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Everything posted by lauramw71

  1. I THINK, not 100% sure, but avocado is a "drier" oil, so maybe you might want to switch to something not so dry? Maybe some jojoba? I'm sure someone with better info than me will be chiming to help you better.
  2. I'm so glad I saw this post! I don't make soaps, but had to see why u were so embarassed lol. I'm sorry, it's like watching someone trip.. can't help looking. I have small bottles of the oils, but like I said I RARELY use them. Do they need to be warmed to room temp before using? Or do you use them straight out of the fridge? Thanks much
  3. Eesh! I got some exotic oils a couple weeks ago: borage, argan, hemp, emu, avacado. Along with cocoa butter, shea butter, mango butter. Should these all be thrown in the fridge? (I have 3 sons, the fridge is always full fast and emptied even faster lol). Do you let them sit at room temp before using? I don't sell yet so what I have won't get used up very fast! Never thought about the fridge!
  4. For Angel, first thing that popped into my mind is either Amazing Grace or Baby Grace. NG has both of these.
  5. I have a scentsy plug in one, and I just let the wax harden and pop it out.
  6. Yeah, try letting it dry longer. The next step is to up it to 75/25 dpg/fo. I have to do that with the cherry cuz it's EXTREMELY strong! I just ordered Dragstrip from NG cuz a friend wants incense in that.. Ugh I'm dreading making that because the house will STINK lol This one definately won't be drying in my house!!! HAHA! I just reread and I honestly don't think 48 hours is enough drying time. I wait at LEAST a week and have never had any issues with smoking...
  7. I think WSP has some Ed Hardy types.. for the other ones, try SOS.. they always have what others don't. Never ordered from them except a sample, so I can't give an opinion about them though.
  8. OMG!!!! I just got my Green Amber in. I am in freaking LOVE!!!! Thanks candybee (I think) I just want to pour this bottle over my head. LOL I think this is going to be FANTASTIC in a linen spray, warmer oil, and scented salts.. Ohhhhh this is bad to find more I love. LOL
  9. Or maybe mix the FO with DPG? I do that for my potpourri.. as far as staining, it's quite possible.
  10. I'm like you. I research before I buy. Sometimes I research TOO much and confuse myself. lol
  11. I ADORE NG!!! The Bamboo Hemp I was meh, about it also. But than I made a room spray with it and YUM! Now I LOVE it! I make incense also and this is a fab incense scent! I just made him more incense in cherry scent.. wow you want a strong cherry scent that is it! They are drying in his mancave and as soon as he opens the door I about get knocked down with the scent coming from there! (smells better than the alternative in his gross room... dirty feet and cigarettes! ACK!) I think pretty soon my hunny is going to put a block on the NG website to keep me away from it. lol
  12. I have tried both the one from C/S and NG. They are, in my opinion, totally different. The one from Cs was more spiceish, and the one from NG was more lemony. They both seem to do great as an odor eliminator though! It really depends on what you're going for. If you want a strong lemony one, I'd recommend the NG one. I really liked the CS one though! Laura
  13. Thanks for the mango tips. I guess I was going for a less greasy feel, which is why I opted for the mango over the shea as the higher amount. I was kind of following the recipe for the whipped mango from swift's recipe. I still have lots of butter left to play around with! Laura
  14. Honestly, I don't think I whipped it long enough. I remelted it, added 5% jojoba and rewhipped it. It got softer, but still pretty hard. Mango is a pretty soft butter, not as soft as shea, but not as hard as cocoa. Oh well, it's just for home so I'm leaving it as is. I did make another butter with just whipped mango, FCO, hemp oil and cornstarch. This time I whipped a bit, let it set, whipped bit more, let it set. This turned out nice and creamy! Wasn't very whippy, as the 4oz of ingredients fit into a 4 oz jar. But that's ok, it still stayed soft and creamy! I was hoping by using mango, dryer oils, and cornstarch it would cut out most of the greasiness out, but it's still pretty greasy. I was trying to make one for a friend who has terribly dry hands, uses natural products, and HATES greasy... Don't think she'll like this one. I think she's going to just have to deal with her dry cracked hands because she won't compromise on a bit of greasiness for about 10 mins. LOL Thanks for your help! Laura
  15. Connie - Hi! Glad to see you here! You will LOVE candle science!! They have FANTASTIC FO's!!!! I only make candles for home.. I seriously give respect to those of you who make these alot. I make 3 at a time and want to pull my hair out. LOL But the only FO's I've used for my candles have been from CS. FANTASTIC HT!!! Good luck!! Laura
  16. Mmmm BCN's Clean Cotton is my FAVORITE!!! love, love, love it!
  17. It stinks... prices are shooting up everywhere on fo's. I guess the company that makes them upped their prices.. UGH Between $3.45 in gas and the price of fo's I'm going to have to get a second job. lol
  18. Well, alot of their oils are VERY cheap.. but OMG! The price of jojoba for 16oz went up to $26!!!! Before they added the s/h I paid $7.50 for it! WOW That is almost as expensive as emu oil!!! I am seriously shocked at that jump! I love jojoba oil... ugh..
