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Jojo T.

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Everything posted by Jojo T.

  1. They look beautiful. And the lettering looks good.
  2. Hi Michael, I love the black and blue one at the back, it looks fabulous. Re the colours, I love colour and contrast!
  3. Now that's my kind of candle, I love it.
  4. Of course - you are a true artist in every way and the fact that you can save things which don't turn out how you originally intended proves it! :highfive:
  5. I would buy all four of those, they look beautiful. Well done. :highfive:
  6. Eugenia, the colours in those are superb - I love the colours you mix up and put together. Beautiful candles. Thanks for sharing.
  7. That's one beautiful candle Mozz. Well done.
  8. I love that one Mozzie - everything about it is superb. :highfive:
  9. Those are beautiful warm colours and the rustic in it looks beautiful.
  10. No, no boredom happening here - keep those pictures coming. I love your candles - the colours in these are great and I'd buy them. Beautiful.
  11. Oh Sara, I love the colours and mottles of those. They all look fabulous.
  12. I love that - those colours look fantastic together. :highfive:
  13. The only thing to be careful of is not to pour them too hot or the plastic melts. I've found no hotter than about 155 degrees Fahrenheit is ok.
  14. I love your rustic candles - the colours are beautiful. I think we can use any colour with any fragrance - why not!
  15. Thanks - this shape of bottle mould burns really well and I've been using it for years - I've used an 18 ply flat braid wick which does the trick perfectly. It's 2 1/2 inches + in diameter.
  16. Hi Sabrina, Thank you for your comments. The purple haze candles are made in a Mount Franklin spring water bottle which has a great shape. They even have a flower or star shape in the bottom, which becomes the top of course. To take it out of the bottle, I just rip it carefully. I'm in to reusing anything I can before I put it into the recycling bin. And of course, because they are used only once, I don't have to clean the moulds after using them.
  17. This one is called Purple Haze, is a little mottled and fragranced Oriental - which is a mixture of my scraps of wax that turned out ok. Thanks for looking, cheers,
  18. Hi guys, Here's what I've been up to. The first picture is of some magenta rustics fragranced coconut milk and some hunter green rustics fragranced clean cotton.
  19. As usual Sabrina, your candles are wonderful. I especially like the fluted one.
  20. I really like the three of them - they look very unique and I'm sure your dil would love them too. Very nice.
  21. Thanks Lara. If you do a search in the General Candle Making Discussions area, you will find some instructions from Donita. If you can't find them, let me know and I'll help you out. Cheers,
  22. Jaye, they are ALL lovely, so please keep those pics coming. I love the pyramid the most.
  23. Those layers are very neat - I love the angles you've done.
  24. Hi guys, for those who wanted to know how I wicked this one: I set the wick before I poured the wax in the usual way. If you need more info, just ask and I shall attempt to make it clearer. Cheers,
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