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Everything posted by deb426

  1. Cute cup of tarts. I love your pillar. And the best part of it is that I don't make pillars and I don't use palm wax so I can just look and enjoy without thinking about how to do it . KWIM?
  2. There's no reason to wait past a day or two to test your wicks. You only need to cure the candle to get the best scent throw, especially in soy.
  3. Your colors are so pretty. I wish my soy would allow me to do that.
  4. They all look great. My favorite is #1. I'm assuming you use all paraffin?
  5. If you can't get them to work, maybe you could sell them as luminaries by putting a small container candle inside and removing the lid.
  6. I do the same as Carole. Heat to 200 in the fryer, pour into pour pot, add fragrance, stir, check temp and pour. I did have problems when I was only heating it to 175 before pouring into the pour pot but now that I heat to 200, its fine. Deb
  7. I think they're pretty cool dude soaps. Looks like leather. Call it Cowboy.
  8. Debra, I gotta ask....What the heck does Redneck Christmas smell like?
  9. I like the label, the lid, the twine and the beads. But the tag brings it all down IMO. Sorry.
  10. The one from Candlescience doesn't throw that well in my C-3. Smells good though, maybe in a different wax.
  11. You can get a similar effect using a grubby pillar mold. I think flexible molds has them.
  12. Mistletoe and Berries Cranberry Marmalade Pumpkin Fudge Pumpkin Soufflee Hazelnut Coffee Pumpkin Hazelnut Latte Creme Broulee Cinnamon Bun Banana Nut Bread Chocolate Fudge Maybe some Jack Frost
  13. I use C-3 and have tried CS sugar cookie. Its a nice scent but it wasn't strong enough for me.
  14. That is exactly what I was going to say! I usually love CS but I don't like their choc chip cookie at all in my soy. In fact, I just found some candles that I made earlier this year in that scent and I put them aside because I don't even want to try to sell them. I think it smells like chocolate milk in wax. Deb
  15. In a real pinch, I've used the wastebasket size trash bags from the dollar store. They are about the size of tshirt bags but without handles.
  16. I just read this post last night and boy am I glad I did. I was at a craft show today and a woman comes to me and wants to know if I could make candles for her wedding. She needs a soy votive, "just a little bigger than the normal votive." She whips out her fabric sample and says she needs it to match "this exact shade of lavender." I immediately thought of what you guys said about Bridezilla. I thought it would be rude to run screaming from the room so I explained that I didn't think I could provide her with what she needs and steered her to the next candle booth at the show. I feel like I dodged a bullet. I wouldn't have thought about all of the headaches a wedding order would bring. Thanks!
  17. Way to go! Don't you just love to look at them all grouped like that? Such a good feeling of accomplishment. Hope you raise a lot of money for your F.D.
  18. In my jj, the smallest wick I use is Eco 6 and the largest is Eco 12. For that series, that is a range of four wicks, 6-8-10-12. Although most FOs fall in 8 or 10, I can't say that it is rare to find a 6 or 12. HTH Deb
  19. Well, you can do it that way if you want to drive yourself crazy:p But I always start with the same jar. Once you get that one wicked properly, it will be easier to wick your other jars. For example, I always get the wicking down in my jelly jars first. From there, I pretty much know what I will need in the other jars so it makes testing those much easier. HTH Deb
  20. Well I just couldn't help myself. Last night I made a candle using pumpkin souffle and chocolate fudge, both from CS. Its soy so I'll let it cure a bit and burn it probably on Sunday. I'll keep you posted. I went 1/2 and 1/2 to start so I'll see if it needs adjusted at all. Deb
  21. yum, that sounds good! Maybe I could mix pumpkin souffle and choc fudge and see what I get!
  22. In my area, no matter how much the bags cost you, they wouldn't sell for more than $3.50 or $4.00, I don't think. Not necessarily fair but there is too much stuff at the dollar store that they could buy instead. They are adorable though.
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