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Jojo T.

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Everything posted by Jojo T.

  1. Ditto. Your rustics have inspired me to have a go.
  2. I'd love to pop over to Philly for a visit and show you how Jaye, however, until I've saved up for the fare you shall have to be content with this message. I've found if I pop my moulds into a milk carton cut down to size it makes it easier to turn the mould when I want to change the angle of the layer. If I don't do this, I end up with a messy candle too. BTW, I do have my fair share of failures too.
  3. It's 6" x 3" - I got the mould from Candlewic.
  4. Hi, This is one of my favourite moulds, I did it a while ago, but only just got round to posting it.
  5. Hi all, The first two are scented Honeysuckle (red candle) and Baby Powder (blue candle). The second one (burgundy), which was my first attempt at a rustic, is scented Clean Cotton. Thanks for looking, Cheers,
  6. Oh Mozzie, that is one fabulous candle, I love it too.
  7. They're all great Mozz. My favourite is the one scented with spring rain.
  8. Hi, I've sent you a Private Message about this. Cheers, Jo
  9. I think your marbles are the best I've seen. The other candles look good too.
  10. Oh Donita, that is a beautiful candle and it brought tears to my eyes.
  11. I'd make lots of those as I love it just the way it is.
  12. Sabrina, they are very impressive - I love them.
  13. I love ALL of those and you've inspired me to do some more layers - beautiful.
  14. I think they're beautiful - great colours.
  15. Yes, I don't think we can ever have too much love in our candles.
  16. Hi Lisa, I just use plain old paraffin wax with stearine added. I tidy up any overpour wax which covers the embedded shape with a sharp blade after it's out of the mould and then carefully use my heat gun to round off any untidy edges. It gets easier the more you do.
  17. The pillars - the one on the right is filled with hearts.
  18. These are also fragranced with Moonlight Path and Midsummer Night.
  19. Hi Guys, Here are a few I've been working on lately. The FOs are Midsummer Night and Moonlight Path. Thank you for looking. Cheers, Jo
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