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Everything posted by GourmetSoy

  1. You're very welcome! I'm picky when it comes to lotion and to tell you the truth KY's was too greasy for me. Personal preference though. This is also much more smooth than the soy whip. The description has all the info you need to mix. I use the hand mixer and mix it 50/50 with distilled water(make sure you use distilled) but you can mix a thinner lotion also for bottles. The 50/50 mix is good to spoon into jars. Here's the link: http://www.naturesgardencandles.com/candlemaking-soap-supplies/item/yogurt/-Yogurt-Multi-Base-Lotion--1-Pound.html
  2. Vickey never answered if it was coming back or not and I know it's been asked on the message board. It was never consistent like it was way back when(not Vickey's fault), so I went searching for another body butter to replace it because I couldn't wait. I ended up loving NG's yogurt lotion and it's very versatile! You can make everything with that stuff! Plus you save on shipping since you mix it with distilled water at at least 50/50 ratio. Less weight to ship! Just started testing it and will be adding to my site shortly. LOVE IT! It feels great on your skin and even 50/50 it's not greasy. I hate greasy lotion, it makes me break out and feel like I need to wash my hands after I use it. Good price too!
  3. creamy coconut from NG!
  4. "I'd like mine extra strong please!" Like I have varying strengths. Let me just wave my magic wand! I give crappy ones to those who don't ask.:rolleyes2
  5. BCN's Vanilla Bean Supreme is awesome! I have a sample of vanilla bean from NG coming in a couple of days and I'll let you know how they compare.
  6. That's odd, I've always had good experience with them though it's been a while since I've had to order from there. Did you have that particular oil on your invoice as ordered? I would call customer service and speak to them to see how it can be resolved. Good luck!
  7. NG has 7up pound cake, you could add a little cherry to it.
  8. I think I've always gotten that notice when I go to sign in, not sure why. I just ignored it because I trusted WSP and that the security was indeed up to date. Here is the message I get when I click to sign on: "There is a problem with this website's security certificate The security certificate presented by this website has expired or is not yet valid. The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website's address. Security certificate problems may indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any data you send to the server. We recommend that you close this webpage and do not continue to this website." I took it as they may have a different website address for this certificate on record.
  9. WSP has been posting about this on the facebook page. I think Debbie has been working on this for some time. There is a post with info on the wsp facebook page from Feb 24th. If I hadn't just renewed I would be definitely checking it out.
  10. yeah really, apparently she thinks I'm a real dumb*ss! You called dibs, you can have the top bunk. Someone else pointed out she can't do anything because we gave her credit for her stupid email. I'm sure we won't be going to the pokey but hey, at least I won't have to cook!
  11. Seems she hasn't gotten the hint! I've blocked her email address now since she emailed me several times threatening me with her lawyer if I didn't remove this post. Apparently she was PO'd that I copied her entire email here and claims copyright infingement:laugh2: Still haven't gotten any mail from that lawyer:) Got another request for free samples the other day and one from a lady doing a bingo party that wanted wholesale prices because she'd be "ordering at least 3 times." WTF? Why do people think they can take advantage of us small time business owners but would never think to pull this on Yankee etc? A couple of weeks ago I got a request for a wholesale account from someone with disabled sports or something wanting to sell my products on a website. Really? He put his return email address as my website address@ his company.com. Strange?
  12. Yes, Daystar has it and it's called Sticky Sweet Candy.
  13. not sure about cp but it disclored to a light strawberry tan color in my body butters.
  14. I have 2 roasters and that's all I use with container and tart wax(soy). In each I keep about a 1/4 inch of water in the bottom when melting my wax. Really it doesn't take that long and you don't have to fill them completely. I turn mine on in the morning and before I know it it's melted. Really easy and holds a lot of melted wax if you're making lots of product that day.
  15. (also posted in another thread about her) I just got an email from her citing this message board and telling me that her emails are copywritten and defamation is illegal. Then I got another one with links to info on copywrite:) Here's a portion of her email since it's copywritten I won't post the entire thing...LOL!!!!:laugh2:She says she wanted all of us to know right?..... "I would just like you and the other people who have so much time to write about me on-line that when I get samples that I don't care for, I actually do THE RIGHT thing and donate them to a woman's shelter in Doylestown, PA. You can even have the name of it, if you'd like. It surely de-values the baskets that I make and the efforts to feel good about donating things that I don't care for to women less fortunate then us." and here's my response back. Copied and pasted in full because I can You are well known on our message boards and we know that's where you get our email addresses from. You are a scammer plain and simple. I've gotten dozens of emails from you and you have never once said anything about donating to the less fortunate, that's a bunch of bull. You copy and paste your own email to everyone because you can't even take the time to type it out? You put the baskets together and WE make the products, you take the credit for YOUR gift baskets? Why don't you try paying for something and you wouldn't be known as a scammer. It is within my right to warn others in my business from getting scammed. Threaten me one more time and I will turn you in as such. You've scammed our email addresses from those very message boards. I can't take the post down now, nor would I do it if I could. I'm not the only one whose posted your emails on the boards and that's not only craft server. You're just mad that you've been found out. Like I said, I have every right to warn others in my business about something that will effect their business. We work very hard for what we do for very little pay. We do it because we enjoy it, have a passion for it and like to make others happy with our products. When people like you are out there scamming for freebies it cuts into our bottom line. You think you're not paying for samples but we are paying for the supplies to make them and in some case to get them to you. I consider what you're doing as steeling. It costs us money!!!! Do not ever contact me again, I've said it before and apparently you didn't listen. If you think you're doing good by donating candles and lotion or whatever you get from us, why don't you think about donating food or clothing. I'm sure they could use that much more.
