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Everything posted by moonshine

  1. Thank you- I was going to place an order with them soon so I am glad to know that! I dont need anymore angel in the house! LOL
  2. #5 I have mixed without the lemon and loved it #1 sounds amazing- I will have to mix that one up and try it- they all sound wonderful... I have never touched making soap so I cant say how they would perform or hold up but I do make essential oil products for horses and myself and have played with blending alot of different ones together Some of my favorites are: Geranium (rose) (my favorite EO of all time)- Lavender or Bergamont - ylang ylang Cypress - Black Pepper - Bergamont Myrrh - vetiver- patchouli Basil - Bergamont - Lavender Sandalwood - sweet orange - ylang ylang Eucalyptus I love also- I blend it with everything and use it to clean everything and freshen up the room (diluted) I especially like it with lavender and lemongrass I have not come across any blend that is awful- all EO's seem to blend well together but then again I love the smell of pure raw EO! Purchasing some EO's seperate will allow you to experiment with different ones and be not stuck with a bottle if you end up hating it
  3. ht is hot throw and ct is cold throw If you do a search on here for tempering there are lots of threads with directions I use 464 but I do not color them- after they sit they do frost throughout which makes it look like they are supposed to look like that and being uncolored it really doesnt stick out at you - but after each burn it does get a frost ring I have been adding a little beeswax and it has tremendously helped with it BUT it is alot harder to wick properly now Alot of people use and love C3 wax- you may want to give it a try if frosting is something you cannot live with 415 is another great soy wax but it is uglier than ugly by itself- you would have to use additives to make this stuff look good! LOL Good luck and have fun testing
  4. Thank you for this! I am really going to try and embrace this and accept my candles- I am one of those perfectionists that reads something and then thinks I have to have exact results which is starting to drive me crazy I do have wonderful feedback on my candles and they are safe- the flickering wick has not been a safety issue at all it just bugs me and i have no huge mushrooms or afterglow or hot glass- so I am going to try and embrace it and get on with it Unless there is a safety issue with this I am not aware of....LOL Thank you for the wonderful encouraging post!
  5. hmmmm- I made patchouli honey melts a couple days ago and put one in at work and it kept reminding me of angel... or something familiar that I have smelled before I have been a little sniffly since I poured raspberry truffle (yuck) but it makes me feel better they are not the same because I ordered a pound of patchouli honey going off a sniffy I got and and I had 2 pounds of angel already sitting here- thought I wasted my money- Thanks Candybee:cheesy2:
  6. Is it my imagination or is Elements patchouli honey the same as CS angel?
  7. We own several business and 1 I started one 2 years ago that I have never did anything with- I actually just had a DBA put on it for my candle business that really doesn't have much activity either You can keep the name you just need to file the taxes and sales tax reports to keep it active and pay the yearly fee to keep you on good standing - if you have zero sales first quarter you just report zero and so on I have another one that was just equipment leasing that we are not using anymore and my accountant told me to keep the name going paying the yearly $25.00 fee to stay in good standing
  8. I am into my 3rd year making and testing candles and thought I was ready to start selling- and have - but now I am running into an issue I am not happy about and putting a stop on candle selling - melts, votives and tins are okay but my jars I need to re-visit Like oceangazer I do think mine are better than yankee but I always have SOMETHING I am not happy about In another post I posted a picture of a company that appears to be pretty big here in MI that does a lot of private labeling and I bought 1 to see how the worlds best soy candle was- appearance was very typical of pure soy but the oil was not incorporated at all and the mushroom on this thing is hideous- I NEVER want someone to think about my candles like I think of theirs- complete garbage Maybe I am to picky but I strive for quality and that is obviously a long time in the works- it takes soooo much time, money and testing- anyone that thinks otherwise is very delusional It can be done but not overnight and I too am thinking the world of melts is a happy place! LOL
  9. That would be nice... 3 different kinds of wicks in straight wax and they all dance- I dont get it but calm in a container that is as wide as it is deep they all got a mushroom first light- some very small and others (like the cotton wick) huge- the one that appears to be doing the best with a good flame height and minimal movement is the CDN14 which is shocking to me (I have never even tried bigger than a 12)- it will be interesting to see if it gets the container to hot- I try and stay away from 12's in this jar for that reason
  10. forgot to add these are all straight 464 with CD10 CD12 CDN10 CDN12 CDN14 and HTP105 wicks The tin is a HTP83 and the small jelly is a CDN8- those ones hardly move unless you walk by them but the rest...... well you can see they like the tango
  11. I am so youtube stupid... this took forever to figure out so hopefully it works...I did this on my Iphone and it would not recognize my account for youtube so I had to shorten it up and email it myself and then upload it and copy the url... Sorry no music- I cannot figure that one out but American Idol is in the background- envision Candle In The Wind playing... I know how to make those! LOL
  12. Before I made candles I never trimmed a wick either- I don't think people know you should do that and I never read instructions- its a candle what could there be to know- light the Dam thing... Right I am wondering since I too have not been successful in making them trim free if a burning instruction hang tag would cover you for irresponsible candle consumers...if every candle states exactly HOW to burn it and something goes wrong it Would fall on them? And a hang tag is easier read than the warning in fine print on the bottom- any thoughts on that anyone?
