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Everything posted by Trappeur

  1. These are disgusting scents to me: Lovespell, Monkey Farts,Sex on the Beach I got samples of all these a few weeks back because everyone talks about what great sellers they are and how they love them....I made them up and gagged as I did them. I gave them away and won't offer them in my line of candles...They all are cheap and so fake those scents to me...I just can't figure out what the rage is about....And to me, they pretty much all smell the same way, tuiti, fruiti, girli girli 5 and dime scents...lol...The only good thing about them is they are POWERFUL scents....I wish all my scents were as strong as these... And pink sugar I don't like but I sell to a few select people who love it....but not me! Trappeur
  2. I use those 16oz canning jars all the time and an htp 126 is perfect....The 1212 seems rather large to me...but then I use c-3.... Trappeur
  3. Which brand of coconut oil do you get? There are so many out there. What does the label say on the oil? Thanks. Trappeur
  4. Hi Deb, I've been wanting to do a 64oz countainer for some time now....Would you mind tell what size wicks you use and how many? In taking a real wild guess, I'm going to say 3 104 or 3 105 wicks? Thanks. Trappeur
  5. Wow Winssays, now this is different how you pour....I'll have to try that myself and see if it helps me too. Trappeur
  6. Great looking votives! Thats my next project, chunks......I can't wait as soon as I can get a breather.... Trappeur
  7. Wow! Now thats a switch! lol... Well out of all the ones you've done so far, I like this one the best....except for the BIG letters of burning safely....lol..... So what are you printing on? A white card and just leaving everything else in the greyish color? Trappeur
  8. Thanks for explaining a little about Pagan/Wiccans Shane. I have to admit I know nothing about it...but it is a very interesting subject and I think just to gain a little knowlege I will read up some on it....! Thanks everyone for the nice compliments of how I tried to possibly give suggestions on a label...If I can help anyone, I will try as the same goes to me, I'm always on the lookout and asking for suggestions for myself too. Isn't that what this board here is all about? Can't wait to see what you finally come up with Shane! Trappeur
  9. Oh wow!lol, lol.....I was totally out to lunch and off base when I suggested some different ways of doing a label...Gesh! I thought that the idea was to play down the Wiccan and do something in the middle....I thought that you said your wife didn't want the picture of her on it either....so I was trying to come up with something a little different..lol...oh well, I guess I mis understood the whole thing..no problem....I had fun anyway... Now that I understand that the idea is to promote Wiccan, as far as which label I like, well, either one really...The only suggestions I have is like Deb said about the warning and on the front lower the symbol. One thing that maybe might be a thought to change is the scent name....Since the label is to be geared towards Wiccan, how bout changing the name a bit that is more Wiccany, lol....but still you would know that it is chocolate...I hope you understand what I'm trying to say! lol. Bottom line Shane, if you have that type customer base, then by all means go for it...but if you don't and are trying to establish it, it might take some doing if you can do it...You'll just have to see what the public reaction is...but thats what makes each of us so unique also. There is something for everyone... Trappeur Trappeur
  10. Hi Shane, Everyone has brought up some good points and are asking the same thing that I also asked in your other post about what type of market are you trying to reach. So your not limited to a selection of people by using your symbol, what I can make as far as suggestions is to just put your symbol on the back of the card and probably reduce the symbol a little bit and put your writing over the symbol in 1 color of font. I love how you did the faded symbol with your white lettering over it. It isn't over kill and and has a soft look to it and people who are into paganism will know what it is when they see your tag..Its enough to make a statement. And you know too, if you want to soften your whole look at bit you could change colors or invert them....Going with the black label, a font color in a tan, or kraft color is very dramatic but more soothing to the eyes and is more earthy looking also...The white is nice but its very stark also....Just depends on what looks great together....And too, I'd bring up your rows of words over the medallion so they are not down to the bottom of the card.. If you went with a kraft colored label, you could do black fonts...But keep in mind too, your beads that your using...Find a happy median that will go with all your candle colors and beads so they all flow together...You know what I mean? Now the front of your label, I'd remove the medallion. Your scent name is WAAYYYY too big...lol.....How bout trying out another font....I think you could find something a little different... I was designing some labels for a new account and thought I would doodle some to maybe give you some ideas of how to lay out some fonts and colorway Shane and I looked on the net for some pagan symbols to get downloaded onto a few samples here and I pulled these out...Now mind you, I don't have the foggiest clue what these symbols mean what so ever, so if they are devilish, you'll have to bear with me as I was just looking for colorway! lol....I couldn't figure out how to get your picture of the symbol onto the card, so I went this way....hee hee hee... Now this hang tag picture here below could be a way to be a hang tag using the black colorway...And I brought your website to the front of the hang tag since there is so much room for it...Another thing you could do on your tag is if you have a slogan, that could go under your business name....I do like your curve in your name. Of course I had no fonts like that! lol.....But this was just for ideas and how to layout your card with everything in balance...And instead of doing white letters, I changed to a tannish color and the card was a little more warmer looking...(well I think it is!, lol) This could be another version and you could just blowup your medallion....Another thought. I know the card is out of balance, but you get my jest...And with the medallion on the back of the label, the label could appeal to all sorts of people... So maybe this could help you some.....I really like what you have changed so far though...Just some critiquing, thats all...You might not like at all what I put up..was just some suggestions. Aren't labels and candle just oh so much fun? Trappeur Ps: Did I do good on the medallions? Are they devil worship symbols? Geesh I hope not....But that would be me to put up something I know nothing about! lol The first medallion on top reminds me of the tree of life.... The bottom one almost looks like a Hitlar thing after I got it up here...lol...oh well!
