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Everything posted by scifichik

  1. We make melts with the remainders of whatever batch we're working with. You'll want to be cautious with the clamshells and not pour really hot, or you can warp the plastic. The shells we use are typically happy campers pouring at 120 degrees F or less.
  2. Just my two cents' on the subject: it's been my experience with soy that if my wick isn't large enough, I don't get a decent melt pool and do get the wacky crud.
  3. Nice examples of the work you do AND the shadow box
  4. I've heard of them before. Check a few posts from people who've dealt with them from StartupNation: http://www.startupnation.com/Anyone-heard-of-IntoStores-/topic/ I think I'd be very cautious.
  5. Scentsational Sparklers?
  6. This is also my vote! My 8 year old nephew actually did nibble an edge off a melt because he just didn't believe it wouldn't taste like it smelled!
  7. Gateway Foods in Dupo, IL carries it.
  8. That is really nice! What is in the portion cups?
  9. CandleScience has a really strong one that throws well in soy.
  10. I hope you are happy....now I am hungry!! Good thing there are some nice oranges in the fridge Those are awesome candles!!!!
  11. We bought some 8 oz from Peaks in January: no feet. You could always just contact customer service to ask about the 4oz, to be on the safe side, since you aren't wild about the feet.
  12. 1/2 teaspoon to 1 teaspoon per pound, according to the notes I've found on the internet. I suppose it must be one of those "your mileage may vary" type of things" where you might need more or less, depending on the scent you are using.
  13. I just heard of a place called Missouri Candle Company http://mocandle.net/ They have retail sales of finished goods and carry materials, but that's all I know. Where is the soy supplier you found in St. Louis? We've been getting ours from Gateway over in Dupo, IL.
  14. It would be a dupe. Apparently, this is a scent she gets from Scentsy, but likes our prices much better. LOL Thanks for the help! I'll do some mixing and matching and see what it comes out like.
  15. We have a customer requesting Honey Pear Cider. Does anyone know which supplier might carry this?
  16. Wow! That's really very nice. Congratulations!
  17. Those look like metal cooking skewers, but I'm the country girl who'd never seen mottled wax before, so don't take my word for it. LOL Wouldn't that damage the wick in some way, or is the impaled part higher up than the 1/4 inch mark on the wick? We use a standard jelly jar for our container candles, and the small wick centering tool from Peak works for us.
  18. I'm sure several of the experienced folks here will have good info to share, but here are a couple of good articles on container safety and what constitutes a good/safe container. http://candleandsoap.about.com/od/votivesandcontainers/a/safecontainers.htm http://www.candletech.com/general-information/safe-containers/
  19. Sister and I were in "the city" yesterday and saw a Yankee Candle shop at the mall. Being from "the country" we hadn't had much exposure to their products, other than hearing friends rave about them, and were very excited to go see what the big commercial guys do. We were very shocked and disappointed at the quality of the items we saw on those shelves! Does anyone know what type of wax is used to produce the container candles? The tops were rough and very bubbled in appearance. On the clear containers, many looked like someone had randomly attacked the wax with a heat gun, and it looked like honey-comb pockets. Had these been candles we made, they would have been in our "reject" box for sure, something that we would have only burned at home or used when the power failed. I would have been embarrassed to purchase one of those and give it as a gift. I swear, we looked at nearly two dozen candles--regular items and clearance--and they all looked ugly. We were thinking that maybe we just ran into a shop that had some "ugly candle fairy" who waved her wand around, but then visited a Kohl's store that also was selling Yankee. Different city, but same story on the candles. Is this the standard for these candles, and maybe their popularity is based on great hot throw an not appearance?
  20. Yahoo has decent webhosting, and you could even get your own domain name, plus the Yahoo Site Builder is available. You can do some snazzy stuff with that very easily, including sales. GoDaddy is also another good route to pursue.
  21. Any test that doesn't end in a house fire or tears is a good one! LOL Congrats on your success!
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