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Everything posted by classiccandle

  1. Thanks for the replies so far. sisters3 - I'm not that knowledgable with Photoshop to figure out how to make the entire label looked "rubber stamped". It's a good idea though and if I can figure it out I'll give it a try. I like the pointing hand but can change that out with something else. blacktieaffair - I understand what you're saying. After researching anthō they bill themselves as a family run business so I'm not sure if they designed the label themselves or had someone else do it. I realize mine is similar and you even said you could tell the difference but my question is how much different does a label have to be so that the owner of the original doesn't complain? If I call them they may say, "No, you can't use the design you came up with because it's too close to ours" but again, how much different does it have to be?
  2. Thanks sisters3. I like mainly the colors and layout. You're right, it would probably be easier for you guys to judge whether it's an appropriate label if I uploaded both and let you compare. The one on the left is the original that I liked and the one on the right is the one I created for my melts labels. The candle label will be just the label with the stamp on it, if that makes sense. Also, the top part with the fragrance name seems bland. Would you leave it like that or does anyone have recommendations on how to dress it up a little?
  3. Has anyone seen a candle label they really liked and made one similar to it to use on their candles/melts? I recently ran across one that I really liked and created one similar to it, but not exactly like it, for a new line I'm wanting to offer but wondered about the morality of doing that. Depending on the input I get I'll submit the one I designed along with the original and let you critique it. Thanks!
  4. What about those establishments that have "No Soliciting" signs up? Do you ignore those and go in anyway or do you instead call them and try to get an appointment?
  5. Good morning to you too! I've been contemplating offering more than one line but wasn't sure if I needed to use different fragrances and containers or just fragrances. Thanks for clearing it up for me.
  6. sisters3 - when developing a separate line do you use the same fragrances with just a different container or are the fragrances different for each line too?
  7. Thanks gourmetscents.info. From what I can gather about the paper soap is it's a dissolving paper infused with soap that dissolves in your hand when mixed with water leaving no trace of the paper when you're done. I'm not sure how that would leave a clump of soap on your sink. I'm curious as to how they get the soap on the paper without it dissolving. I'm probably thinking it's more complicated than it actually is.
  8. This is not a plug for nor a solicitation for business for any company but I'm an associate (I sell the services part-time) as well as a card carrying member of a company called LegalShield (formerly Pre-Paid Legal Services). They offer legal service plans for individuals and small businesses including home based businesses and one of the things they do is write letters and make phone calls on your behalf. When and if something like this ever happens to me all I have to do is pick up the phone, call the attorney, and they will write a demand letter on my behalf telling them to pay up or face legal action at no additional cost to me (my wife and I are covered under one membership which we pay a monthly fee for). That usually gets their attention. We're covered in all 50 states so if I have an issue with a vendor/wholesaler in a state other than Texas all I have to do is call the attorney in Texas who will contact a provider attorney in the state the vendor/wholesaler is in and that attorney will contact me, again at no additional cost to me other than my monthly membership fee. You've received a lot of good recommendations to your dilemma but to be honest there's probably no one on this board who is an attorney and it sounds like that's what you need. Again, this is NOT a solicitation but rather an explanation of why it's important to have access to an attorney when you need one. You have tried in vain to contact this person to no avail. All we do when we do that is invite more stress into our lives and I'm sure you don't need anymore than you already have....lol. Just my two cents.
  9. C'mon people, I'm serious here!! Okay, all kidding aside, does no one know how to make paper soap and where to get the dissolving paper? Thank you!
  10. Yesterday I saw the lady with You Smell soap on Shark Tank and she had some paper soap that she showed to the Sharks and I was wondering how you make that? I understand it isn't something new to soap making but I'm new to soap making and have never heard of it. Can someone that knows tell me where I can get the dissolving paper and how to actually get the soap on it without it dissolving? Do you use M&P soap or liquid soap or what? Thanks!
  11. My apologies BTA. You explained it perfectly. I just got lost in the story. However, my reply is the same - go for it. There will be those who support you because you did and those who won't (although I think more will than won't). If it helps to make you more successful then you will have more money that you can personally support PP with, if that's what you want to do.
  12. It makes for a gut wrenching, difficult life when we allow politics to interfere with our decision making. You're basically torn between a great opportunity (which doesn't come along very often) to grow your business or supporting an organization that you believe in. I will say this, I applaud your loyalty to PP but do you think that your decision to NOT take advantage of the offer from SGKF is going to affect PP at all? I understand your concerns that SOME people MAY look down on your products but how many do you think that will actually be? I'm guessing not that many. What about all of the people who will see your name on the products and support you for supporting SGKF? In business you can't please everyone regardless of what you do. If it were me I would take SGKF up on their offer and see where it goes. Remember, you're only putting your products up for consideration. There's no guarantee they'll even choose your products to offer. If they do I would take them up on it. If it helps make your business more successful then that will give you more money that you can personally donate to PP, if you so desire.
