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Everything posted by megandgarr

  1. If you are looking for a good Autumn type of Apple, you may want to try Apple Harvest from Candlescience. In my opinion it is not overwhelming on the spice and is a super strong thrower. I too love the fall scents and usually burn those year around.
  2. Are you pouring the tarts in molds or in portion cups/clamshells? I make tarts only (no candles) and I use a 50/50 blend of 4625/4630, but I have made a couple of batches using the 4627 in place of the 4630. Because the 4627 is so sticky and soft, and considering the heat here in the Phx area, you probably should not use much more than 50% of that wax. When I tried using a 50/50 blend of 4625/4627, the tarts did hold up but they were tacky, which I didnt care for even though they are for personal use only. I am not sure if you looking to use soy, but if not and If you decide that the 4627 is too sticky for your taste, I would personally suggest trying out the 4630. That combo makes a great tart (in my opinion). I too load them up with about a 10-11% FO load.
  3. Karen, I am glad you mentioned that the 4633 is similar to the 4630 because for a few seconds there, I was thinking that I was going to need to order some 4633. For now I am still sticking with my 4630/4625 (50/50) blend in melts. I am still considering swapping out the 4630 with 4627 to test at some point but I have a lot of 4630 left to burn through. Once I get low again, I may try it out, but I am also toying with the idea of increasing the percentage of the 4630 to see if that increases the throw. Now that I am pouring in portion cups instead of in molds, I dont have to worry so much about the melts being a little on the softer side. Hmmm, decisions decisions. When does it ever end?!
  4. Bumping this thread since I personally find it very useful and some of the newer members may as well...
  5. I am not a fan of anything that smells like cheesecake (now eating it is another story) so I can't compare, but my favorite is Blueberry Cobbler from CandleScience. It is super strong and smells delish...
  6. I call their Lemon Pound Cake "Lemon Tart". I smell a lot of lemon with a bit of bakery. It is really a nice strong scent. Peaks Black Raspberry Vanilla is a great dupe of the B&BW version. I also like their Mango Peach Salsa, Orange Chiffon Cake, Amish Harvest (as a mixer only) and their Banana Nut Bread is the best I have found so far.
  7. I was just about to report my findings as well. I received the TCS tart wax in pellet form. I made a batch of pumpkin pie using my current blend of 4625/4630 (both 50%) as well as a batch using the TCS tart wax by itself. I chose the pumpkin pie because it is one of my lighter throwers so I wanted to see if the TCS wax could help in that department. I let both cure about 3-4 days. I put a tart made with my current blend in the warmer about 9am and could smell it throughout a good part of the house all day. I turned it off at midnight. I could still smell it but it was losing steam so it probably wouldnt have been strong for much longer. The next morning I put a tart made with the TCS wax in the same warmer at the same time and could smell it only when I went into that bedroom. I turned it off by 6:30 because the scent was dead. I had to put my nose right up to the warmer to get even a whiff of it. I may try blending the TCS tart wax with some 4630 to see how that does, and I may even try blending 70/30 of 4630/4625 to see if that makes them stronger, but at this point my preference is still my tried and true blend of 4625/4630. I really do like that blend and I can get it from several locations. But at least I can say I tried this version of the TCS wax and it just didnt work for me.
  8. Peaks CandleScience The Candle Source Aroma Haven/Rustic Essentials (sorry, couldnt just choose 3)
  9. Thanks Moonshine. I found their website so I will check it out.
  10. If you have tried both of these, which do you prefer as an Ocean scent that is not powdery and does not smell like mens cologne? I know there are several other favorites out there from other suppliers, but I am really just trying to narrow down my choices between these two at this time. Thanks,
  11. I second the butter rum allspice from BCN. Great scent and super strong.
  12. I third (or fourth or fifth) their Orange Danish, and I also use their Cinnamon Stick. I would love to try more of their FO's but their website is overwhelming, and without descriptions, it makes it hard to choose and then I end up giving up. I really want to try their Boysenberry one of these days.
  13. I use a 50/50 blend of this as well (Cinnamon & Apple Harvest) and call it Apple Harvest Spice - I know what you are thinking, super creative name, right?! J/K - but it is a great blend.
  14. Well, I just placed an order. I think I picked up 14 of the 1oz FO's plus 10lbs of the tart wax. It just sucked me in and I had no self control. But darn it, I forgot to go back and add the blackberry cobbler and already submitted my order. If you try it, let me know if it is good and I will add some to my next order.
  15. I havent tried blackberry anything so I can not comment, but I am on the TCS website as we speak (toggling back & forth, lol) and noticed that TCS has a blackberry cobbler. A lot of their FO's are really good. Have you tried that one? I am sure you will be placing a TCS order soon <wink>.
  16. I personally do not like the carmelized pecan or pralines either. The same thing with the toffee blends (unless blended with caramel apple). They all start smelling the same to me. But the scents that I detest the most are patchouli, pink sugar, cracklin birch (NG) and anything musky. Eck, phewy, icky, gag.....
  17. Hi Debbie, Thank you! I think your sample looks great and I didnt get google earth or camo when I looked at it (but that is pretty funny). The pattern is really pretty and definitely looks like granite. I wish that the kits were available back when I did mine, so I had to kind of wing it. It was pretty scary because I couldnt really find many people on the internet that had done it before and there were only a few before and after photos to look at, so I started with a small side counter that is next to the fridge. I figured at least that way if I messed it up we only had to replace a small section of counter. But it turned out nice and surprisingly it has held up very well. Just keep in mind that oil based polyurethane will yellow slightly, so as long as your color scheme is not too light, it won't be noticeable at all.
  18. I decided to lighten up the mantle a little for spring so I switched out my dark red twig/pip berry wreath for a pretty green wreath and also switched out the red accents for ivory. I dont think my color scheme usually lasts for very long. I am constantly switching out colors and repainting things. As my hubby puts it, we have lost square footage in our home from all the painting that we have done, LOL..
  19. I forgot to go back and post the final product. Here are a couple of pics of the table. I also have a picture tutorial posted on my blog if anyone is interested in making one of these at some point. It really was easy and very inexpensive... www.justaddsomejava.blogspot.com
  20. Here are a few updated photos that I just took today, plus one is a close up of the faux "granite" with the gold glitter dust that I added to give more of a realistic appearance. You may be able to see better pics on my blog.... www.justaddsomejava.blogspot.com
  21. Debbie, your sample granite looks awesome. I can not wait to see the pictures of your finished project! I recently had to put a couple more coats of polyurethane over my island because it had lost its sheen (thanks to the many drips of wax that I had cleaned off of it) but now it looks back to brand new again.
  22. Does the temp at which you pour into portion cups (as opposed to pouring into molds) have any impact to the H/T?
  23. I have never smelled Salty Mariner, but I believe Salty Sea Air at AH/RE is described as being a dupe or similar to it.
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