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Everything posted by tam1116

  1. Is it worth the expense of a web site? Can anyone tell me what it would cost to start one? Thanks for any help anyone can give me!!!
  2. Thanks for all the advice everyone!!!!! Stella this is a 120z jelly jar.
  3. Where do you get USA from? What temp do you pour at?
  4. Wow you made that, very nice!!!!! Nice dog too!!!!!
  5. C-3 6%fo heated 185poured at155 This happened to 3 that i tested any ideas maybe an air pocket if so how do you avoid it
  6. Jennie 12 I am planning to come to Fillmore on Friday. I live about 21/2 hrs away. Any good FO's you recommend from there. Also do you use their C-3 wax?
  7. I will be pouring baby powder into baby food jars for my daughter's baby shower. Also a few new ones from Peak, Ocean, winter wonderland,wild mountain honey, pear spice, tahitian village, red clove, might have to mix that one with something, any ideas???
  8. classiccandle I think that is great in such a short time!!!! I am talking like 0 in the one shop I have mine in. Hope it continues for you.
  9. What kinds of groups do you do fundraisers for? Do you send flyers out or contact them by phone?
  10. I was wondering where everyone sells their candles. I make candles and melts. I have done a few craft shows during the summer and around the holidays, but this time of year their isn't anything going on. I also have them in 3 different stores, but not much going on there either.
  11. I just poured in C-3, first time using this wax, hope I like it!!!!! Bird of Paradise Rose Boquet Raspberry Sangria Meadow Mango Peach Salsa Orange ginger Fizz Honeysuckle
  12. Very Nice!!!!! What is the blue thing on your jars? Do you use the same wax for your containers and clamshells?
  13. So what kind of insurance would cover something like this?????
  14. Ksranch would you mind sharing which fos from peak work for you?
  15. Are Peaks FO's really worth the extra cost? They seem to be a bit more than CS and NG.
  16. That is such a great field trip for kids. Great idea!!!!!!
  17. I poured C-3 wax with 7% BayLaurel fo in 12 oz jar. It has a chemical smell when burning.I used CD10 wick. I have used this FO in CBA and 464 withoutout the smell. Anybody have any ideas as to what causes this???
  18. I have done the same thing and ditched the Ecosoya advanced wax. I tried GB464, haven't done a lot with it yet. From all the posts on this forum I have decided to try Naturewax C3, I have only poured a few, but have not tested them yet. Fillmore Glass will send a free sample, you just have to pay for shipping. Check out my post called changing wax 464 or C3, you might pick up a few pointers. Good Luck!!!!! Tammy
  19. What percent of fo do you use. Do you have any jumping around with the cd wicks?
  20. Presto pots are on sale at Kmart this coming week for $24.99!!!!!!!
  21. Do you think one done in baby powder for a baby shower would be too strong?? What wax do you use for these if you don't mind sharing.
  22. Very very nice and different!!!!! Do you just glue the deorations on after dipping, is that ribbon that you put around it???
  23. Is their a reason why you have to add another wax to PB????
  24. I think that sounds good, as long as it covers everything that is needed. Where is that at, if you don't mind sharing.
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