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Everything posted by Trappeur

  1. Yes, shipping is outrageous I agree. I happen to be on a well known suppliers site couple of days ago. To ship a 1 pound 18.00 bottle of oil was 14.99.....Now get this...I readfurther down on the site and to ship this same 1 pound bottle NEXT DAY IS $67.76!!!! Now I think that is not right, it's totally unacceptable, and a total rip off. Now tell me they are not making money on shipping??? How in the world do they come up with that price is beyond me...There is no excuse that I could here from anyone to justify this as there is none...A 50 pound box of wax shipped next day is 72.00 and 67.76 for 1 pound of oil? Its bad enough for us to pay all these up and up prices of supplies from these suppliers and then have to turn it around and try to market it? Getting worse and worse every day. It sickens me to see suppliers out there that stay in business because of the chandlers as WE KEEP THM IN BUSINESS! And for the ones who just posted here who don't live in the US how in the world do you stay in business with shipping prices of what you pay? What do charge $32.00 for a jelley jar? Gesh, I feel bad for you guys! Trappeur
  2. Geesh, too bad that wasn't the scent what she was looking for. Just goes to show how everyones nose picks up scents differently. I definitely smell smoke in the WSP crackling fire.... Well, good luck in finding the scent she likes and its good she's buying different samples. You could always try mixing 1/2 of a smoke with 1/2 of another too.... Trappeur
  3. Just beautiful! And I love the colors and creaminess of you wax....What wax do you use, if you don't mind me asking? Very creative and so perfect! The little gingerbread men candle is adorable! Trappeur
  4. Carrie, the lids fit on top of the jar loosely. They are not a tight fit at all...but I've never had a problem selling them like that. What lids do you use? Trapp
  5. Thankyou Carrie so much! You did good....Taylored Concepts has the correct keepsake jar in the 26oz I want and they are cheaper by 7.00 a box than what Candles and Supplies get....The smaller sizes I can get from Bittercreek or Tristate for decent pricing but no one carries the 26oz...I understand I think they are being discontinued.I used to get the jars from Candle Soylutions but they discontinued them and TriState has been out of stock on them for a while and Candles & Supplies jars are so friggin rediculous for the same dang jar - over 7.00 more a box.... I use the rust lid with ring on top from Candly Soylutions....but all these jars keep going up and up in price....so rediculous...I'll have 4.50 just in each jar alone - just for the jar...And on top of it, I hve to order the jar with the glass top when I'm not even using the glass lid.....How the heck can we make any money on a candle anyway with these prices? Getting tougher by the day I swear.... Oh and yes Carrie about the lid....it doesn't have a fitment the one I use and the lid just sits on top of the jar.......thats all.... Thankyou too Misty. Trapp Thanks so much Carrie!
  6. Hi Kyme, The fire starters are $1.50 each retail is what I'm selling them for. Andxixo....There is no amount of money in the world I would have sold Trappeur for - not even a million bucks... Honey Bear, Trappeur is the only cat, my baby I have ever allowed to get on the counter...I don't even remember how it even came about that this happened over 12 years ago...but it did....Actually he had his own special little towels I kept laid out for him at the end of the counter where he knew he could sit. And he had a tall tupperware container with his food bowl sitting on top of the container that was for his wet food so when he sat and ate, so he didn't have to scrunch down like a normal cat and eat, but sit up and eat like a prince without bending his neck....lol He had me so well trained.....Then on the left side and right side of his main eating bowl was a separate bowl for his dry chow and another for his water. He was a beautiful beautiful cat....he reminded me of a lynx. Candybee, the reason he looked comatose,,,lol was that Trappeur was always sleeping in those pictures. And just like you see in those pictures...he would have to be with me everywhere no matter what I did, even to the point I couldn't even go to the bathroom or take a shower without him sitting there or laying in the bathroom sink waiting for me to get done. Making candles each and every dang time, he would eat one of his dozen feeding he got every day, then just had to irritate me, lol and sprawl out all over the counter and it made my job more harder, lol...because "I" would have to work around "Him"........and I did it! But I just loved him to pieces.... Thankyou everyone for all your beautiful comments! Trappeur
  7. Hi Scented, I've been using that jar for years....just looking for a supplier who has the larger size as it's getting slim pickins as the few companies out there aren't stocking the larger size. And the jars come with the lids, even though I don't usually use the glass lid but a rust lid. Trappeur
