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Everything posted by LeahRB

  1. French Market from Lonestar is awesome and this is coming from someone who can't stand florals. They describe it as: Flowerstall with roses, magnolia, gardenia, tuberose, and arris blossom.
  2. Thanks for your help. Can't wait to get started!
  3. I just recieved twigs n berries and to me it is a little strange and not what I expected. But, this is just OOB. I have no idea how it is in the wax.
  4. Hi guys! I just purchased some of this and it will be arriving shortly. I just had a few questions about it, cause up til now all I have used is paraffin. It says to pour it once it starts to set up, what exactly does that mean? Also, how long do I need to let them cure? Any other advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!:smiley2:
  5. Thanks. I think I am going to stick with SFCI right now. I love the aloe and I can't wait to try the goats milk. Good to know about Stephenson though.
  6. Thanks Brenda! Actually, I am not sure I want to start testing it. I think I will always wonder about soy until I try it. Right now I use 4627 and love it, but there is just something about soy that fascinates me.
  7. Any opinions on this wax? I've done a search, but I just keep finding stuff on the votive/tart wax. Thanks!
  8. I tested it when I was using 4630 and I did not get a throw the first time either. So I tried it again about a week later and it filled my living room. It was strange because normally with 4630 I could wait until the candle cooled and light it right up, not with CS lavender and vanilla though.
  9. :smiley2: Thanks! I had no clue.
  10. Thanks for your reply. Your information is appreciated. :smiley2:
  11. For those of you that use this wax, how much FO do you use?? Do you add vybar? I am wanting to try this wax for tarts and up until now all I have used is paraffin. Thanks!
  12. Thanks for the tips! I'm always looking to create new scents by mixing. It is sooo much fun. I was always too scared to try their hot apple pie because of the one leaf rating. I think I will now.
  13. Glad to help. Hope you like it as much as I do.
  14. I don't know what the original smells like, but this is great. My sister took the bottle of perfume I made for myself. It's good!
  15. Wow! I just checked them out and so far I am impressed and the shipping is awesome! Can't wait to try some. Why did not anyone tell me that soap is just as addicting as candles. HeHe
  16. Thanks guys! Yeah I would like to be able to add butters or stuff if I wanted. Good to know about the lotion because I have been looking. I think I will check out the essentials by catalina.
  17. Glad to know others are in the same boat. :smiley2:
  18. Yep. It is rainshowers. It expires on the 30th.
  19. Maybe I should just ask what is your favorite soap base. I know I will get lots of opinions, but that's cool. I have very dry skin, so something moisturizing is important to me. Thanks!
  20. So glad you said this. I have been feeling like it is taking me so long and so much money to get anything going with these candles. The people around me really think I am going slow because they don't understand that it is a process to get a great burning candle. So it just feels good to have someone else say it too. :smiley2:
  21. I have been using the melt and pour base from peaks. I love the baseand the fact that they are natural, but not the price. So, I have been looking around and I have found the natural melt and pour soaps at WSP and they are a lot cheaper. I was just wondering how they perform? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks! P.S. I am really interested in the natural goats milk.
  22. They look cool. What kind of sugar did you use?
  23. Welcome George! Good to have you here. Some places I recommend are Candle Science, Peaks, Millcreek and Lonestar. Have fun!
  24. I was using J223 when I tested those.
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