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Jojo T.

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Everything posted by Jojo T.

  1. Lovely candles, and the horse is fantastic.
  2. Oh Sabrina, they're great - my favourite is the effect on the first one. Did you mix the waxes half and half? Your photography is also good, so don't stress - you've got it! :highfive: I just read the reply with the mix - so ignore my question.
  3. I love all of those. The colours are good and the rustic finish is excellent. I'd also like to know where you got the pine cone mould from - very nice.
  4. Vicky, they are fantastic - the layers look great.
  5. I love purple green and white together - fantastic Judy.
  6. I have a set of heart cookie cutters and just cut the diamond shapes myself in wax in a cookie tray. Cheers,
  7. I love them Sabrina, I just had to keep going back for a look as once was not enough. The hearts are placed so beautifully.
  8. The candle looks fabulous and the photography is good too. I'm just going to have to get myself some palm wax and start playing with that too.
  9. I like them just the way they are - perfect. Your rustics are always amazing.
  10. Hi, The waves are far from perfect, which is OK 'cause that's how I like them - I've learnt to do them very slowly and carefully and with rustics the mistakes become part of the overall effect. It's also easier in the polycarbonate molds as I can see what I'm doing as I go along. The embeds - I place them where I want with white chunks and then any overflow is removed when I take them out of the mold with my finger nail and/or a sharp blade and my heat gun softens the finish around the cuts. Cheers
  11. Hi, Here's what I've been up to this last week. 1. Rustic Waves - I've done six of these which are for my niece's spa - fragranced with Lavender Essential Oil. They were a lot of fun to do. 2. Pooky Candle - this one is just a simple pillar on which my daughter Kimberley painted one of my cat's names. I love the style of writing she uses and occasionally she does the writing for special orders of Christening Candles for me. FO Baby Powder. 3. Rustic Purple Ball - made with my scraps. 4. Heart Embeds - Another special order for someone to give to their friend, FO French C5. 5. Diamond Embeds - Just for fun - FO Girls Night Out. Thanks for looking.
  12. That looks fabulous - it's obvious that you put a lot of thought and work into your display. Well done. :highfive:
  13. Very nice, I love chunky candles and the embed looks good.
  14. The first of many no doubt as they are great. I love them.
  15. Sabrina, that's beautiful. I hope when the rest are finished, you line them up and post a pic of them for us. I love candles with hearts in them and yours is great. :highfive:
  16. Both candles look beautiful. The green is "cool" and the purple one is fabulous - I just love those colours. Maybe you could have a lime green and purple and take turns in pouring?
  17. I think they would look even better on my ears! Seriously, I love both of them, they look great.
  18. I love all of your rustics and these are no exception, they are beautiful. :highfive:
  19. Cindy, they're all beautiful. My favourite is the "shells".
  20. Hi again, Here are a few comments which I hope are useful. Dear Kalamazoo: I've found that the only time I have problems getting my rustics out of my aluminium molds was when I was a bit light on the stearine - I now add the full 3 Tablespoons per pound and wait overnight before I attempt the unveiling and haven't had a problem since (so far). I almost wish some of the splashes had stayed inside with my purple ones this time!!! :undecided Dear Gerrie: To get my plum colour I use a purple and then add a few shavings of red, testing as I go by pouring a little into a muffin cup and sitting the cup in a jug of water so it sets fast, until I get the right shade of plum. I haven't found a supplier near me who has a plum dye. I love that colour. Have fun. Dear Indy Girl: Please note: Warm - OK Hot - NOT OK. When it's so hot that if I go outside it's like being in a sauna and the sun starts roasting my skin instantly and it's so bright that I HAVE to wear sunglasses or I can't see, I crave cooler days! Luckily today it's cooler, only 24C forecast. Hooray! Thanks for looking, your comments are very encouraging.
  21. Yes, we have a very shady garden and her favourite spot is underneath the passionfruit vine and rosemary bush in a hollowed out hole she's made for herself.
  22. That's great - I shall be looking for others from you to enjoy looking at. :highfive:
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