  16. I just got an email from her citing this message board and telling me that her emails are copywritten and defamation is illegal. Then I got another one with links to info on copywrite:) Here's a portion of her email since it's copywritten I won't post the entire thing...LOL!!!!:laugh2:She says she wanted all of us to know right?..... "I would just like you and the other people who have so much time to write about me on-line that when I get samples that I don't care for, I actually do THE RIGHT thing and donate them to a woman's shelter in Doylestown, PA. You can even have the name of it, if you'd like. It surely de-values the baskets that I make and the efforts to feel good about donating things that I don't care for to women less fortunate then us." and here's my response back. Copied and pasted in full because I can "You are well known on our message boards and we know that's where you get our email addresses from. You are a scammer plain and simple. I've gotten dozens of emails from you and you have never once said anything about donating to the less fortunate, that's a bunch of bull. You copy and paste your own email to everyone because you can't even take the time to type it out? You put the baskets together and WE make the products, you take the credit for YOUR gift baskets? Why don't you try paying for something and you wouldn't be known as a scammer. It is within my right to warn others in my business from getting scammed. Threaten me one more time and I will turn you in as such. You've scammed our email addresses from those very message boards. I can't take the post down now, nor would I do it if I could. I'm not the only one whose posted your emails on the boards and that's not only craft server. You're just mad that you've been found out. Like I said, I have every right to warn others in my business about something that will effect their business. We work very hard for what we do for very little pay. We do it because we enjoy it, have a passion for it and like to make others happy with our products. When people like you are out there scamming for freebies it cuts into our bottom line. You think you're not paying for samples but we are paying for the supplies to make them and in some case to get them to you. I consider what you're doing as steeling. It costs us money!!!! Do not ever contact me again, I've said it before and apparently you didn't listen. If you think you're doing good by donating candles and lotion or whatever you get from us, why don't you think about donating food or clothing. I'm sure they could use that much more." what a bunch of CRAP!
  17. I live in Bettendorf too! I get my wax shipped from IL, it's the cheapest.
  18. If you're selling candles you need liability insurance period, it doesn't matter if the customer cares if you have insurance. I personally wouldn't even give them away without it. Also, I really don't want my customers knowing that I have it. If I had to sell my candles for next to nothing to make a sale I wouldn't be doing it at all. There are just some customers that aren't happy unless they can get it for free and those are not the customers you want. They can go to WalMart as far as I'm concerned. Too much time and money is spent on testing etc. Also, when other candlemakers have dirt cheap prices it makes it harder for the rest of us to sell at a reasonable price to make it worth our time to even do it. Good luck in whatever you decide!
  19. Personally it doesn't bother me that anyone else knows my wholesale pricing or the look of my products. You can pretty much guess my wholesale pricing by looking at my retail prices and clearly see the look by going to my website. I don't care if someone copy's the look, it's the scent, fair pricing and customer service that really matter. The only thing that bothers me is taking the time out to create a wholesale account and email them back etc. and they don't order. If you make it too difficult to place a wholesale order then they won't. I know for myself if I have to go to the trouble of faxing stuff etc. I would just find it somewhere else that didn't require it. You can kind of get the feel from someone if they're just fishing for info or they're serious. Don't leave a last name with their info, no message with inquiry etc. That's just me. You'll never get around the fake inquiry's without losing business along the way.
  20. Well, you can't hold everyones hand and make sure they burn your candles right:) Sounds like your wick is right for the jar so you shouldn't have a problem there. This is why it's important to have insurance. We've all had those customers that don't listen to anything you tell them! Ones that will tell you they leave a candle burning when they leave the house because they like to smell it when they come home or leave one burning overnight fot the same reason. You can tell them and tell them not to do it but they will anyhow. I'll usually let mine burn longer (powerburn) when testing than I tell my customers just to make myself feel better. It can be frustrating can't it?
  21. NG's snickerdoodle latte is great in soy, heavier on the coffee. To me this smells similar to BCN's turkish hazelnut latte closeout that's gone now. Great hot throw!
  22. I use 8oz. paper coffee cups from Sams, mix wax scent and color in them and pinch the edge to pour. You have to make sure you get the cups for hot beverages, ask me how I know:)
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