  11. THERE you go!!!!!!!!!!!Now your cooking!....Now look at how that medallion (pops) on a black background!! And if you are going to print that medallion a lighter color like the grey you had shown and put your letters over it, you've really got something going on now....Terrific! Now, you have what looks like mosiac beads on your jars in black and gold and some other colors....so now this medallion which has a mosiac look and with your beads, see how they are are starting to flow together? And the gold beads and if you use other colors, everything will go with the black label because anything goes with black!!! And yeah, we all do need some fun in our lives...and need to take a break....I for sure need one myself! lol, lol....That was cool about the wig! lol Ok, keep going!!!!! Trapp
  12. lol, is that your label? With I assume your wife on it? I'm not making fun of you, believe me....I can see where your going and that is just so honorable for you to do something really special for someone you love like what you did here, but in all honesty, I wouldn't personally do it..Its a wonderful picture, don't get me wrong, but I just don't think it really belongs on a candle label.....Has your wife seen the label yet? What is her opinion? The more I look at your label with that medallion on the back and the type look your going for, hey it might just work! I can't quite put my finger on what type look you have going on, but I see how different it is....You have some type of funky look to me and your colors that you are using for your fonts and what looks like to me, does your wife have blue dyed hair? Is that the look what you are going after? What type customers buy your candles? Your balance looks so much better on the label now...but the medallion the words are still way too big in my opinion and have you tried going with 1 color font? Your medallion is white and to me the label is now a grey...is that right? Why don't you change your label to a solid black background where the white medallion will pop and have black letters? Trappeur
  13. Your doing a great job Shan!.....Labels can be be a real pain in the butt but presentation is so very important....I was thinking since you only have 1 size smaller card and if it is still too big, why couldn't you do the fonts even much smaller and when you print them out just cut down the card smaller around the printing to make your hang tag even smaller...yea, that would be a pain, but maybe it would work? Trappeur
  14. Well said girls (I mean ladies and gents, lol) who gave respectful and unvengeful advice to Retro....You all were totally correct. I remember when I first joined here and hadn't posted but a few times and was put down and reamed by a long time member of this sitee and I too was embarrassed and felt like a fool but I stood up for my actions to this particular person and all has faired well so far. I find this site to be a very extremely informative site with such a wealth of knowledge from the members here...and I learn so much everytime I come here...Being that it is an open board is even more wonderful, but just like most open boards you do have your smartass people and people like all the guys just said people who think they know it all and don't think about other peoples feelings and that not everyone takes things in perspective as they think they would be doing..for whatever reason...and peoples feelings do get hurt and they judge others when who are they to begin with? Well, like everyone said, just post away and no matter how rediculous or dumb a question is you might have, as it isn't a dumb question as we are all here to learn and experiment and exchange ideas and everyone, even all the most experienced and wizest of them all still learn. Trappeur
  15. Hello Shan, You have been working really hard on a new label!!!Somewhere I missed take #1...I'll have to go and find it.... Ok, if I may, since you are open to suggestions, these are my suggestions... The label really overpowers your candle...its a little large but if that is all you are able to work with now, I would scale down all the lettering on the label to begin with...Remember you want to have a balanced look...Your website is way too far down and sits at the bottom of the label and your lettering goes way out to the left and right sides too... Reduce the sizes of all your fonts to begin with...I would change your website font completely to one that is readable and make it smaller. I do like your name with the arch in them, but I would center Shantelle over Candle Creations. How about your scent name in a different color? Now from what I can tell, is the label a blue or lavender? Since you make colored candles, I think your going to find the color of the label to be constricting on some colors...I know you want it to pop, but if you went with a cream or even a jet black label, it would be very smart looking...and pick a basic color for all your words and just bring your color into the business name and maybe your scent name. I'm not sure about your beads....Are they going to be part of your design all the time? If not, just maybe put a nice raffia ribbon around the jar and tie the hang tag into the raffia.. From looking at these labels my personal choice would be the tag with the arch in your name....It is so different and striking and I really love the way