  13. I will be glad to video that today and post it! Would love to know the answer to that one- everyone of my testers with NO additives- just pure wax and different wicks- dance!
  14. Very nice to know Judy, thank you for that information because I too noticed tonight after having 30 candles (yes 30) testing throughout the house- no matter the wick or wax the first burn I got some sort of mushroom- some worse than others and I wanted to pull my hair out but after the second light most of them went away. That makes sense to me as to why Chandlerwicks post another picture around the 3rd burn- eco 14 was always very hot for me in soy but I also use a smaller jar. I just read on a recent thread someone saying mushrooming with an ECO wick means to much FO- so if you keep getting one that could be the issue there
  15. So what would it typically mean if you get a mushroom with NO FO? Wrong size or wrong type all together?
  16. I use the 8 ounce square mason which is 3" diameter and always start with 10 and 12 in the CD and CDN HTP's I test 104 and 105 The eco 12 could work - I wouldnt rule it out if everything else is working good for you aside from the mushroom
  17. I could be really wrong here but my understanding is mushrooming is a result of overwicking or to much FO Maybe try one size down and see what happens- I am not familiar at with paper core either but I do use 2% beeswax in my soy with CDN and mushrooming is very minimal if at all- but 2% compared to 30% is a big difference Jeanie- what % BW did you add to your soy to tame the flame? I am having dancing in my jar but everything else is wonderful- I use 2% BW to 464
  18. I use 464 and have never had luck with ECO wicks although many people on this board have- for some reason in this wax eco's grow on me- they not only mushroom but get very thick black and leave a burnt smell behind What percent FO are you using? CD- CDN and HTP are what works for me as far as minimal mushrooming goes- however I am still working on the dancing flame You could try a 12 and see- but I am guessing a 14 for that jar is to big
  19. Very cool and so southern living...this is a great bridal shower idea
  20. CS throws good in 464... If you like food smells I have to put a clothes pin on my nose to pour this one! LOL
  21. Next time I light it I will have to put my bikini on and a pair of goggles! Cannot believe she is SELLING these- and the place I got it had to pay big bucks- she has the Yankee type displays with the name engraved all over them! And I was afraid of a little dance
  22. hmmm.. I did the first light on mine with the 464 straight and they were steady but they always are the first few times then they go crazy almost to the half way point so maybe I am having a melt down for no reason.... And on the brighter side... here is a picture of a bigger problem than a flame dance and NO it is not my candle- it is a company that is huge on the internet private labeling everywhere- even down the road from me- this is very scary- 1 hour into the burn for the second time only and this is what they produce! (worlds best soy candle my ass) I will take the dancing anyday over this
  23. Chandlerwicks- Are you using the masons also? I also found a very old Yankee yesterday in meadow and man was it horrible - flicker, smoke, jumping, wax hang up all over the sides and a very uncentered wick! I also found a Henri Bendel vanilla bean and that one dances also- way off center wick which did get the glass very hot - big mushroom but the scent throw was great and there is no hang up I am taking with me to work today 5 square masons with different wicks straight up 464- NOTHING added to it and 2 small 4 ounce jellys that have no tapering and see what happens- I still feel like I am at a complete stand still right now!
  24. Your looking for a scent to make a candle for his weiner dog? I have a mini doxie and my vote is odors b gone or fresh mint! LOL My guy has the worst breath ever and he burrows under the covers all night and gets stinky - We do baths regular here!
  25. That is what I am thinking... the bottom of the jar is wider than the opening- that has to have an effect on the burn- everything else is perfectly acceptable to my standards and I am seeing the same thing in the name brand containers I have had going here all day
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