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Everything posted by lauramw71

  1. LOL It's like gold now! Unfortunately, I ADORE jojoba oil! I use it in my conditioner, and dry oil spray, massage oil, and even use it straight. I bit the bullet and bought some. But I've knocked it out of my massage oil. It's just for home (hunny has a bad back) and dont' sell it. I replaced it with emu in the massage oil tho.. eesh! Can't afford BOTH those expensive oils! lol Wish I could grow it on my kitchen counter! lol
  2. Shame on you!!!!! (I say out loud... but inside I'm sayin thank you, thank you, thank you!!) But SHAME on you for sharing this sale! LOL Imma just go over there and take a gander... I've never ordered from them, so a lil quick look-see would be perfectly acceptable! I'm just checking out a different supplier for pete's sake! LOL
  3. Ya know, I've never smelled my DPG outta the bottle. I have 1 from NG, and 1 from WSP. I'm going to go sniff em right now.... Ok, I almost freaked out. I forgot I already added Cherry FO to the DPG bottle from WSP and took a big whiff.. WOW That bout knocked my socks off LOL. So, can't tell on that one, but the NG one I dont' smell anything at all. Where did you get it? Whoa, I think I got a little high from that big whiff I just took! (think I'll go back and do it again, it's been that kinda few days... lost everything due to a virus yesterday lol I'm kidding bout the extra whiff... maybe)
  4. I got Clean Cotton from BCN, and to me it smells EXACTLY like Clean Sheets from Yankee. Is this what the Clean Cotton from CS smells like? The clean cotton from WSP smells NOTHING like it. I don't like it at all.
  5. Ahhh I understand now. And yup, I have been pricing jojoba all over the place and they're all pretty competitive. Go figure! lol Thanks for the info!
  6. I burn my oil/fo in one of those ugly potpourri crock pots. I think I've had to pour it out before it ever drying up. After a while it starts to have a funky smell. (And I like to change up the scents.)
  7. I use DPG quite a bit for my incense and oil burners and have never once smelled anything chemically. That's strange! Are you resenting previously sented sachets (I'm assuming aroma beads?). Maybe something mixed with them? hmmm I'm at a loss on this one!
  8. Well, first, I would NOT be happy to find out I bought expired lotion. lol But does it smell bad? I'd be kinda leary to use it that old. Maybe try it on a patch of your skin and see if there's any reaction? Sorry, I don't know a good answer
  9. yay! It definately takes patience to get these things right!!! My hunny recently burnt the ones I recently made and he only waited about 3 days. He said it actually caught fire in the middle of burning it!!! ACK!!! I'm hoping that was just because he got impatient and didn't wait the week that I tell him he has to wait. Never had THAT happen before! I know it's not too much FO. It's cherry from NG, and that is SO strong I do a 75/50 cut with it. I forgot to ask him if he has had that issue any more since they've now dried out for a while... scary stuff!
  10. Honestly, I don't think either of them have a very good scent throw. I made a smelly jelly for my bathroom, but used 1oz of FO. I have it sitting on the back of the toilet, and can only smell it when I'm right there at the toilet. Can't smell it in much of the bathroom (I have a LONG narrow bathroom though). The beads do ok in my car. I wouldn't count on either of these if you were wanting to scent a large room or anything.
  11. no no no no u buncha enablers!!! LOL I do not NEED any more FO's!! ARGH! I really need to go through my cabinet and have a garage sale on here. LOL I read on another forum that the Clean Cotton smells just like Yankee.. ugh I NEED more clean cotton! I LOVE the stuff from BCN but Never order from them. I don't need any more.. I don't need anymore... Ohhhh I DID run out of the Odor Eliminator and I like this kind soo much better than the typical lemon scented ones... ARGH!!!! I think I'll just take a quick peek.. won't order, but just peruse their site for a bit.... shhhhh :tiptoe: LOL
  12. Oh how annoying!! I just tried, and I'm not having any problems at all. Did you try deleting your cookies? Sometimes that might help?
  13. I am having a BLAST making whipped butters. I'm searching for the perfect combo of moisturizing but not greasy. I made a whipped mango I LOVE! Only problem, it wont stay fluffy I whipped it till I got peaks, put it in the jars, came back and it was hard. Does mango not stay fluffy? I have long nails and hate digging in a jar and getting it under my nails. Here's the recipe. Maybe I need to lower the butter and up the oils? I got this from swifts book I purchased for a whipped mango. 75% mango butter 10% avocado oil 8% hemp oil 3 % IPM 2 % cornstarch 1% Vit E 1% FO For the record I LOVE this!! Not too greasy at ALL, but doesn't feel drying. I just want it to be softer and "whippier". Thanks! Laura
  14. Hmmm wonder if my PO will let me drop these off if I ever use them. I don't get mail delivered to my house, I live in a small town and have to use a PO Box... I'll have to look into that!
  15. That happens to me sometimes. I'll try to go to the blog to get some recipes, and it just takes me back to the homepage... grrr
  16. I think WSP sells a pearlizer to add to a gel base.. not 100% sure tho but you can take a look!
  17. I was on a hunt for a dupe to Gold Canyon's Clean Sheets. BCN's Clean Cotton (BNL) is an exact match!!! YUM I'm in heaven!!! Only problem is they're not one of my regular suppliers. I tried WSP's Clean Cotton and yuck! Nothing close.
  18. I'll be making incense with it this weekend. Ran out of foil and too lazy to go get more before the weekend lol. After work I just wanna get home and not stop. I'll update ya on how it smells when it's turned into incense. Are you making candles with it?
  19. Which one from NG did you use? I want to try the april fresh and see how different it is from the Country Clothesline. Don't you wish 1 supplier would have everything we want? LOL
  20. NG has one too.. Actually they have 2 April Fresh, and Country Clothesline. I haven't tried April Fresh yet, but the country clothesline has a I don't know, bitter, scent to it? I made a linen spray out of it and it smelled like Downy, but in aroma beads it didn't... can't really explain it
  21. Well, got the drag strip and i'm not sure about it yet. OOB it's not very strong at ALL! And it DOES smell like a mechanics shop. EXACTLY like one. I made a lotion out of it and even at 1.5% there isn't much smell at ALL. I bought it to make incense out of it, but my hunny told me to make a lotion for his friend too. Now that I know it's not very strong, I think I'll do a 50/50 mix instead of my normal 75/25. But it DEFINATELY smells like a mechanic shop. Not what I was looking for. I was looking for more of a well, drag strip/racing type smell. I don't smell the burnt rubber in it at all.
  22. I have a shipment coming today from NG which contains Drag Strip. Not real excited about using this one lol. A friend wants it in incense. I have a feeling these will be made and set to dry in the garage. I can let you know tonight what it smells like OOB.
  23. Oh avocado is definately one that's good for your skin. But it feels drier than some other oils. Have you looked at Swifts blog? http://www.swiftcraftymonkey.blogspot.com/ She has amazing information there and you can find information about different oils.
  24. I wanted to make a whipped butter that wasn't greasy. So I used mango butter, FCO, and avocado. Well, it was just a tad greasy but it did NOT feel very good. My skin felt drier after I used that than before!
  25. Great! Thanks so much for the info! They got popped into the fridge last nite! I put them in a bin so that the kids know not to eat that stuff. LOL Sorry for hijacking the thread!
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