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Everything posted by mulberrysoap

  1. Thanks Tammy, I will try that also, I am currently curing the stablio 18 as per flickers suggestion. I might try to double wick it like Sydney hale.
  2. Be careful posting stuff like this, as their site is easy to find. I agree with the comments above also.
  3. Thanks for your insight Flicker! I will try that, it's a 18 stabilo.
  4. Thanks Ghostrider! Its a shame the wax was not suitable for you!
  5. If you mean me Flicker, I tested the Stabilo 10 on a 30cl glass jar, its like the libbey rocks tumbler 11oz
  6. Thanks Wthomas, I will try to source them from the 'UK.
  7. Hi I am currently doing further testing with both waxes, Chuck kindly suggested 15% 464 and 85% 6006. How are you getting on with wick selection Ghostrider? I have tested LX, Stabilo and will be testing with ECO. LX I found to be very mushroomy and Stabilo was very smoky. However I burned some other companies candles and they were great but still mushroomy. We cannot get RRD or Performa in the UK, well not that I have found so far.
  8. Thanks KandleKrazy, I think you maybe right about China, I found out the tin jars I liked have a seam in them, if anyone is interested the name of the company doing the tin is called Neibor based in China. I am not going tin anymore, will stick to glass I think. Also KK, thanks ref the seam info. Trappeur thanks also for your input!!
  9. Hi candlescience is a different thinner glass, the generalwax are different and ideal for me
  10. Thanks Trappeur, I am getting somewhere! I am looking for the manufacturer if anyone knows!
  11. Hi i am looking for this glass jar - are general wax the only makers of it? http://www.candlemakingsupplies.net/glass--gift-boxes--jars--lids/glass-containers---jars/cate_104/p___P1015150.html I was hoping it might be a libbey or anchor hocking or something lol
  12. If I was based in the US, I would do it
  13. It could easily be a real thing, I have seen co-ops where kind soapers have given their tried and tested fragrance codes to 1 person to order fragrances for the group. I don't see why the same thing could not happen here. A few years back, a candle maker had a code for an excellent apple pie but didn't need 25lbs of it, that code could have been shared for the group here and co-op, so even if the fragrance house got sold, the new company could still produce the fragrance no problem.
  14. Hi, maybe you can contact back woods and find out if they will order it for you or allow you to order it direct, it's a shame when good oils go away, especially ones you know work in your formula.
  15. Thanks for trying Trappeur I really appreciate it, I think the search continues. I hear you on the seams, it is an important point to note for sure.
  16. But this is what I have said before, as soon as something like this happens, some people are like well lets give the oils to this supplier and get them duped....what is to say the next company doesn't do something like this in time. I really think it is better to have a co op where the fragrance codes are held within the group so that everyone has access to them and this will not arise.
  17. Thanks that was exactly what I said - I wouldn't ask the seller lol
  18. Thanks for your replies all, and thanks grama, I will keep looking, I do not want to ask the seller as she must be bombarded with questions on this lol
  19. Thanks for your replies all, and thanks grama, I will keep looking, I do not want to ask the seller as she must be bombarded with questions on this lol
  20. Hi I spotted these tins and thought that they would be cool for a rustic line, has anyone seen them for sale anywhere, or is this an Alibaba search?? https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/291791931/soy-candle-7-oz-rustic-corrugated-metal?ref=shop_home_active_11
  21. I really don't understand some people, this is the same company that left tons of her customers and vendors in the lurch and now this company have done it again?! What is the point??
  22. Well done Lovelyscents!!! Fingers crossed the oils become available once more!!
  23. Digging, I mean googling, they mentioned that they use fragrance houses to produce their fragrances. when I say that they do not hide the fact that they use fragrance oils - well around 70% of companies that make candles especially if they are using soy wax, they say that they scent their candles using essential oils. This is just based on what I have researched so far.
  24. Thanks for your feedback Olives!! Regarding the jars, I think they get them custom from a company called container depot based in the US. They do glass bottles but also most probably their jars. Worth asking them. If it is them, please let me know :-) also so after more digging, some of their fragrances are made directly from the fragrance houses. i like the fact that they use fragrance oils and don't hide that fact.
  25. Thanks Moonstar! Great to hear the other scents are stronger! Sweet Grapefruit sounds delicious! I just meant is the scent exclusive to them, so does peaks, candle science etc have their scents? They are really popular in the UK, so wanted to check them out!lol
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