  8. Who else carries the large 24oz keepsake jars besides Tri State Candle and Candle Soylutions? Thanks. Trappeur
  9. Was wondering if anyone has any reviews on this scent.... Yea???? or Nea????? Trappeur
  10. What would be a good mixer with honey cocoa mango? I was thinking of these which I have: Cocoa butter? Oatmeal, milk and honey? Preciate any suggestions....is for a spa and I use c-3. Trappeur
  11. Has anyone wicked the status jars? If so, could you give me a starting point where? I use c-3 8oz - I'm thinking 1 htp 1212 wick 12oz - " 1 htp 1212 21oz: " 1 htp 126 Thanks. Trappeur
  12. Your a riot Kimmer! Well, I smoke so maybe it doesn't even smell like it anyway.....:laugh2:I don't even know why I make candles when I can't smell them to begin with...but when I do smell them, I know its a killer scent. Oh for Balsam....well for years I've always gotten Balsam Fir from the Natural Artisan in New Hampshire...But when she went out of business Filmore bought a lot of her stuff and they have renamed the Balsam Fir to Christmas Tree on their site. I just delivered 6 to a store 2 days ago and then she sold them right away and I just got another order today for a dozen of them...That is my top #1 scent for me....If you want, I can send you some in a bottle Kimmer...just let me know..... Trapp
  13. Those colors are stunning! I don't know what you want to change....I think they are just perfect....Beautiful soaps....... Trappeur
  14. That was me Kimmer who said Apple Jack and Peel was so close to Autumn spice...lol....Well,....we have just different sniffers... I don't think mulled cider smells like Autumn Spice at all to me...... But I'll tell you what, if you mix Orange Peel and Cinnamon with Apple Jack and Peel, its pretty dang a close match to it, well thats what I think..... Autumn Spice is a top seller for me and since I have very little left, I did a test in one of the shops I sell to and substituted Apple Jack and Peel for the A.Spice and no one knows the difference....hmmmm guess I got lucky in that.... Trappeur
  15. Danno, I didn't let it cure but 2 days and it was awesome...but I've learned to let all my candles cure 5 days to a week...even though I have no patience. I won't wait more than 6 to 7 days on any scent to be quite honest....and thats even a long time for me.....lol Kimmer, I have Sissies Sugar Cookies from BC but have never poured it and I've read that scent is not a strong one...but I think I'll do one tonight.... Trapp
  16. I too like Backwoods Vanilla and Vanilla Woods..... Then I came up with Vanilla Birch..... Trappeur
  17. Peaks and Heartfelts oils I've heard sooooo much good about those scents...I'm going to have to try it myself....I too love Candle Science Scotch pine....it is a very true pine scent but I find it to be a different kind of pine.....unusual...but very beautiful and is a wonderful seller for me...... Another 2 which I have used for years is: BC - A Northwoods Christmas and Balsam fir - which is called Christrmas Tree and you can get from Filmore....and this is awesome...... And if you want something a little different too I love, love, love Sugared Spruce by Candle Soylutions. Truly beautiful. I don't think you could miss with any of all of these scents. Trappeur
  18. I had that problem too when mixing black with red and getting pink. Now when I mixed red with brown I got a much true red.....You would think by adding black it would deepen the red though so I do understand where your coming from, but it didn't work for me. Trappeur
  19. Yep, I like some of the names of the scents too....keep em coming! Thanks. Trappeur
  20. Wonderful tarts....I may have to try that...Love your colors. Trappeur
  21. Yes, please let us know if if works for you and if you like.....How long are you going to let it cure for Brenda? Trapp
  22. Thankyou again everyone for the lovely lovely compliments! And especially all the beautiful ones about my most precious, precious baby, my cat, my little guy, "Trappeur"......He's always been my world....... Trappeur
  23. Hi Wildcrafter, I sell them retail for $1.25.....but I'm thinking of upping them to $1.50. I put a lot of time into them, so I'm thinking about it. Oh, I went and visited your website and have to tell you, I admire what you do...I could really get into that as I myself am very nature orientated. I'm out in the woods all the time looking for remnants of nature to use in my firestarters and I can really appreciate what you do for a living..What Gods country you live! Oh, and my name is the same exact name as yours and spelled the same way too.... Trapp
  24. Hello Barngodess, I use the muffin papers and muffin molds.....Have been mainly going with the muffin molds because the papers do come off after a bit. Even though customers have never said anything about that, it bothers me....so I've pretty much gone with the muffin molds. Trappeur
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