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Everything posted by The_Dallas_Texas_Dean

  1. Wow... BO, Armpits? Sheeesh Actually....this sounds a little better LOL : "A pungent, powerful, mossy, musty" fragrance. The viscous, orangey-amber oil is extracted from the leaves of a two to three foot perennial bush with purple-tinged white flowers, native to tropical Asia. It is without a doubt one of the earthier scents, and is used in so many perfumes as the basenote (for ladies AND gent's fragrances ) Most people do seem to prefer it blended with a lighter topnote and a variety of mid ( or heart ) notes. Mixed with other oils that are also usually used for base or mid notes like amber and sandalwood, it smoothes out the "grit" somewhat and patchouli seems to give the fragrance a solid "stay" power to me. I am a true lover of patchouli..so much so that I do like it by itself...but there ARE grades of patchouli, and nothing smells worse to me than a "want-to-be". Honestly there are more cheap "bad" patchoulis out there than good, aged ,quality oils. I have yet to find a good one from a Candle supplier and usually purchase mine from herbal stores and/or places that cater to massage therapists.
  2. To give you any indication, did she lay out this kind of spread when she did it all by herself that time???? There is a reason and purpose that you both are doing this, and that is to MAKE money and build a client base. It is poor judgement and a bad business decision to "over-spend" in order to "make"....duh! I believe that I would have to tell her that Sams Club accepts returns and in your opinion, all your time and effort would be wasted if you spent all your profit before you even make it! Its Crazy!
  3. Hi Sherri! Congratulations for the potential opportunity. You sound very excited about the possibility. I would have to say that if the PTO held every Chandler now, and in the future, responsible for what one did to the extreme of not doing business with you, it would seem extremely shallow and in poor judgement on their part. I just can't even imagine that.It doesn't even make sense to me!
  4. WOW! Your boxes are the BEST packaging I have seen! I LOVE the dimension! VERY professional and appealing. Excellent, unique scent choice also...not "common".
  5. My vote goes to WYW Sage and Citrus being the very best on the market! S&C is one of my favorite scents ( enough so that I continued to purchase a few Yankme products until I could find the right replacement to make ) I would HIGHLY suggest that you at least try a sample. I was getting it from Canada ( Wick You Wax )....now BCN distributes their oils in the USA. I loved WYW because they ship their quality oils in glass. Their oils cost more but for the "picky" consumer, are well worth it!
  6. I didn't realize how spoiled I am living in Dallas with several suppliers here in the metroplex. That would be a hard expense for me to grasp having never paid shipping for wax. Yikes! Nearly half the cost of the wax just to get it to you! AND....I can't even imagine how much wax a pallet would be in pounds!!! OR even the volume of 1400 LBS...thats like 25 cases!! You guys must make thousands of candles! Good for you!!!!!!!:highfive:
  7. Paper Towels will become your very best friend. I have no doubt that a couple of trees have been chopped down for me just to supply my paper towel consumption!
  8. I doubt that I will ever do business with them again.Screw me once, shame on you...screw me twice, shame on me right? They honestly act like they dont really need my business. I ordered several 1 Lb FOs. The bottles looked like they had been run over by the truck. All smeared and not professional. I took advantage of a "special" and was going to get one Lb free. They were back ordered on one and I waited and waited and called TWICE! The last time I called ( weeks later!..for plain Cinnamon of all things) I was told that they were WAITING for my next order to send me the 1 lb of FO that they owed me. I told them that they were ASSUMING that there would BE a next order. They finally sent it out but I didnt think they were professional. They are in a HUGE hurry when they talk to you on the phone and just WAY too busy for MY business! I did order one time after this because AGAIN, they had a great sale and I had calmed down and for the most part, "forgiven" and forgot how bad their telephone rep's attitude was. I think it was their 2Lb deal...which turned out to be NO DEAL of course since their sale FOs totally sucked......no throw even in a light bulb scent ring on a hot light bulb! LOL...now THAT is a POOR FO! LOL They have a FO called "Spa" that is SO GOOD, that I kept gambling thinking I would get more like that one. I am with the group that is OVER Candlewic..no mo for this fool.