it came out... You just need some balance and proportion here... I have been designing some hang tags for wholesale accounts I've been getting...Maybe if you look at what I did, it might help you a bit....Now everyone has their own opinion but this is what I came up for me and my tag is actually a business card and mine too is a bit large, but I tried to lay out in proportion...So I'll post a picture here now...if you don't mind... Here is a closeup of the hang tag: The inside of hang tag: The backside of the hang tag: And this is what the business card looks like b/4 folded. I've been doing all my own design on Vista Print because I don't have any setup on my computer to make tags and wouldn't know the first thing about it. lol....so this is the only way I can figure out how to do a tag that I can afford and I've been getting them free! That always helps! lol Hope this helps you out a little just to show a little balance...Some might not like it, but it works great for me! Trapeur
  16. Thanks Dee! I was just on their site and saw that.....I didn't see a lid..... I will call them...... Trappeur
  17. Besides the Jar Store does anyone else carry the 21 ounce status jar with the glass lid you could recommend? Thankyou so much! Trappeur
  18. If you haven't ordered any new jars yet, you might want to check out the keepsake jar. I use that jar and use c-3 and I single wick with an htp 1212.....and your label would probably work very nicely on the jar also. Trappeur
  19. Hello Richard, I have to tell you that those are some of the most gorgeous pillars I've ever seen! They are just drop dead gorgeous and so so very different...I don't make pillars and know nothing about air pockets, etc and don't even see the pockets, but like I said I don't make them.......Sure wished I did...I'm just in such awe over them...They are simply to die for...What ever you are doing just keep doing! They sure would look absolutely beautiful in some of the homes that I decorate here in the mountains and I would say they definite have a rustic flair to them...I can't decide which colorway I like best as each one is just as beautiful as the next! You sure are talented!!! Trappeur
  20. So does anyone have great suggestions of what throws killer in C-3? I've never ordered from them, but would like to order some sample packs. Thanks... Trappeur
  21. Their Indian Harvest is beautiful.... Baked Apple Pie and Cranberry Cobbler is excellent too. Trappeur
  22. Hello Sparky, If I may, I have a few suggestions.... I too, like the second label...If your trying to create a prim look on that jar, another option you could do is use the 2'nd label but print it on a brown kraft paper.....That will then start your look...Also I like the idea of raffia around the neck...Good idea....(by the way, that looks like a keepsake jar, is it not? I use the same jar myself but I use a rust lid myself and sometimes a wood lid...) Also you do a beautiful job coloring your candles so why not downsize that labe some so you can see the actual wax?l...My label on that jar is a 3x3 square...You may think its small, but when you put it on the jar, its such a beautiful size and in such proportion. In looking at #2 label... if you play with your fonts you can get your tag line underneath your name....And it doesn't have to be centered under your business name either but off to the right due to the picture on your label...Also another thing is you have custom made hand poured candles....You really don't need the word "candles" on that line as your business already states it...so that will give you extra space.... When you design your label try not to take up all your space on your label. It will give it more balance.....We all know how hard it is to come up with ideas....God it took me forever to design my label I'm sure just like the rest of us.... Your label and packaging of presentation is really so important. We spend so much time in trying to perfect the best quality candle that we put out with endless hours of testing, so it really I think is so important to put that last finishing touch on our candles (our labels)....First impressions are lasting impressions...I've always been a firm believer in that if I saw a beautifully packaged product of a candle, the first thing that comes to my mind is, is that that candle must be an awesome product....so I'll buy it! Just thought I would throw out a few suggestions. Trappeur
  23. Well, thanks everyone....I will try adding a little more scent than 1 oz and see how that works and I'm going to get a sample of the vanilla frosting to and try a few others too....I'll post my results! Thanks. Trappeur
  24. Leah, What jar are you using? I use htps....for the jelley jar I use a 104 8oz square mason - 105 16oz mason - 126 keepsake jar which is 3" diameter - a 126 But I use c-3 - so there is a difference there. Trappeur
  25. Hi Deb, Yes, I'm a vanilla person too and after so many rave reviews I just couldn't wait to get it....And they are a great company to deal with and it just smelled so awesome as all their scents do and just couldn't get it to work....Even in melts and for sure they should have had a scent, but didn't...Just disappointing......Do you let it cure for a long time? I waited 3 days.....Wonder if it needs a long cure time? Trappeur
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