  13. I'm going to be ordering some M&P soap from BB and was wondering if there's anything else you guys think I should try? I've never tried anything but their M&P and was wondering if there were any to-die-for fragrances, lip balm base, molds (I just ordered 3 of the silicone soap molds via the co-op), etc.? Thanks!
  14. sisters3 - I don't think the wick is too big. I've burned a lot of these same candles with those wicks and not had any soot issues like this as long as the wick was properly trimmed. Mike - I'm not blaming the wax. I'm simply pointing out that those who claim soy wax doesn't soot are incorrect. I agree that it isn't the wax but more the improperly trimmed wick that's to blame. All I use is soy wax but I won't tell my customers that soy doesn't soot. IS - here are just a few of the claims I spoke of that I've found on the internet: "Soy wax doesn’t produce black soot when burned." "What is all natural to breathe in and doesn't leave that black soot as residue? The answer is soy candles." "It's so pure you can eat unscented soy wax, and it doesn't produce soot" "Soy doesn't produce soot." "...as soy wax doesn't leave behind soot like paraffin wax does" "...it doesn't leave behind black soot, smoke, and residue." "Candles made from soy wax do not emit the soot and fumes that come from regular paraffin wax candles." and the list goes on and on.
  15. It's an 8.25 oz Libbey tumbler that's 4" tall and 2.5" inside diameter at the top.
  16. We've all read and heard the claims that soy doesn't soot and that paraffin does. I hope the pics I've attached will help end this claim. I use only GB415 (all soy) wax and add only fragrance oil to my candles (no dye, no paraffin). The pics are of a candle I gave to my step daughter to test (she does a lot of testing for me). It was made with GB415 and 8% FO. I've told her numerous times to make sure she keeps the wick (ECO-6) trimmed and you would think that since I make candles and that she's family she would listen. Au contraire! We would like to think that our customers listen to what we tell them but in reality they don't and neither does my family apparently. Aaaaaanyway, this is for those who say that soy doesn't soot. Edited note: I didn't ask her but I'm sure this is the result of a power burn with no wick trimming.
  17. I've ordered their soy hand and body lotion and everyone seems to like it so far. No hassles, good communication, and speedy delivery. I haven't ordered anything else from them though.
  18. I'd like to look further into making my own lotions, cremes, etc. Can you point me to reputable sources of information on how to do it? Thanks!
  19. How would you categorize Cranberry Marmalade fragrance? Would you consider it a bakery type of fragrance or a fruity type of fragrance? Thanks!
  20. And after all that testing you still had a candle flare up. I don't have anything against wood wicks. I've never burned a wood wicked candle, never made a candle with a wood wick, and probably never will. Nothing against it, it just isn't my cup of tea. However, when it comes to determining how this particular candle flared up the way it did you cannot simply dismiss the wick because you did all of the above testing. Through the process of elimination, including the wick, you should be able to figure out what happened. I wish you nothing but success in your business and hope you find the reason behind this flare up.
  21. I don't know ZIP about wood wicks either but I do know testing and if you HAVEN'T removed the wood wick and tried burning that particular candle with an un-trustworthy cotton wick then you can't, with 100% certainty, eliminate the wick as the culprit.
  22. Pic 1 adds an entirely new meaning to the term "product placement"!
  23. That is too funny! That's exactly what happened to me. I was born in Texas, raised in Kansas, and moved back to Texas when I was 18. When I was dating my ex-wife she would say, "i'm going to the store, would you like a Coke?" and my answer was, "Sure", and she would say, "What kind do you want?" and I would say, "What!? A Coke. Why would you ask that when you asked me if I wanted a Coke?" In Kansas we grew up calling it "pop" and then you would specify what brand but when I moved back to Texas I ran into the "Coke" question. Still funny 30 years later!
  24. HA! HA! I did the same thing once and when my wife got home she gave me the strangest look. Although I had cleaned up what went on the table and other things it seemed some of the wax had splashed up into my face as well and was on my eyelashes and eyebrows! We both got the biggest laugh out of it and needless to say I blow them out much softer now.
  25. This may be splitting hairs but determining volume isn't the same as determining capacity. While volume can be determined by length x width x height, with capacity you also have to consider wall thickness. A cube with a thin wall will obviously hold more than the same size cube with thicker walls. Just thought I'd throw another wrench into the equation...lol
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