up the cups after using. At clean up I picked up the cups (I had an unused stack of them from carry out sushi!) and the bottoms had "melted" out! I need not measure out and pour so soon, I suppose. I was also considering glass shot glasses. Do you have a source that you'd suggest? Thanks!
  19. No candles for me. My brother used to say that I always had more candles burning in my house than a Catholic church. Hubby and one dog were having issues. It was the burning. That and my dogs are 3.3-4.1 lbs. and my candles were not in places that were baby nor puppy proof. Switched to one package of melts and one warmer and they both did fine! I bought and bought from there. So, I am bitten by the wax tart bug!! I spent a LOT of money on Scentsy and others. A crafty friend insisted that I just try making some. I did and now here I am! I likely will end up with those two waxes even for my tarts. As they have dried, the creaminess of 4630 certainly makes for smooth tarts. I do not trust myself with dye so my tarts are naked! I label with date, fragrance name and source, wax and source. This was my output from today:
  20. Well, the testing is going fine. Except that it is showing me not much difference in what I am testing!! I tested 4794 and the 4625/4630 combo in Amish Harvest and seriously both lasted 24 hours. I think that I could have put Peak's Amish Harvest in the worst wax ever and it might have done well! I could only tell a slight difference in scent at the end of the test. I ended the test. There was still some scent left. So, today I made a bundle of new batches. Cinnamon Buns and Nana's Kitchen from ICS. Used straight 4794, 4625/4630 combo and since I had some 4630 left, I mixed that with some 4794. Will warm each of these pairings in a few days. I need to order more wax from Peak. Now I do not know which to get!!
  21. I thought about all of the chuckwagon desserts. What could be tossed in a cast iron pot on the fire. Found this link on chuckwagon recipes. Perhaps it will give you some ideas. http://www.chronicleoftheoldwest.com/chuckwagon.shtml Molasses stack cake...mmm...
  22. I did the 75%/25% mix and it is still too soft to cleanly snap brittle pieces. No worries, though as I have some Wilton silicone molds and if I incorporate 4630 I will just make tarts instead of brittle. I also tested my KY133 with the same FO as this 75/25 blend. Now I have 4 to test. Each of the two waxes I currently use and the 50/50 as well as this 75/25 blend of 4625/4630. I am eager to finish my test by melting each of these this weekend! Thank you al again very much for your help!
  23. I started with this tutorial and bought the KY133 wax as shown. It is a granulated wax as fine as sand or sugar. I mainly make brittle. http://library.rusticescentuals.com/item_11/How-to-Make-Scent-Brittle.htm I also have some Wilton brownie bite molds. I got them with Joann/Hobby Lobby/Michael's with 40% or 50% off one item coupons. Michael's has 50% off bakeware tomorrow and Saturday. I plan to get some more tomorrow. With the help of posters here I am currently testing IGI 4794 and a blend of IGI 4625 and 4630. I just poured my first tests last night and tonight. So, I will melt this weekend and see what I think. The melts I like the most seemed to be paraffin so I have started there. I do not have a wax business and have no plans to sell. I am just making wax for myself and plenty to share with others who I discover (or can talk into) like to melt.
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