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Everything posted by Tess

  1. The only one I have tried is Peaks and it is AWESOME!!! One of my best sellers ALL year round.
  2. Damn . I guess I lack the program and the patience. Maybe Ill put it on my wish list for Santa! Thanks Prairie
  3. Do you think it could possibly be an allergy to candles? NOT necessarily the wax itself? Or maybe you are allergic to paraffin. I say this because DH and his family have all kinds of health problems. DH has severe allergies, and asthma, his mom and dad have bad allergies. His brother has severe bronchitis, plus sever allergies, and my grandpa has emphysema, and ALL of them burn my stuff on a continual basis. None of them have any complaints of their conditions getting better or worse.
  4. Okay How do I get the transparent look? I hate having to worry about an actual back ground on my pics. I am no photographer lol!!
  5. I love the look. MAy I ask how you did your pictures? Especially of the wax melters. I like the look of the melter against the background of your site. how did you do that?
  6. I took a chance and ordered 2# per your suggestions. OOB it was soooo nasty, I was like crap. So I FINALLY poured it tonight. Let me say it smelled better as I was pouring it, and as it is setting up, WOW!! I LOVE it. If it keeps getting better like it is going at this rate, I am going to love it when I test it!! Yahoo!! Thanks all!!:smiley2:
  7. I think it really depends on your variables. If you wick properly you should get minimal to no smoke and soot, and an even burn. My hex jars burn for 75-80 hours, evenly with a 1/2 melt pool, no smoking or soot (unless marthon burned with no trimming). HTH
  8. You see I may be the weirdo, but I like a bit of a shrrom. I'll ask customers now and then if they are trimming their wicks, and they say "Yes I trim that little thing on the tip of the wick before I light it everytime" LOL they aren't complaining but at least I know they are trimming, Besides it also helps me sell more wick trimmers lol!
  9. No not dumb I just didnt get ya. Mine smell the same weather they shroom or not.
  10. VS. What? One that doesn't? Okay I think I get what your saying... Does a candle throw better without the mushroom right? I don't think the shroom has anything to do with the throw.
  11. You see one reason I do not take any of these "articles" into consideration is this: It is strictly a matter of the authors opinion. If the author believes soy wax to be "safe" well you can bet your bottom dollar that he is going to publish an article that is at least subliminally biased. IF Paraffin was so dangerous than we would not be allowed to sell it. Or we would have limitation on who we sell it to like alcohol. So that is why I don't exactly take into consideration, the .gov sites either. Heck if the government thought it was dangerous, you can BET they would put limitation and taxes on it! I think the soy wax thing is like organics. It is a matter of belief and lifestyle. It's a fad IMO. Some peeps will believe ANYTHING written down or published. And everyone loves a controversy. I agree with Chad, not only do you have to take into account the fuel used to harvest and extract the components of the soybeans, but there is also shipping it. On another note, I have gotten a couple of candles from some very impressive and accomplished soy makers, and both of theirs smoked and sooted. I did not marathon, or do anything out of the ordinary. Yet they smoked more than my paraffin candles. Just a thought.
  12. Okay I guess it would really depend on how the candle was made. BUT WHY would anyone want something like this? So I get to thinking. Anyone stupid enough to store matches in a candle, cannot be smart enough to remember to not wick all the way down to the match box. I am willing to bet they used a wick-stick-em to glue their wick to the matchbox :rolleyes2
  13. I like Peaks liquid dye. I have tried alabasters and didnt really care for them. Lone Stars, and the dropper always deteriorated, but the colors are good. I just tried bittercreeks and I am liking them too so far. Liquid Dyes are so messy though. I get that stuff EVERYWHERE!!!
  14. Yep I get mine from candlewic too. They are definately worth the price. But don't get them if you need them ASAP. They take a long time for them to make and ship the mold to you.
  15. I wouldn't say bashing. Just because someone has had a bad experience, and is telling others about it, is not bashing. I for one have tried numerous oils. Even ones with the little "blue ribbon" that is their top sellers. I have also tried some of the ultimates. They do throw well, but nothing was accurate compared to other suppliers. 90% of the oils I got smelled really rank. As for the customer service, what are the possibilities of us all getting the same service? Maybe I just called on too many "bad days".
  16. I wish I could help ya. I have no idea though. What wick are you using now and what is it that is not working? Is it the soot? Well you will probably get soot like that in that long of a jar especially if the opening is smaller that the body. MAybe try adding some veggie wax or BW. BW will also help it burn long like you said without the HUGE flame. I was burning one of my BW bends yester day and forgot about it before I went to bed. It burned fine for like 12 hours lol. No soot and it never got too hot. HTH--Tess
  17. I am going to call mine Black Razz-illa
  18. Waaaahhhh. It is a j223/beeswax blend. I am burning one now to see if the sweetness of the BW will help. I hope DH's nose is working today :embarasse
  19. I bought a tealight mold and I absolutely love it!!
  20. Okay I need ya'lls noses. Whenever I make Peaks Fruit SLices i always smell a fuely smell. So I add a hint of vanilla. I recently sent out 2 cases of the stuff to a wholesaler,and forgot the vanilla . So my question is, am I just paranoid or have candlenose, or do ya'll have to add vanilla too. I am hoping I do not have to call him and tell him to pull these. How embarassing.
  21. The important thing here is weather you go thick or thin do lots and lots of testing to be sure. I dont think it really matters who uses what really. I have had some yankmee jars crack actually. I have heard of the jars I use cracking for some peeps, but I have never had a problem in the past year. (I do not really sell these yet either, I just tinker with them) I think what is most important is not only the jar but the variables too. Like I said some peeps on this board said the WM jars broke, but if they over wick, well DUH!! You just have to do your individual testing and see what works for ya.
  22. Unfourtunatly I have to agree. I remember having a few issues with somethings. When I called them on like 3 different occasions, I got the feeling of either they did not care, or that I was "wasting" thier time. I even want to say when I first started ordering from them, I even got an answer like they were "really busy" or something like that. I felt it was rude and I cut my ordering list from them dramatically. OH yeah there was once they sent me zinc cored wick with out the zinc core lol!! She wanted me to send it back and pay for the return shipping lol! All I get from them are wicks and one certain FO. IMO their FO's smell bad. MAybe its just the ones I tried but they were all fuely. When I called them I was told to add vanilla to everything :rolleyes2
  23. This might not be a great idea. Most shows who are serious enough to charge that much aren't going to allow free solicitation on their behalf. Besides IMO it is just not good biz ethics. It would be different if you were like at a park or something.
  24. My booth fee ranges 500.00-650.00 for a 10x15. I did pretty well.:smiley2:
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