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Everything posted by Kitn

  1. Your candle looks great , well done
  2. I would buy the boxes and some full sheet labels and have some fun with them .
  3. You can rebatch anytime , the sooner the better . I like Catherine Failors books and the above mentioned ones.
  4. They have some gorgeous molds , wow .
  5. Silicone is perfect for cp soap . I don't know if you mean a log mold or single mold style . But I use a single flower shape mold and find the soap comes out cleaner if I pop it in the freezer for an hour before I unmold . Soap in the log might just pop right out .I think you will love your silicone molds , plot away kellie edited for pytos
  6. They are very pretty , whatever they are .
  7. I can't help you , but those sure bring back memories , they were everywhere .
  8. I am so sorry you had to stop doing what you loved to do . {{hugs}} kellie
  9. I might be flattered that they thought my product looked that great , but very unhappy with the rest of their comments . You've been selling there for 6 years and all of a sudden this happens ?? I have heard of this happening to a soap maker . Someone told the organizers she bought her product . They arranged to come to her house and watch her make soap . The woman that insisted she see the soap being made ended up sending her husband to the soapers house .She did prove it to them . It is ridiculous imho , totally ridiculous .
  10. lol I was afraid pine tar was a horrible stench , but it wasn't bad I am hoping neem is the same , it is to cold to be making soap outside .
  11. Thank you I have some to try in my next trial batch .
  12. No problem I used activated charcoal , tea tree , rhassoul clay and lavender eo .
  13. According to the woman I made it HP for it is fantastic , I am glad she loves it I had no one with that skin type to test it for me . I am a happy camper and so is she .
  14. They look great , way to go .
  15. We were told by a postal employee ( in Canada ) not to put a fragile sticker on any package , ever ( they don't insure anything glass here ) . It means lets play soccer with it . Out of over 3500 things we have shipped 1 glass item was broken .
  16. I am so sorry about your job . Your soap looks wonderful . I would make up a business plan first then I would get in to all the craft shows or markets or stores that you can, to get yourself out there and let people know about how great your soap is . Wishing you good soap business mojo
  17. Those are beautiful , you obviously haven't lost your touch one little bit
  18. I so agree , it is ridiculous what it bumps the cost up to . Once I get my soap business totally set up I am looking into supplying FO's here . I almost started this before the soap , but I love making the soap to much .
  19. It seems to be the only thing that makes sense . Do you have the label from the foil wrappers , you could google and find out what is in them perhaps . Is she willing to try another just wrapped in saran ? I don't know how bad her hives were though ,if they were bad I don't imagine she would .
  20. They look so nice , I love your colors . Congratualtions on your baby girl , how exciting !
  21. It is daunting and a big learning curve ask away ?
  22. I just put my soap where all the other body washes , shampoos and soaps were . He loves them .No more store bought soap , body wash or shampoo at our house , it saves a lot of money . Maybe that aspect would convert him ?
  23. Good for you , I don't make candles but I sure love them , way to go
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