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Everything posted by B@BlissStreet

  1. Pulling my hair out trying to keep these wicks stable. Would anyone who makes their own be willing to make me a dozen that are long enough? I can paypal immediately, or find alternate payment option as you require. I know this looks scary, but I am just testing; did it before and didn't take notes...kicking myself in the a$$ for that. I will pm details. Thanks for looking.
  2. Val, Those were poured last spring; Berry Blast, Blueberry Muffin, Lemon Cheesecake. They sold out pronto. I haven't had much time to play with layers this year, but my younger sis has a birthday March 31 and has requested her "special" jar; takes 4 wicks, and is a total PITA, but I will be layering Blueberry Cheesecake and Snowflake Cake in blue tones for that; I'll post a pic when it is done.
  3. Dessa, I can't stop following this post. I'm a bakery junkie. Just remember, I'm in school full time; this teasing has me considering fall scents...yikes for me! Keep me updated, and go, go, go! B
  4. Thanks! Good raw materials make it much easier. I love my wax/dye combo...if only I could solve the white cake(wedding cake/snowflake cake) issue; can't keep it from morphing to a pink tint unless I add blue dye; to get it a cool shade for Snowflake; did it a pink for summer Wedding Cake; not good in sunlight at all. I can't make it pretty:(. White dye chips, perhaps? Everyone who purchases this scent looks past any discoloration; they just want the scent. I need to perfect this.
  5. Yes, all are from J & L. www.jandlcreations.com I love these dyes; phased out all the various dye chips I previously used. I have much better control with the liquids. You can message Lorrie here on the boards with any questions; she and I just had a big discussion about these dyes on Friday. She's a plethora of information!
  6. I use Magenta liquid dye from J&L. The top layer was mixed using only a few drops of dye; it is my favorite liquid dye...very versatile as it can make a nice light baby pink all the way to a deep fuschia. HTH
  7. Our mail carrier is a cousin. She receives a pay incentive for every package she picks up that is requested for carrier pick-up. She constantly thanks me for the use of this service. If a simple click of the mouse can keep our dependable carriers working, I'm all for it! Please utilitze this USPS.com option. It makes a difference.
  8. The fragrance oil finder site is great...if you are looking for suppliers that were operative five years ago. :tiptoe:
  9. http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5492 http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=698 Meet your new best friends above!
  10. It's easier to go buy a giant bag at your local pet supply; it's dirt cheap...they sell it by the square foot instead of weight. It retails by Hartz pet brand for $3.52 for 615 cubic inches, or 10 liters. I live in soybean/corn country, and wouldn't dream of "harvesting" this insanely useful, yet thrifty product.
  11. :tiptoe::tiptoe::tiptoe:I have no experience with pillars, other than the lovelies Lorrie made me that I refuse to burn. That being said, I have to say, from a customer pov, I would pick the #2. It looks like a deliberate pattern, whereas the other looks (from my chandler view) as a situation where waxes melted together (which is fine, when it is desired effect? once again, no harm intended:tiptoe:). If I was a man, I just would have said #2. And then I would have laughed, because I said "#2". :laugh2:
  12. Another gorgeous creation! Great job...keep the pictures coming.
  13. I am scrolling through our CC purchases...what a chore when you utilize online shopping, banking, etc... Has anyone alerted the moderators or the IT department for this board? It seems suspicious that this many CT members have fraudulent charges in such a short span. Has anyone asked someone with fraud experience to check this out? Surely someone here is in that field; Darbla comes to mind, though don't quote me on it, but I bet she'd take a look for the board's sake. I'm praying I don't find anything tonight-damn printer is out of ink, and I just arrived home from my big "city" shopping trip sans ink.
  14. :tiptoe:Not being critical; just proofreading...page one has a small eror in the payment area; it says Payal instead of PayPal. Gosh, I feel so bit%Hy for saying that, but would you take a look at mine? Photos aren't all ready, but I put much of the copy in place. A new set of eyes is always key.:smiley2:
  15. Candybee submitted the most amazing thread for m&p: http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=90126
  16. RE: wax: during the busy months I keep about 75 lbs. of pastilles ready for candles/tarts/melts. All work with my single wax, luckily. RE: soap...I am just learning, and so far have captured the young girl group. Could use some scent ideas...they seem to request candy scents.
  17. Thanks for the input, Trudi and Dana. I appreciate it. I think we are going to go check it out, though. I could use a shopping trip with my sister, so it's a darn good excuse for a business trip! I'll post my take on the show next week; we're planning to attend Sunday or Monday.
  18. http://www.lansinggiftshow.com/exhibitors.htm Any input?
  19. I hope someone has some input on this thread; thanks for starting it! I am also looking for something that smells like the Hawaiian Tropic oil. I got a sample of NG's Copper Hue Suntan Lotion through the classies, and it is not at all anything near; it is the thick, creamy, white Coppertone lotion scent from the 70's. If anyone is interested in it, they can have it for shipping and the bubble envelope price!
  20. Just placed an order today; Old Fashion Banana Pudding, some Xantham Gum, and just for kicks, a pound of the Blue cotton candy scent. If anyone has any info, it is appreciated!
  21. Sorry to hear your family is giving you grief. I had to stop the "freebies" with my sisters when I completed the full fledged r&d part of my set up. They both completely understood, and are glad to purchase my "seconds" and "damaged stock" at a discount. I also do a "case" price for them, as they both accept recycled tester jars and return them. Both of them generate tons of sales for me, and are my biggest promoters, so they get adequate "gifting" for their birthdays and holidays. I will hug them each and send and extra special gift for each after reading this post, and realizing how lucky I am. I wish you the best. Hang in there.
  22. I use these cute breakfast trays I found. (Lower left in pic) I have 4 of them that I used to display these at a show; they stand up nice in even rows.
  23. Not being critical, but the idea of EH writing in a study is doubtful. Hemingway was a raging alcoholic; spent most of his time in cantinas post war. Tragic, but true. Hemingway's Hideaway would be more true to character, or something a bit darker. His literary brilliance has been disputed, but I loved his work. Something bold, definitely.
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