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Everything posted by classiccandle

  1. Thanks Misty! I asked about the microwave because I do have Pyrex measuring cups but don't have a stainless steel pan for soap making and don't feel like going to Target to get one....lol. Will the microwave work or should I just suck it up and go get a pan? Is there an advantage to doing it on the stove?
  2. I'm attempting, for the first time, to make CP soap. I ordered a CP soap kit from Brambleberry and despite calling them yesterday and today and even emailing them I can't seem to get anyone to answer the phone or the email so I'm hoping someone here can help. The coconut oil and palm oil I received are both liquid. Well, the palm oil is more like really thin pudding but the coconut oil is totally liquid. I thought they were both supposed to be a solid that needed melting but I guess I was mistaken (we keep our house at 79°). Anyway the recipe included in the kit calls for 6 oz of coconut oil, 6 oz of palm oil, 9 oz of olive oil and 1 oz of castor oil. Can I combine all of these in one bowl, taring each time I add one, and then heat them in a microwave? Thank you!
  3. Thanks Eric. The reason I was interested in the clear was twofold; 1) I can get the clear at our local auto supply store in a cartridge instead of a tube and, 2) Buying the clear cartridge is much cheaper than buying a single tube of red (clear is $11.99 for 11 oz. vs red at $6.99 for 3 oz). However, if it doesn't work then the savings isn't worth it. I do use glue dots for my original container candles and they've been working fine because the container bottom is flat but now I'm adding a new container and its bottom has a dome shape to it and the glue dots simply won't stick, making the wick slide off center, hence the need for something better. I went ahead and bought a tube of Permatex red last night and tried it and checking this morning, after twelve hours of cure time, the wicks are stuck to the bottom of the new containers. I'm probably going to have to use a little less than I did since the silicone is squirting out of the bottom of the tab on the wick and you can see it...lol For those of you who use the silicone about how many containers can you do with one 3 oz tube?
  4. Thanks ksranch. The red is rated at 650°F and the clear is rated at 400°F. Would like to use the clear if 400° is high enough.
  5. For those of you who use the hight-temp RTV silicone to hold your wicks in place could you tell me if one that is rated at 400° is acceptable or should I use the higher 650° stuff? Thank you.
  6. That's gross...and I didn't even watch the video.
  7. I haven't gotten any page load errors but yesterday I too was getting a lot of "Type a description for this product here..." pages but not today. I thought the same thing about it possibly being under construction. I emailed them yesterday and Gary emailed me back with answers to my questions. I have to say he answered back pretty quick and we've been going back and forth today. So far I'm impressed with their communication. I use 415 wax and he said their fragrances work well with Golden Brands (I'm sure you can take that with a grain of salt). I'm going to order some samples and see. If I remember I'll post the results and if I don't remember to would you kindly remind me?
  8. I've seen the term "accelerate" and/or "acceleration" used by veteran soap makers and I have a question about it. Based on the premise that a given fragrance can and does accelerate trace one could assume that there is a "normal" amount of time when trace is reached or one wouldn't know if a fragrance accelerates it or not. Could someone tell me, after how long mixing, should I expect to reach trace and how do you know, if you've never used a particular fragrance, if it accelerates or not if there isn't a normal time to reach trace? I'm sure I've made that as clear as mud but hopefully the experts can clear it up for me if I did. Thanks!
  9. Have had no problems and quality printing from our HP Color Laserjet CM1312nfi multi-function printer.
  10. Thanks Barbara! They look very convenient to use. I'll have to look around the net to see if I can find some like that.
  11. Wow, looks cool! If you don't mind my asking where did you get your mold?
  12. I don't think they're fishy, at least I hope not. One of the sales people at French Color and Fragrance Co. gave me their information and said they carry some of their fragrances so based on that recommendation I would assume they're legit.
  13. Oh yes, sorry. Here's what I thought of what I tested. Keep in mind I use 415 soy wax. Cactus and Sea Salt - great CT and HT. It's a keeper. Good in tarts too. Cinnamon Buns Classic - good CT but HT was too weak for me. Good as a tart though so if I keep using it it will only be for tarts. Pink Sugar - good CT but HT was too weak for me. I'll probably use in B&B products as it does smell good. Didn't try in tarts. Sugared Spruce - good CT and HT. It's a keeper. Good in tarts too. Orange Chiffon Cake - good CT and HT. Good in tarts too. It's a keeper. Caramel Macchiato - great CT and HT. Definitely a keeper. HTH!
  14. Has anyone tried the FO's from this company, specifically in 415 wax? I know they carry some French Color and Fragrance Co. oils but I've never tried them. Any suggestions would be great. http://www.liquascent.com/ Thanks!
  15. Can anyone tell me how Aztec's Amish Harvest compares to Peak's? Thanks!
  16. I'm new to CP soap and was wondering if some of you experts could tell me about how big of a batch of soap I should start out making? Is 2 lbs about average for a beginner? What is an average size batch of CP soap for you? Thanks for the advice!
  17. I'm starting to get requests for lotions. I've sent out unscented samples and people seem to like it and now are requesting to buy some but with fragrance. I have no idea what is popular right now so I'm reaching out, hoping that you lotion experts can help. What fragrances would you recommend? Are there staples such as vanilla, lavender, or some variation thereof that are always popular? I have the following fragrances available, which would you recommend I start with, if any? Pink Sugar - ICS Green Tea and Lemongrass - CS Coconut and Lime - CS Sweet Pea and Vanilla - CS Vanilla Lavender - NG Also, if you don't mind, how much fragrance per gallon of lotion would you recommend? Thank you!
  18. Then if networking is a priority I'd go with the conference. If it's sales you're after you may do better at the craft show. I wouldn't think people will go to the conference with a buying mindset like they do when going to a craft show. That's not to say however that you won't make sales at the conference but I would think you'd make more at the craft show. Sometimes networking can be more beneficial than actual sales.
  19. What is the theme of the women's conference? If they're not there to talk about crafts, soap, personal care products, etc., then I'd go with the craft show. People tend to go to events because of what they are and if it's a women's conference for breast cancer then I wouldn't think that would be an environment conducive to selling crafts at, unless of course you make your products around that theme. Just my two cents.
  20. I must be losing my mind. I wanted to edit my previous post to add the link to the kit I was asking about but now I can't seem to find how to edit a post I made. Aaaaaanyway, here's the link I failed to include in my post above....http://www.brambleberry.com/Cold-Process-Soap-Kit-1-kit-P3294.aspx
  21. Has anyone used this kit from BB? For the CP experts is using a kit like this a good way to start learning the CP process? Would you recommend any books? One or two that you simply can't do without if you're CP'ing? Thanks!
  22. Well, I made another loaf of M & P soap and, with the patience of Job, I attempted to cut it using my cheap, plastic miter box I bought at Lowe's, along with my wide joint knife and got the same lousy results. I pressed the loaf up against the miter box as hard as I could and cut slowly but not one bar is the same as another. Weights range in size from 4.5 oz to 5.7 oz and not one straight cut... I think that settles it for me. I'm going to try my hand at CP so I can at least get a straight cut on my soap! AAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad::mad:
  23. I currently make M&P soap but am now interested in making CP soap. My question is for those of you who are doing or have done both which do you find less expensive to make? It would seem with CP the upfront costs would be higher but over time which process, only counting supply costs, is less expensive? For example, if you made a 20lb batch of plain goat's milk soap with Candle Science Coconut Lime fo which would cost more to make? Thank you!
  24. Soapbuddy, I haven't tried BB fragrances yet. Which ones would you recommend for bath and body products?
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