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Everything posted by lauramw71

  1. Has anyone used this company? They offer the smaller amounts of different oils that I am looking for (don't make enough to use before expiration dates). I haven't really seen anyone talk about this company so wanted to get a few opinions before making any orders. Thanks! Laura
  2. oh no, these look fantastic!! I wish I would have passed right by this posting lol
  3. I'm strange, the powdery feeling is exactly what I don't like about the WSP base, but others LOVE it! I like how thick it is though. The Aquatech Hemp base doesn't leave a powdery feeling, nor is it greasy. It's thinner than the GMH base, has a yellowish tint to it, but I didn't notice an odor. I like to have both bases, a thicker one (GMH), and a thinner one (Hemp). I have a girl at work who adores the GMH, and dislikes the Hemp, and another one who is the exact opposite. LOL Just waiting on the taxes to get more Hemp! I think I've used 90% of it for myself! lol
  4. Ugh, Aquatech was less painful to order from when they included shipping in their prices. However, it's the only place I can find the hemp lotion.
  5. The two that I like the best are the GMH from WSP, and the Hemp from Aquatech. I've tried the EBC base, and I like that one also, but not as much as the Hemp. I don't like a powdery feel after using lotion, and the Hemp doesn't leave that. If you prefer a powdery feel, than you should try the GMH from WSP. I'm strange and like a slightly greasy feel after using lotion. HTH! Laura
  6. Yeah, I know I don't need the Vitamin E, but I think I would feel more comfortable adding it. Can't hurt right? Thanks for that link for swifty's blog. I try to visit there often, but get a little overwhelmed sometimes because she has soo much information! I purchased her anhydrous book (LOVE it!!!!) and am going to try to tweak her recipe for the whipped butter for my son with horribly dry skin patches. I think I'm going to purchase a few different oils to play around with it to find the one that I like the best. Than my family will have more whipped butter than they know what to do with! lol Thanks again for all the help! I think since I'm getting all my butters and oils from wsp I'll just get the T-50 from there also... Laura
  7. Actually, It might be quite dangerous having more suppliers close by! HA! I ADORE burning FO's in a burner! They smell like 100 times more potent. I've had to play around and test quite a few because some are headache-inducing in my normal 1:1 ratio with the DPG. My poor fiance is sick of the house smelling like clean laundry (my fav home scent FO's). I get the eye rolling response when I tell him it's all for research. haha
  8. hmmm you raise a good question. I think I need to do more research into what would be better for a whipped shea body butter... Argh! LOL Acetate? Tocopherol? Tocopheryl? THIS is why I'm doing tons of research before deciding what to order. Thanks all!
  9. I just noticed you said you are by BCS.. I'm so jealous.. There's no suppliers by me! Are you looking for a base without beeswax? If you look in the recipe section, there's a recipe for a base that is supposed to be just like the Bittercreek base!
  10. I want to try making a Whipped Butter.. I am so confused on where to get some Vitamin E. WSP's price is $20 for 4oz, but than lotioncrafter is $8.50 for 4oz? Are all Vit E's the same? Is one better than the other? Trying to find the best prices for everything is exhausting!! It's looking like WSP is the best prices I can find on my butters and oils.. Thanks!!
  11. went and grabbed mine.. I'm not using the inci names... lol too long! And this is in order as what's on the label: Soybean oil, Beeswax, Sunflower Seed Oil, Cocoa Butter, Shea Butter, and Vitamin E.
  12. Oh ok, I didn't look any of them up. But you wouldn't be able to claim the SPF on your packaging would you?
  13. Those are some strange ingredients for a lip balm! I have the bace from Bittercreek and it's fantastic! No graineness (sp) at all! Nice and smooth, and als makes a great lotion bar! VERY reasonable priced also. Try it! There have been TONS of raves for it on here, which is why I decided to try it out. Eventually I'll get to making my own, but I wanted to try this base out first. HTH!
  14. I adore the bath salts I make. I use corn starch, baking soda, dendritic salt, FO, and epsom salt. The scent just lingers on my skin afterwards and I am so soft.. I could soak in the tub for hours!! Next I want to try putting some SLSa and make some bubbling salts.
  15. Cherry is my hunny's fav scent for incense. Another FO that made a fantastic incense was Bamboo Hemp from NG. He's a patch lover, so even a straight patch worked good (gag). I need to get more cherry from NG and want to try a patch/cherry combo. Anything helps for his stinky mancave. HAHA How do you dry yours? I band mine together with a rubberband, and hang them upside down. i put the pan I used to soak the scents in under it so the dips go in there. Even the drying out time makes the room smell great!
  16. Strawberry and Jasmine mixed makes a fantastic scent!!! I believe I did a 1:1 ratio of each.
  17. My credit card is hoping they DONT have a 99 cent sale. LOL (at least until after I get my tax refund) haha
  18. Wow, there are some crazy directions for different things huh? I usually do a 50/50 ratio also. I personally don't care for incense, but my finace adores them. I make them for him. They're supposed to dry for a week, but in all honesty, I think he's dipped into them before that.. haha He has no patience to wait for them to completely dry, and he never tells me he needs more until he's completely out! MEN! haha
  19. YAY! This was the WSP not the NG right? If it's the WSP, take a nice bubble bath with it... Bubbles galore and last too!!!!
  20. I might have to try the Ritzy bath gel from NG. I bought the Imagine Base, and basically, wasted my money. I made FBB with it, dried me out... tried making shower gel, no lather I wish NG sold sample sizes of their B&B stuff. I've loved everything else i've gotten from them, the odor neutralizer base is great! (I'm finding some FO's separate,but that's nothing a little shake can't cure).
  21. Oh, to be close enough to actually go to NG!!!!! Maybe it's a good thing I don't live near there... or else I would have one of everything they sell, but no lights, heat, food... haha j/k. I know that deb is trying to expand more into the B&B world at the request of customers. They were mainly just candle supplies, but she's really expanding out to include the B&B stuff which really rocks my world!!!!
  22. I haven't had any issues with the lather ability of the base. It made beautiful suds as a shower gel, bubble bath, and I even use it as shampoo. The only thing with the base is some FO's can thin it out to like water. I bought a sample of the thicker base from EBC to try it out. I made a gel for my fiance, and of course, he never gave me any input on it. (imagine that hahah) I don't find the gel drying at all, and even use it as my shampoo. I love the stuff! Just need to keep better notes on what thins it and what doesn't. I've gotten some xantham gum, but haven't tried in it yet as I'm out of stock on the base. Laura
  23. I do exactly what Jenn does. Make sure to slowly stir your FO in. It might turn cloudy at first, but that usually clears up on it's own!
  24. Ibought the fruit fresh, but it didn't give the fizz I wanted. Didn't really do anything after I mixed it with the baking soda.
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