  19. Nope, since I don't use the glycerin in the room spray, just my body spray, there's no slippery residue left! Now when I spray my pillows before I go to bed, it is a bit wet.. but I just run my hand over it if I want to lay down before it dries (which doesn't take long at all). I have sprayed my furniture, curtains, carpet, everything, and didn't notice any staining wet spots either! What I like about the homebrew is there aren't any cough inducing chemicals in it. Like I said earlier, the odor eliminator from NG works FANTASTIC, but oh it makes me cough, which I'm assuming can't be good! Let me know how you like it! I think my fav scent EVER was the Apple Cobbler Delight (I think that's what it is) from Elements.. yumo-rama! LOL
  20. Sounds like you had a sweet tooth! LOL I am gunna hijack here for a minute.. I tried the xanthan gum with the ritzy base and it thickened up nicely!!! I added it... stirred it good, let it sit, came back stirred again, let it sit more.. and kept doing that till it was all mixed in. Added my FO, and voila! No water-like shower gel!! I took a bath with it, and I hafta say, the gel from WSP made longer lasting bubbles. I think when this bottle is gone I'm going to go back to the WSP one.
  21. I use distilled water that I've preserved with Germaben.. 6% FO, 6% poly 20.. easy peasy!! I do the same for a body spray, but I use a 4% FO load, and use the FO modifier from WSP because it makes a clear spray. But the modifier is a (I think) 4:1 ratio of modifier:FO which is why I don't use it for the room spray.. takes too much. Oh, and I add 3% glycerin to help the scent stay. My homemade one's staying depends on the scent I use as to how long it lasts. The Clean Breeze from NG, I'll spray my car before I go to work, and can still smell it when I get off work. That's success to me! I have 3 boys, and a dog so I'm all about room scents LOL. I like making the room sprays, scented salts (work best in my burner) and oil for my wamer. Oh, and I did the scented carpet sprinkles, but I just got a bagless and read that it's bad for them I haven't had too much issue with the FO separating unless I don't use them for about a week.. After about a week I do notice them separating. But again, I just put shake well on the bottle.. If you have the ingredients try it and see how it compares to the base you have! I would love to know how it goes for ya!
  22. Shoot, I'm the queen of over-fragrancing. LOL But you bring a good question... does it make it worth it? I think that's why I've always stuck with my home brew. Some scents last a LONG time, like Country clothesline from NG, while others, not so long. I really haven't noticed the odor eliminator lasting much longer than my home brew. And my home brew is pretty cheap! I've struggled trying to decide if it's really worth it to use a base. Maybe more base users will see this and give their thoughts! I really should do a comparison with my brew and the odor eliminator. I did notice, that the odor eliminator really did work to de stink my hunny's mancave. Ack it's gross in there lol I've looked at WSP's base and in some of the reviews they used it like 50/50! Holy wow that's WAAAYYY too $$ for me! Oh decisions decisions!!! Did you just have the 1 oz sample of it? Honestly, if you like it, and it works for you with how much FO you used, and it's cost effective I'd say stick with it. I always put shake well before using on my room spray labels, cuz even with the poly 20 some of mine separate also. And I make them in a blue bottle because they are milky white. So... after all of my blah blah blah.. I don't think I was really any help! LOL
  23. Enablers!!! ARGH! Now I need to make another NG order! And they just came out with a bunch of new ones. I got the Madame President aroma bud with my order. It's definately perfumey, but my hunny loved it and he's got a picky sniffer. I am really going to have to destash here soon... I think I'm up to almost 100 FO's and definately don't use that many! Most of em were just a sniff than back in the cupboard... ugh! LOL
  24. Is this the linen spray base? They sent me a tiny sample of it with my last order. I really liked it! I'm thinking about the 5ml to a 1oz bottle. That might be why it was separating. I think that's about a 14% FO load. I think they say it holds a 5% FO ratio. I can't remember off the top of my head. I currently make my own spray, and also have the odor eliminator from NG (love that one too, but it makes me cough). I might have to give this one a whirl when I run out of the NG one. Thanks for the info here! Laura
  25. Ohh there's sooo many from NG that I love! I've wanted to try the Black linen and Amber one. Is it masculine? I could use a few more good masculine scents. I don't make candles, so can't comment on scent throw. The few candles I have made were with CS scents. One that my hunny loves for his incense is Bamboo Hemp. It's soo green! I love it! I think 99% of my FO's come from NG. Great people, FAST shipping, and I love being able to get alot of 1oz samples!
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