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Everything posted by Vicky_CO

  1. Hello Andrea it is nice to have you here Welcome to the board.
  2. What gel wax are you using? I only use Penreco I have never had a problem with gel cloudy from heating over and over. I have had it turn yellow form over heating. I have gel turn cloudy from certain rocks. Some rock you buy are dyed or have a residue on them. So when they are reheated up to the point where gel will release the bubbles it like that die or reidue floats off of them and clouds the gel wax. I have had colored sands do that also.
  3. Hi guys this is just an fyi post. You do not have to post your themed stuff here. It will be moved here after every one has a chance to check it out in the regular sections. If you would like to post your theme stuff in these special sections, you are welcome to. These galleries are just so you can find themed stuff easier and get inspiration faster. If you would like to help make these galleries better for everyone. When you are surfing to older pictures and you see something that might fit a theme hit that report button let us know. We will get it moved. We are going to have a themed gallery for every major holiday and a few minor ones. Suggestion for new themed galleries are most welcome.
  4. You can also try a different browser I have problems with Windows Edge all the time. Nothing ever want to work with it like the tech has caught up with it yet IE has always had issues that seemed to be different for different people.
  5. I am checking in to this thank you for letting me know there is a problem
  6. I would consider that a promotional item. I love my stamps if you get one with your logo you can stamp your own bags, cards,thank you notes.
  7. Welcome in to the light. It is good to have you here.
  8. My experience and my opinion: Business cards a must have. Brochures I gave out a lot. I think this depends on your customer base if you are internet based Yes I think they are a must. If you are a store no you would be better having rack cards. If you do shows and internet you might want to consider them. I can make them myself. I did this for a very long time. Having them made can be beneficial They look so professional. They are a little more expensive. There are some good printing companies out there that will give you a good deal. (BTW vista print is not one of them) Rack Cards I have always loved these you can make them yourself. You can give a lot of info in a small space. Pens to have a limited use I do not think I got much business from them. So I will say don't bother unless you just want a few that will walk away at shows and events. BTW check with your insurance company before you have match books made. LOL I thought it was a good idea. Hopefully you guy will put up your experiences good and bad with promotional items.
  9. I always gotten approached about this as anyone in business does. You get offers in the mail if you have a store front they find you. So I thought I would start this thread of which ones actually help your business and which ones just cost you money and do not do anything for you.
  10. It is voluteer only. You have to PM me to get featured so I know you want to do it. I have 5 votes for those willing to be featured if you could PM me that would be great.
  11. I am loving the pages so far. I have liked you all under my personal accout and my ordinary women page. I did that so visitor to my page can see who I like that might help you also.
  12. I am really liking the green. I have been on a serious green kick lately. They are all are great.
  13. The whole oven thing just takes to long I clean as I go like the rest. I have used the oven method to clean mold. Be careful the molds get hot and you have to get the wax residue out before they cool.
  14. I am getting ready to close this poll if you have not voted and if you want your voice heard please vote now.
  15. What is yours? I would love to like your page and I know other would to.
  16. Yes you can post your business Facebook pages. I personally love to look at and like other member FB pages. I will start a thread for it. I would have last night but I was cruising the board on my kindle. I hate typing on that tiny screen.
  17. That has been done a few times but it has been a while. I did a quick search and I could not believe how long it has been since it was done. The only thing I ask is you keep it to one thread. I won't pin it because because Facebook book pages appear and disappear so fast. No posting personal FB accounts. That is just not safe. Posting Facebook groups are against the rules.
  18. Thank you all teasing is over I posted in the craft section which shows what it really is.
  19. Thank you Girl I knew this one was right up your alley.
  20. A fairly quick but easy project that is only limited by your creativity. Candle holder using Polymer clay. Supply list Supplies Polymer Clay Cutting tool. Exacto knife, clay blade Mold, I got mine at Walmart it is usually found in the cake decorating section that is by the party supplies. Roller and index cards or pasta machine Baking surface What ever you use to bake do not use for food again. I use a 6x6 smooth tile. Oven. Dedicated toaster over is ideal but a regular oven is fine use an oven thermometer to make sure of your baking temperature Optional Items Liquid polymer clay Acrylic paint. Gloss, Best gloss to use is Varathane Interior Crystal Clear Water-Based Polyurethane if you can find it great if not Sculpey & Fimo both carry a gloss for polymer clay Click here to view the article
  21. A fairly quick but easy project that is only limited by your creativity. Candle holder using Polymer clay. Supply list Supplies Polymer Clay Cutting tool. Exacto knife, clay blade Mold, I got mine at Walmart it is usually found in the cake decorating section that is by the party supplies. Roller and index cards or pasta machine Baking surface What ever you use to bake do not use for food again. I use a 6x6 smooth tile. Oven. Dedicated toaster over is ideal but a regular oven is fine use an oven thermometer to make sure of your baking temperature Optional Items Liquid polymer clay Acrylic paint. Gloss, Best gloss to use is Varathane Interior Crystal Clear Water-Based Polyurethane if you can find it great if not Sculpey & Fimo both carry a gloss for polymer clay
  22. Nice I want to sit in that comofty chair and watch you work. LOL
  23. I take that back I did finish my nieces wedding jewelry set. It did not take much to finish just add a few more beads so it fit her well and made the very simple earrings to match.
  24. I want to see button barrettes. Nothing crafty just editting a video and feeding teenagers.
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