  9. Seems like perfect timing! Hit 'em before everyone else does AND before everyone gets sick and tired of seeing all the Christmas hoopla at the stores! The beginning is always the best time, I think.
  10. I LOVE the new name! ( And afterall, it the Red Door has made Elizabeth Arden a fortune!!! ) You should never have more than 3 fonts on your label/card or signage....so you are right on target. I love the font choice. I agree that it looks clean, simple and classy. I have an idea that I have no idea how to help you with but would be cool. If you chould somehow use the door and through the keyhole see a candle.Not sure if it could be done, but I can see it in my head. The candlelight with the orange and yellow hues "through" the Orange Door would be AWESOME!
  11. I love on the second pic the one in the middle...White with an explosion of bright blue with some green. Nice candle!
  12. I like your work! I liked the one on the other post that had the gradual color blend also. YOU are GOOD!
  13. Top, do you sell your candles to the public? Sometimes I just like to buy someone else's candles. I remember there was a post where you mentioned the Diptyque brand...or the scents. I am a container addict...if you have a business and sell to the public, let me know. I OWE myself a gift:yay: Michael
  14. How long has it been burning at the time the pic was taken? THIS time?
  15. Hi Island. No, I haven't tried them yet, but they are on my list because of the honest evaluation and explanation. I am hung up on WYW ( Wick Your Wax ) FOs right now. ( Plus I can't begin to tell you how many FOs I have that I HAVE to use that I am not that crazy about...and most likely will discount the candles because at MAX % they still aren't the very best they could be with a better grade FO ) I have no doubt that WYW oils are the best that are available. If anyone has used many of their oils and know of a supplier that ALL their oils are as consistantly as good as ALL of WYW oils, I would LOVE to know about them. I hear nice things about SOME of the oils from different suppliers. It is like this crazy mindset like...Ohhhh the Cranberry Watoooozie is GREAT, but the Banana Fostereeeza is weak. I really hate that "hit and miss" thing. The only thing about WYW FOs is they dont have 250 choices....but every single one that they do carry is good quality and you can count on it. Its like Godiva Ice Cream...whether or not you like every flavor....you KNOW that every single flavor is GOOD quality. They do not have a great Vanilla and a poor quality Chocolate. I hope this is making some kind of sense. I am not sure I have done a good job of explaining it.:undecided
  16. I have always considered myself a "newbie" because I have only been doing this for 11 months. I have seen lately, here on CandleTech ,that there are some newbies now who are newer than me.....so I want to share something with you that I have learned that might save you some money and frustration.One of the things I like most about this "medium" is I dont think I could ever master it. There are so many variables to be considered, and so many different types of candles and styles to try, that it will always be challenging, changing and fun. One of the major frustrations that I had in the beginning was trying to learn about FOs. I wanted the BEST. I have wasted alot of money "gambling" on different suppliers in search of the strongest, best throwing oils. I have been disappointed too many times to count and far more often than I have been pleased. I ran across this article written by the Candlemakers Store ( and no, I am not suggesting that this company has the best oils ) that I had saved that FINALLY clarified the HUGE FO frustration I was having and couldn't really get any answers for prior to reading this. I hope it helps you guys out. It is the ONLY thing that made sense to me as to why purchasing FOs was so "hit and miss". HTH http://candlemakers.zoovy.com/category/faq.candle_formulas/ Michael
  17. I havent bought, borrowed, used, smelled, or dreamed about any FOs better than WYW. ( Wick Your Wax ) I have a minimum of 20 suppliers represented in my stock. Many of these I purchased in search of the very best I could find, and many were given to me by a friend that closed out her candle business.There is without a doubt huge differences in quality. L O V E WYW... the BEST!
  18. Beautiful exhibit Elizabeth! I am proud of you!
  19. Your work ROCKS! KEEP POSTING!!!! Very Unique!
  20. Now that inspires me! I love seeing contemporary container candles. It seems as if most people are doing the country JJs or Masons or Apothocary. I really like the look of your work! REALLY NICE!
  21. Very Vivid colors!!!!!! Nice and professional!! Great job!
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