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Everything posted by sandissoap

  1. I haven't been able to find the right "smell" myself. I have a wholesale customer who is one of those country, cute, wooden floor type gift shops and even after having her sniff a bunch, I ended up blending my own. She loves it and sells a ton of room spray in it. We named it after her store. You may want to try just blending things you have to get the perfect smell!
  2. I also use black mica as well!
  3. MMS - the sage - has a great graham cracker! I use it mixed with chocolate for my smores scent.
  4. yeppers, scent-works carries it, they call it Pureed Grapes! You will see its "THEIR" interpretation of it! Its nice, I have a bit of it, not sure how it compares to the original as I haven't smelled the original one. hope that helps! sandi
  5. aroma haven, but its called atomic fireball and its awesome!
  6. I would say you are beyond "learning" as well, they all look beautiful, really nice swirley work!
  7. ahhhh thanks Suzanne and Anne Marie, you guys are so sweet! Glad you like your bar AM, its a great scent...the 2nd batch came out pretty but not quite as pretty as the first. Don't know if anyone else would notice but me! LOL
  8. wow that is gorgous! really xmasy, puts me in the mood to make something other then pumpkin these days! very nice looking, can't wait to see it cut as well!
  9. Wow they all look gorgous! I bet that cranberry citrus smells sooo yummy! I love that scent and the colors are just beautiful! Super job!
  10. wow thats gorgous! Love the purples, looks so springy...I'm really sorry your sister has had such a rough time, you are one great big sister to pamper her just cause....
  11. thanks everyone!!! well tomorow is the day to try and recreate the Ocean swirlies....I have an order for 4 bars of it.....hope they come out as good!
  12. thanks everyone! Its nice showing the swirlies to people who appreciate how hard they are! LOL No, they are NOT easy, its taken 8 years to be able to swirl like this in MP. I love making loaves and then its always a surprise when you cut into slices. Most of the time a very pleasant one, every now and then, not AS nice a loaf. Now Ann Marie, like you should talk, you make soaps like most professional cake decoraters make cakes! Thats something I most certainlly can't do. And you will get an ocean soap as soon as I make another batch, that full loaf went to a wholesale customer so I hope I am able to recreate it very very close. First time I made a loaf using Peaks Ocean, what a nice scent. And yes, I almost always use both clear and white soaps both when swirling, dont think that has anything to do with it, I just like the bigger contrast. I've also done swirlies using both clear in varying colors. Tle apple is done in white bases only, the green is an oxide.
  13. thanks for the compliment! As for the mold, they are just regular baking silicone molds. I love them but do wish I could get those same molds double the size so I could make less loaves! So easy to unmold, I also use regular wood molds and line with freezer paper. oh and btw, the cinnamon vanilla is also in the same mold but that one has the wavy part on the bottom.
  14. I don't think I've ever actually posted any soaps so I decided it was time to post a few of my newest swirlies. Made these 2 last week! They are MP. Green is Apple, the blue is Ocean. Sorry if they are a bit big....still figuring this out. I resized them smaller but not sure if they are small enough. Here's a few more...
  15. sweetcakes rose is similar and very very good, its called True Rose, I like them equally and have both. They are different but equally as real and beautiful. These are the only 2 roses I have ever liked. They smell like the flower vs smelling like a fragrance if that makes any sense.
  16. thanks Carol, the grammas yummy pumpkin from BW sounds good - have to put out an ISO an oz or even 1/2 oz, got any? thanks for the suggestion!
  17. anyone know of anything that fits that category???
  18. I get very few scents from JS but this is a must have one for me. I really really like their cranberry sauce.
  19. I think AH one is really really good, but I haven't tried others to compare. One of those, when you love something and its reasonably priced, why go elsewhere!
  20. honeysuckle & rose is really nice!
  21. love their Sandalwood, Tahiti Sweetie & Lily of the Valley!
  22. I personally think SC has the BEST dupe of them all!
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