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Everything posted by Barb_513

  1. If you know what exactly you want and yo can't find it on the web, why don't you design it yourself. That's what I do. I love mine and no trouble with royalties and such. What is wrong with what you are finding....wrong color, wrong style, maybe if your are more specific. I thought some of the things on those pages were nice. Barb
  2. I'm not a marketing expert. I have an accounting background so when I get one of those % off next purchase I spend more money. The reason is I can up my savings. So I control the dollar amount on how much I save. It would be very interesting to see what most people do in those situations. I personally like the money off next purchases better than the points, just because I hate keeping those little cards until I have enough to spend. I'm the same way with the cards that get punched. I just don't like them hanging around in my purse or wallet. I like things I can get and use immediately or within a week. Thanks for all the great ideas and the places to purchase these. Barb
  3. Okay....I'm new to this stuff. Are we talking Wilton's coloring for food and icings and such?? Or couold you direct me to the website for them if they aren't. Those are beautiful. I have some FBB that I've been wanting to play with
  4. Ok my 11 y/o thinks glitter and a sea shell. I love them they are so cute.
  5. It has not made a difference for me. Most of mine are CB just because thats what I use most. If you search I think people mostly just pour whatever they have leftover. HTH, Barb
  6. Ok, I'll bite, how much is a jackpot? I've got pounds and pounds just waiting to be used. I may be sitting on a jackpot and don't know it. I'm just playing....so watcha gonna make?
  7. Okay there is already a thread on the craft shows... http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22729 As for the fundraisers, there are sooo many different ways to find them. I find that word of mouth is the best way. You could do an ad in the paper, flyers, or attend PTA meetings. That's just a small start. You could do a search because I know this has been talked about here before also. Good luck! Barb
  8. Can anyone share a good place to get vit E with a reasonable price? Thanks, Barb
  9. I have read that Shea is a natural protector also, but I believe I read that it was a low level protector. I'd love to find something to make or better yet something Ashlie could make and I could buy. I'm going broke buying sunscreen to cover the twins at my older daughters soccer games and summer isn't even here yet.
  10. Hello and welcome!!! You'll find a ton of info here!!!
  11. I actually have twins that are starting to eat well. After we open the jar and put the lid back on it leaks. It leaks just a little but it's weird. It also seems to be one particular brand more than the others. I plan to spray my lids and hot glue cirlces of fabric on the tops for showers. I've done a few to show and they have turned out great. I'd post a pic but my camera is on record video and I can't get it off LOL DH is out of town on business but maybe when he gets back. HTH, Barb
  12. I have an LLC. If you search the topic of how to get something like this started has been talked about many times and there is a lot of good information.
  13. I think that's good for 20 people. It's so hard to judge who will actively work for a fundraiser and who says lets do only to sit on their butts. Can you tell I head up fundraising for my daughters soccer team. It's not only frustrating for the vendor but also for the person organizing it. I did one at Christmas that everyone was gung ho on and them only 5 people sold and most only sold 3 items. I was less than happy to turn it in. Congrats on this one. Barb
  14. All of them or just a certain one? Thanks, Barb
  15. I think it is a great idea. I am also someone who notices names so I think your company logo will be something they remember also. I say it was a great idea and yours looks great!!!
  16. If one scent is stronger than the other I'd go with that scent and color accordingly. ie cucumber light green or tangerine light orange. I'd also look at the colors you have in your line. I like a wide variety of colors so if you have 10 greens and only 1 orange I'd go for a different shade of orange than you have but I'd go with orange. Hope that makes sense. Oh and welcome to CT Barb
  17. I say go and enjoy. Your Dh can handle the show. You should enjoy every opportunity you can with your grandchild. My parents both jump and the chance to see my kids and the kids see it and love it. So go forget all responsibilities at home and have a great time with your grandchild. Have fun!!!
  18. NG for me. I am going to try JS soon but I love NG!
  19. I think the letters in the middle draw all your attention and my eyes go to nothing else. I think the focus is off. I would rethink the big letters in the middle. I also think all the black is too much. Just my 2 cents of course.
  20. Welcome to the board. I'm sure you will find lots of info here as I have. It seems that you have lots of suppliers right there in Texas. That will save you a ton of money on shipping. I buy my wax local and some of my FO's but I also order some FO's and pay for the shipping. There was a post at one point on how much people paid to have their wax shipped and it was amazing how much I'm saving just picking it up. Good luck with your tarts
  21. Okay you guys have peaked my interest! I've been looking at her site and see lots of goodies. You know since I live close I could see about a co-op if she gives discounts for volume on the FO's. I didn't see anything on her site. Of course my two little helpers are having an awake day so I've been playing with the twins while looking. I'll look into their site more
  22. I just realized they are within driving distance from me and I haven't even trying them. Now I'm gonna go broke...I got the newsletter also.
  23. I say yes also. I am already looking for easter goodies.
  24. Thanks I was just reading about this wax. I may have to place an order
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