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Everything posted by LeahRB

  1. Can anyone tell me about this wax? Was thinking about ordering some for tarts. I was just going to keep using 4630 in clamshells because it pops out without getting stuck and the tarts smell great. But, kind of liked the idea of the 4641 because it is in pellet form. Any information would be great. Thanks!
  2. Guilty here, too. Maybe we should start a group. I'll go first.... Hello my name is Leah and I have been addicted to FOs for 13 months.
  3. I too am interested in candlewic. I searched the board but have not found much on them. I just purchased some samples off the extreme and bold list. I will try and remember to post my results once I have them.
  4. HeHe. My nose seems to always smell something different, too.
  5. Peak is closer to me, so I might have to get a sample and see about theirs. Thanks guys!!
  6. I love CS Cranberry Marmalade, but I was also interested in Peaks Cranberry Apple Marmalade. I was just wondering if any of you guys had used both and could tell me if they smelled similar??
  7. The last batch of 4630 I recieved did some weird things too. It had huge craters and holes at the top. I had never had this problem with 4630 until this batch. I heated to 180 and poured at 170ish like always. It was strange.
  8. I love 4627. I hardly ever have wet spots and the throw is amazing. I have also used j223, C-3 and 4630.
  9. I believe that someone recommended Lonestar's to me. I have not tried it yet. Wish I could be more help.
  10. Glad to hear you are doing so well and thanks for the advice.
  11. I really liked the HTP wicks in the 4627. It is a great wax and I will continue to use it. I could never really see the wick smoking, but I would see black soot on the side of the jars.
  12. I made a candle earlier and I let it completely cool and it is almost completely smooth and level. I heated to 185 and poured at 170. I am blown away by the cold throw. Thanks guys! I love this board.
  13. Thanks guys for all your help and advice. I will be making another candle tonight and I hope it goes better. I have to say that this candle smells great cold and the hot throw was good too. I was worried about this because it was soy. But, the cold throw was just as good as my 4627 and the hot throw was comparable without all that black soot!!! Yeah. P.S. Average cure time for c-3?? I burned this one after 12 hours so I can't imagine how much better it would be if I waited.
  14. Thanks for your help. I will try pouring hotter.
  15. I am trying my hand at soy and I have started with C-3. It is a completely different monster from paraffin and last night I made my first candle with it. I heated it up to 185 put in my FO and I let it cool to 125. I put it in a warm place to cool and this morning I have huge canyons around the wick. The broiler will not fix these and I just know if I light it up the wax will sink into the holes and drown out my wick. Any advice on what I can do different before I try it again. All help is appreciated. Thanks!!!
  16. Thanks guys for your opinions and the review link. You're awesome!!!!
  17. I tried using JS and it did not work. Guess I will go to their forum. Thanks guys!
  18. Welcome Kim! Pouring the wax over the wick will not hurt it at all. Glue the wick to the bottom of the jar and then pull it up tight and center it using the popsicle stick. Have fun!
  19. I've done some searching and I guess that the name just scent is too broad of a search term and I'm not finding anything. Anyways, I was thinking about trying them and was wondering if anyone would like to recommend some oils. Thanks! Leah p.s I am really interested in the Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin which is one of my favorite bath and body works scents.
  20. I use a heavy duty wooden spatula and another wooden spoon. I dip into the wax with the spatula and scrape it off of the spatula with the spoon. I also tried doing it with an ice cream scoop, but to me that was hard to use.
  21. Here are a few of my reviews: Aspen Forest: Love this one. Wash Day: tester said it filled up her house and smelled like a laundry sheet. Love Spell: Great throw in 4630 Redwood and Cedar: very strong (reminds me of Dove soap) grapefruit: smelled like fuel in 4630
  22. Probably just the suppliers opinion on how much FO the wax will hold. But, I have heard that the wax can vary slightly depending on the area where the supplier gets the wax. Supposed to be the same though. I would just test it for myself and use the same amount of FO that you normally do and see how it works. Have a great day!
  23. Thanks for your response Chele. Actually, I just bought five pounds of the KY 125, so I am hoping it works out. Sorry to hear about your bad experiences.
  24. Good to know about the hot and cold throw, cause that was my biggest fear with trying soy. Thanks for the tip about pre-heating jars.
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